Our Year 2 Ospreys are Working Together like Birds of a Feather

Our Year 2 Osprey Class are ‘working together like birds of a feather.’
See how our class animal, the osprey, helps us with our learning. Listen to our ‘Meet the Parts of our Brain’ song. We hope you enjoy our presentation.

World Osprey Week Update / DEMA Photo Competition

osprey-childrens-park-mar-20151.jpgCheck out the latest news on this year’s recent World Osprey Week.  We get a mention and it’s lovely to see what other schools around the world have been up to.


Thank you to our Year 4 photographer for passing on the brilliant photos.  Great inspiration for the up-coming DEMA photographic competition that is running from 22 April – 22 May 2015.   Take a look at our last year’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winning entries.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to get out and interact with our natural environment and I look forward to see some wonderful photos!



Next Week is World Osprey Week

wow-2015-logoNext week is World Osprey Week and we are reminded of our dedicated week of learning connected with this last year.   Please take the opportunity to go out with your family to observe our local ospreys over this week and continue to promote the conservation of these majestic birds who live amongst us here in the TCI.  There are a number of osprey nests to visit – at The Bight Children’s Park, in Grace Bay, Leeward and at South Bluff.

If you would like to reminisce on the activities we did last year at school then  please take a look through our blog posts.  You can also find out about WOW 2015 at www.ospreys.org.uk  and follow interactive maps that track ospreys as they migrate around the world.

This year, our local week study will focus on Sharks.  This will take place next term during 20th-24th April.


Ospreys have been spotted on our adopted nesting platform

osprey-childrens-park-12-10-14The news that ospreys have been spotted on our adopted nesting platform in the Children’s Park has been received with great excitement.   Ospreys were first seen at the site last week, gathering nesting materials and building their nest.  It’s a wonderful community place to see ospreys living amongst us and we hope they will be happy with this busy location – hold on tight to your fish on ‘Fish Fry’ night!

During World Osprey Week earlier this year in March, our Year 2 children went to see the platform being erected.  It was a joint venture between Fortis TCI and DEMA and was inspired by Provo Primary School alerting them to the World Osprey Week celebrations.

We look forward to watching the ospreys and hope that eggs and chicks will soon follow.

World Osprey Week – A Fantastic Week of Learning!

wow-march-2014-10Thank you to everyone at the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust for organising this wonderful WOW celebration and encouraging us to learn more about the ospreys that live here in our islands. The week has been a great success and the interest of the children and the support community has been amazing. A true example of learning at its best!

Click on the image left to see some photos of the week’s events and fantastic art work and continue reading all about our different osprey activities below…

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Yr 5 enjoy an outstanding osprey presentation

DSC04639Year 5 had a real treat this Thursday! We were lucky enough to enjoy the expertise of Mr Terry Richardson  who is a keen photographer of birds. He showed us an amazing collection of osprey photos which really ‘told the story’ of an Osprey’s life cycle, something we have been studying recently. The background detail Mr Terry gave to every picture was so interesting and all the children thoroughly enjoyed the talk as well as the truly awe-inspiring close-ups he has been able to photograph! Please come back again to show us more of your nature photos!

Migrating ospreys fly close to TCI

yr-3-ospreys-march-2014-11What a fabulous week we all had learning so much about the amazing life of an Osprey bird. We discovered lots of fascinating facts! For instance did you know that the wing span of an osprey can be as long as 1.82meters (around 6 feet)? The females are bigger than the males. They lay between 2 to 4 eggs each year and they migrate to the same place.  We wonder if the new osprey nesting platform, that was put up this week at The Bight Park, will become a new nesting place for a new pair of ospreys, we hope so!

We were also introduced to Belle. An American Osprey that migrated to Brazil for the winter months and is at this very moment making its way back to the US. Belle actually flew very near to us in the TCI on her journey back. We found out that she flew over 700 miles in 36 hours – how impressive is that! We decided to make some friends for Belle so we made some of our own ospreys. Check out our photos and meet Olive, Rainbow, Oscar, Otis, Freddy, Ricky, Sherman, Dotty, Oreo, Penny, Bed Head and Bucky the Year 3 Dolphin Ospreys – have fun! Click ‘read more…’ to see lots of photos  of the children creating their ospreys.

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Osprey class watch new osprey nesting platform go up

yr-2-osprey-trip-26-03-14 (7)Wow!  What an amazing opportunity the Year 2 Osprey class got to be part of this week!  As part of World Osprey Week Fortis teamed up with DEMA and built an artificial osprey platform and we were fortunate enough to watch it being erected in the Children’s Park in the Lower Bight.

We all watched with open mouths as a digger was used to lift the heavy wooden pole, with an attached platform and crate at the top, into a deep hole in the ground.  We then crossed the road and visited the Environmental Centre, where we got to learn about the other wildlife we are lucky enough to have in and around our island.

To complete our Osprey field trip we went to Smiths Beach where an osprey platform has already been successfully erected and ospreys have moved in and made it their home.  Sadly, there was a lot of litter immediately surrounding the nest and, knowing how bad it can be not only for ospreys but all wildlife, the Yr 2 children did a small litter pick in the hope that it might make a small difference to the ospreys nesting there.

We had a fantastic field trip and felt very privileged to be part of this unique, special day.

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What would you like to find out about ospreys?

World Osprey Week began this morning with a welcoming display of newly purchased osprey books on our stage.  Classes have enjoyed the opportunity to come out to read together over the day and to find out more about ospreys.   Children and adults alike were encouraged to write down questions which were then pinned onto our display board.  As the day went on more and more questions appeared.  It was interesting to listen as children and adults discussed what they thought the answers were.  We were delighted to see that there is certainly some pre-existing knowledge amongst us, but clearly there is still lots to learn about this majestic bird. What an exciting week of discovery we have ahead of us!

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Class Osprey Art Competition

osprey-smiths-reef-TCI-22-02-14To celebrate the first ever ‘World Osprey Week’, Provo Primary School and DEMA will be holding a Class Osprey Art Competition for Year 2 to Year 6.

Use pencils and coloured pencils to create a drawing of an osprey.  You can choose to draw a close up of an osprey, focus in on its head or talons, draw an osprey in a nest, flying or hunting, draw a scene from a distance…the choice is yours, be as creative as you can.

Certificates will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each class.
There will also be a small prize for the 1 place winners.

Remember that we have some special, new osprey books in the library which you make like to use to inspire your art work.  You also might like to visit an osprey nesting site this weekend to see a real osprey.

Click on ‘read more’ to see some photos to help inspire your artwork.

All artwork needs to come into school next week by Thursday 27 March.

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World Osprey Week – 24th – 28th March

osprey-smiths-reef-TCI-22-02-14Did you know that it is first ever World Osprey Week during the week of 24th – 28th March?  This is an exciting opportunity for families and schools to learn more about our local ospreys, to follow the amazing migratory journeys of satellite-tagged ospreys around the world and to make contact with schools on  migratory flyways.  Check out Rutland Ospreys website for more details and see our school as one of the Osprey Flyways Project Schools

Here in the Turks and Caicos we are fortunate to have ospreys nesting close to the beach for us to observe.  With ample food all year long, our sub-species lives here throughout the year. Why not plan a family trip to one of the nesting sites in Turtle Cove or Leeward to watch these majestic birds of prey.



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Things are heating up in Osprey Class!

yr-2-science-march-2014 (6)Did you know that materials often change when they are heated?  Well, Osprey class do now!  Last week we took Science into the kitchen and got to see just what happens when you heat certain types of food materials.  We also got to use our Maths skills by weighing out the ingredients before we mixed them!



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Happy Chinese New Year from Osprey Class!

yr-2-chinese-new-year-jan-2014-1To celebrate Chinese New Year, our Year 2 Osprey’s have been learning through all things Chinese.  In our ICT lesson we researched Chinese crafts and made a collage of the Chinese flag.  In numeracy we played Chinese number games and in literacy we made story maps and retold the story of Chinese New Year.  On ‘New Years Eve’ we followed tradition and swept all the bad luck out of the Osprey classroom ready to receive good luck that the New Year would bring in.  On New Years Day we all wore red (a symbol of good luck for the future) and had a surprise traditional meal of noodles which we ate with chopsticks!  Each child also received a red envelope with a good luck token for a prosperous year.  Osprey’s have really enjoyed learning about and experiencing another culture, pay us a visit to find out more!


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It’s ‘Dolphin Week’ next week at Provo Primary and Middle School!

Find out more about our Dolphin Week activities and all about our community friends who will be supporting us in our newsletter.

Each year we dedicate a week to learning about wildlife in our local environment.  Dolphin Week follows on from our successful Osprey, Shark, Dolphin and Flamingo  weeks in years past (all corresponding to the names of our classrooms).

This year we will be discovering more about dolphins and learning why they are important in our ecosystem, conservation projects here in the TCI and how we can play a role in their protection and preservation.


Year 7 Explore TCI’s Salt Industry history

Our Year 7 students set out to explore the TCI’s history this week with a trip to Grand Turk and Salt Cay. What better way to bring the Turks and Caicos Salt Industry to life than with a visit to the salinas of two of our nation’s salt islands?!

15 excited students set off from Provo airport for two days packed with first-hand experiences linked to the period of salt production, which spanned nearly 300 years.

After flights and a boat ride, the 5 hours spent on Salt Cay couldn’t have been more packed! Children were treated to a guided tour from the Deputy D.C. of Salt Cay, Mr Hamilton, and were fortunate to have his insight and knowledge to guide us throughout the day. His technical knowledge of the canal systems and how the industry operated was invaluable to our understanding of the process of salt production. More importantly, his passion for the island was infectious and we couldn’t help but learn form his wonderful stories. Under his guidance, we took a walking tour of the salt ponds and saw real examples of all the things we had been learning about in class.

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Fabulous Flamingo Week 2017 Artwork and Learning

Did you know –  flamingoes’ legs can sometimes be longer than their entire body? Flamingoes can also live up to 30 years old, and sometimes even 50 if they live in a protected place away from predators. To attract a female flamingo, the male flamingoes perform a synchronized dance whereby they stand together stretching their necks upwards, uttering calls while waving their heads and flapping their wings? We all had fun trying to imitate this dance in Year 3. We wondered if the flamingoes laughed and had as much fun as we did…what beautiful happy birds they are!

Each year, we dedicate a week to learn in-depth about the local wildlife in our environment here in the Turks and Caicos. This year we are exploring the world of Flamingoes. In previous years we have studied ospreys, sharks and turtles.  These are all extra special to us here at Provo Primary as our classes are named after these local animals.  Each year, we invite local experts in to talk to us and share their knowledge of the animals, their habitats here in the TCI and about why it is important for us to protect them.

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Newsletters and Topic Maps 2016-2017

School and class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in the school and in your child’s class.

Access important information, note future upcoming dates and events and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

School Newsletters





Class Newsletters & Curriculum Topic Maps

Whales – Toddlers


Term 1 






Term 2

This week in toddlers 16.1.17


Term 3

This week in toddlers 23.4.17


Sharks – Preschool


Term 1 



Term 2



Term 3


Pelicans – Junior Kindergarten

JK-class information booklet-sept-2016-17

Term 1 




Term 2



Term 3



Geckos – Kindergarten


Term 1





 Term 2



Term 3


Hummingbirds – Year 1


Term 1



Term 2



Term 3

Yr 1 Newsletter April 2017

Yr-1- Animals and Plants of The Turks and Caicos Islands-topic-map-april-2017

Ospreys – Year 2


Term 1



Term 2



Term 3



Dolphins – Year 3


Term 1



Term 2



Term 3



Flamingos – Year 4


Term 1



Term 2



Yr-4-ancient-rome-topic map-feb-2017

Term 3


Y4 Summer Newsletter 2017

Turtles – Year 5


Term 1



Term 2



Term 3

Yr-5-newsletter and topic map-summer-2017

Iguanas – Year 6


Term 1



Term 2 



Term 3


Creativity feeds creativity!

Year 1Pirate ships, rockets, teepees, mud pies and more…

Traditionally, each year the children contribute to our annual PTA fundraiser by creating pieces of artwork to be auctioned. This year they are especially excited to be involved as proceeds from this Saturday’s event at Mango Reef will go towards enhancing our school playground.

In collaboration with the PTA, we hope to build a magical playground brimming with opportunities for more imaginative and creative play.

To help make our dreams a reality, we would like to tap into our diverse community expertise and businesses as much as possible. PTA/School funds will be utilized to pay for these local supplies and services.

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Year 2 are definitely not ‘dragon’ their feet in our poetry lessons

yr-2-dragon-poetry-march-2016This week Osprey class have become poets and used the story of ‘George and the Dragon’ as their inspiration… well, the dragon in particular. After painting and decorating our own dragons, we used them as our focus for a variety of different poetry styles.

We first wrote poems using descriptive language, in particular similes. Did you know a simile is when you compare one thing to another? When you read our poems you will spot them as quick as lightning.

After that we used our senses to describe our dragons…we thought about what we would see, hear, smell, feel and taste if we met a real life dragon.

And then finally we thought about the dragon we sometimes feel ‘inside of us’ and how we would describe it.

We hope you enjoy reading our poems and please do pop in to see the rest of our work.

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Great Sportsmanship at the TCIRFU TAG Rugby Competition

rugby-dec-2015-8-(8)On Saturday 5th December Provo Primary for fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the annual TCIRFU TAG rugby competition for all the schools on the island. This term the children in Years 1-6 have been developing their TAG Rugby skills with Mr. George, together with Courtney Tinkler from the TCIRFU. A big thank you to Courtney for all the fantastic help and resources she has provided. The children have all enjoyed this tremendously.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank the TCIRFU for offering this support to our school programme.

Provo Primary were able to field two teams in the competition, comprised of children from Year 3 – 6 – Provo Primary Ospreys and Provo Primary Pelicans.  Both teams played well throughout the tournament with both reaching the finals for a fantastic head to head game.

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Year 2 write missing blurbs for Eric Carle’s books

As part of our new Y2 Minibeast topic, we have looked at many books by acclaimed and beloved author and illustrator, Eric Carle. For those of you who haven’t heard of him, his best known work is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Did you know that he has also illustrated more than seventy books, most of which he wrote himself?

Mrs. Rachel’s has an extensive collection so we have been fortunate to be able to read many of his books. Some of them fit perfectly with our topic include The Grouchy Ladybug, The Very Quiet Cricket and The Very Busy Spider.

After A LOT of reading, we discovered that quite a few of Carle’s books don’t have blurbs (a short description of a book appearing on the back cover).  This is something that we look at every time we read a new book, so we took it upon ourselves to write some for him.

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Year 2’s Outstanding ‘Open House’

yr-2-open-house-nov-2015 (7)After a fantastic first term in Y2, Osprey class decided it would be a great opportunity to show off all their hard work to their parents.

After many weeks learning about ourselves and completing tasks individually, in small groups and as a whole class it was time to celebrate how much we had achieved since September.

Some of the things we have enjoyed:

  • Creating a self portrait (see previous Y2 Blog)
  • Naming and labelling the continents and oceans that surround us and where we were born
  • Story telling about our homes
  • Learning ‘how to fill a bucket’ (why not read Have you filled a bucket today? by Carol McCloud and you’ll know what we’re talking about!)
  • And many many other things!

So our parents came along for an open house and we think they thoroughly enjoyed looking through our books, at our work on display and seeing exactly what we had been up to in Y2. We look forward to welcoming them again soon!

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Have you really looked at your face recently?

yr-2-self-potraits-oct-2015-11As part of our first Year 2 topic of 2015, Osprey class has been learning all about ourselves. We have researched where we were born, where we live, what food we should each and how much exercise we should do. It has been really fun learning about us and, as part of our Art lessons with Miss Rachel, we have spent a lot of time and effort creating our own self-portraits.

It sounds easy but it actually takes a lot of skill to make sure all the parts of your face are in the right place. We started by touching our faces and feeling what parts were where…which was actually quite strange! We then used mirrors to keep checking what our faces ‘really’ looked like and not just what we ‘thought’ they looked like.


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Yr. 2’s Amazing Museum Success!

yr-2--tci-museum-may-2015 (5)What a fantastic Friday afternoon at Provo Primary School! After completing a two week project, the children of Osprey class were able to open the doors to the Yr. 2 Class Museum!

The children were set the task of turning their classroom into an interactive museum. But it couldn’t just have any old thing in it…it had to be something ‘interesting, unique or even surprising that is or was from any of the Turks and Caicos Islands.’

Over 19 exhibits later (all with information sheets or posters to accompany them) and we were set for our Grand Opening! Did you know that Grand Turk has a lighthouse? It hasn’t been lived in for some years and is now used for whale watching. Would you believe the sand piles in the Turks and Caicos were originally mistaken for igloos? Some of the other contributions included lemon grass, the turks head cactus, sea fans, driftwood, straw baskets and many more.

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Talk4Writing: Storytellers, puppeteers and writers in Year 2!

Our Year 2 class have been busy inventing their own stories over the past month, thanks to their shared Talk 4 Writing text: “The Papaya that Spoke”.
Notice in the video how students learned and played with the original story with the use of actions, intonation and a home-made puppet show. All of this rehearsal enabled students in the class to explore the shared text and build confidence in retelling the complete story.
This confidence was essential for children to begin adapting the text for their own writing. By changing settings and characters, children were able to create an entirely new version of the story, complete with a surprise ending!  Click on ‘Read more’ to read some of the stories.

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