Shark Week at Provo Primary

shark-stanley-bookEach year we dedicate a week to learning about wildlife in our local environment. Shark week follows on from our successful Osprey Week last year.  This week across the school, classes are investigating sharks.

We would like to thank all the community members who will be offering their expertise.

On Wednesday, David Gallardo (photographer) will be sharing his amazing photography and diving with shark experiences with Jk – Yr2.

On Thursday, Tina Randall (Shark Defenders), Jackie Walker (Amanyara Nature Discovery Centre) and Amy Avenant (DEMA) will be joining together with our Yr. 1-6 teachers to offer a morning of shark activities that the children will rotate through. Activities will include: fact finding, crafts, poetry and drama.

Bring your cameras on Friday and take some family photos with the Stanley Shark photo board.

Find out more about Stanley Shark and what you can do to help protect sharks at

Healthy Reefs Need Sharks!

yr-2-sharks-dec-2014 (9)Healthy Reefs Need Sharks!  This is what Year 2 learnt when Jackie, from Amanyara’s Nature Discovery Centre, came into Osprey class last week. We were lucky enough to look at some photographs of sharks that live in and travel through the Turks and Caicos Islands, as well as hear a story about Shark Stanley and his friends, Waqi the Whitetip, Manta Reigna, and Pierre the Porbeagle who battle to save the Coral Reef.

Jackie at Amanyara’s Nature Discovery Centre is working alongside DEMA and other individuals to raise awareness of how important sharks are, not only to the ocean worldwide but our waters in the TCI.  She says “We are trying to get the word out in TCI about why we should care about our sharks, why they’re important, and trying to find out what people think about sharks. Conservation is key, and we want to eventually educate the community about how we can do that.”

Osprey class were left with a lot to think about – our opinions of sharks, and the impact they have on the oceans around us, have really changed for the better.

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Provo Primary are potty about Potcake Place!

yr-2-potcake-place-oct-2014-1-4.jpgAs part of our All About Me topic, Osprey class were lucky enough to visit Potcake Place. But why? Well, in Year 2 we have been learning how to look after ourselves. We discovered you have to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly.

So, why Potcake Place? Well, we wanted to know if puppies are the same. Do they need a balanced diet? What is a balanced diet for a puppy? Do they need 10 hours sleep like we do? Do they need to exercise every day?

Luckily thanks to the amazingly helpful, informative and patient staff at Potcake Place we found out all the answers to the above and LOTS more!



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Do you know how to read instructions?

Do you know how to read instructions? Well, Osprey class do!  We have been learning, not only how to read instructions but to write them too.

Using Talk for Writing Yr 2 learnt the type of language, the layout and the features of an instructional text all through pictures and actions.  Ospreys practised these and can now use them to write their own instructions.

Did you know that you need to use bossy verbs like decorate, stick, mix, slice and put?  Also you need to use sentence openers like first, next, after that, then and finally.

Next week, we will be writing instructions for making a fruit salad as part of our All About Me topic and food for a tea party with The Tiger Who Came to Tea.

Keep checking our blog for pictures of our instructions and the things we make.

Year 2’s TCI Museum Opens its Doors to the Public

yr-2-tic-museum-june-2014-(6)For those of you who haven’t been down to the Y2 end of the school recently, you won’t have seen the amazing transformation that has occurred. What was once the Osprey classroom has now become the Osprey Museum!

As part of their homework project the Osprey children had to bring in a ‘museum piece’. It could be ANYTHING they wanted as long as it was from the Turks and Caicos Islands! It’s safe to say that no one expected such a wide range of items. We had everything from shells found on the beach to fanner baskets from North Caicos, a TCI stamp to a toy rock iguana, a sea fan to real life hermit crabs!!! You read right, we had real life hermit crabs in a crabitat!

Both parents and children alike got to visit the museum last week. It was great to see the Year 2 Ospreys being so brave and showcasing their knowledge by telling their audiences all about their objects!

If you haven’t been down yet please take some time to pop in and talk to the Osprey children about their amazing collection of TCI exhibits. And the best bit is…you get in for FREE!

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Thank you DEMA and Fortis TCI. Ltd

fortis-thanks-march-2014Our Year 2 class wrote thank you letters to DEMA and Fortis TCI. Ltd to thank them for working together to install the new Osprey nesting platform in the Children’s Park in the Bight.  Here are a couple of examples.  Saying thank you is an important skill to instil and we were pleased to get a prompt reply…

Dear Miss Jones,

The letters from the students are simply WONDERFUL!! Thank you so much for sharing them. We are so happy to have been able to partner with DEMA and make this event possible for the students to witness. Hopefully they will soon get to see an Osprey in its new home.

We have a few staff that will see you all tomorrow for the clean-up. 🙂

Best regards,

Talisha Simons|Manager of Corporate Communications | FortisTCI.Limited

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‘Wildlife Digital Photo Contest’ Winners

wildlife-photo-competition-1st-prizeIt’s  a ‘grand slam’ for Provo Primary School in the ‘Wildlife Digital Photo Contest’, with winners in first, second and third place. Congratulations, what a wonderful achievement for our young photographers!  Announcing the winners in a special assembly was gripping and exciting for all the children.  Unfortunately, our first prize winner was absent so you’ll have to wait until next week to see a photo of our prize winners standing proudly with their photos.  Click on ‘read more,  to see their prize photography.

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Do you trust your friends?

yr-trust-fall-nov-2013 (6)In Osprey class this half term, as part of our PSHCE lessons, we are looking at how to be a good friend.  In our circle times we have talked about what makes a good friend then wrote our ideas on ‘colourful bricks’ to create a Friendship Wall.  Some of our thoughts included:

A friend is someone who…

  • makes us laugh
  • cares for us
  • helps us
  • we can trust
  • we can talk to

To show what good friends we are in Osprey and how much we trust each other, everyone got the chance to try a Trust Fall.  This is an exercise where a person allows themselves to fall from a height and trusts their friends to catch them and stop them from hitting the ground.  Everyone was really brave and had a go and you’ll be pleased to know we are all trustworthy friends and caught each other.

If you want to know how to be a good friend, drop in to Osprey class and look at our Friendship Wall.  Soon there will also be a compliment tree which you will be more than welcome to add a compliment to!

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Year 2 Interview Mrs Helen About Baby Owen

yr-2-miss-helen-sept-2013What a great first week we had in Ospreys!  As you all know we are learning about families this half term.  We started our new topic thinking about what we were like when we were babies and how much we have changed.  We began to start collecting questions about things we might ask a Mummy who had a new baby….and who should walk in?!  Mrs Helen and baby Owen!  What a surprise!



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Year 4 Set Out to Find the Balance between Conservation & Tourism!

yr-4-nwpoint-trip-june-2013-18How can we build resorts that attract tourists without destroying our island’s natural environments? Can we protect our stunning National Parks from damage while encouraging people to visit and enjoy them? Finally, is it even possible to enjoy watching wildlife without making them feel threatened in their natural habitats?

Flamingo Class took the trip to Northwest Point last week to learn about the difficult balance between conservation and tourism. And what a trip it was!



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Is it Fiction or Non-Fiction? Year 1 Find Out!

yr-non-fiction-feb-2013This term, in Osprey class, the Year 1s have been learning how to recognise whether a book or story we read is fiction or non-fiction.  We are remembering that fiction is an entertaining, make-believe story that is not real and non-fiction is true information that gives us facts to explain something.

A non-fiction or information book also has a few other features we have learned about, such as:

  • Contents Page: Contents pages are found at the front of the book. They tell you the page number that you can find information on;
  • Index: The index is at the back of the book. It has key words and tells you where you can find the information in the book. It is in alphabetical order;
  • Glossary: The glossary is at the back of the book. It helps to explain what difficult words mean;
  • Pictures: Pictures are used to give more information;
  • Captions: Captions are next to the pictures. They explain the picture. [Read more…]

Year 1 Growing Investigations

yr-1-growing-jan-2013This term in Osprey Class we are learning about ‘growing’ which means that we get to plant our very own sunflower seeds!  We have been learning that before they can grow, seeds need to germinate. This mean that a seed will produce its first shoot and root using its stored food. Most plants need moisture and warmth to germinate and water, warmth and light to grow.  This means that in order for a plant to stay healthy and grow it needs to be watered and have access to sunlight. We have been wondering what would happen to a plant if it was left without water or sunlight. We have decided to carry out an investigation to find out. We will let you know what we find out…




What makes a Superhero Super?

In our Year 1 Osprey Class, we have been designing our very own superheroes.  We created a checklist of the qualities we expect to see in a superhero as well as a villain. We talked about what makes a superhero and a villain different.  We filled in our superhero’s details, including special powers and known associates. Then we drew a photo of our superhero thinking very carefully about what he or she looks like. We imagined our superheroes in different scenarios and thought about how they would react and what they do. We have created our very own superhero story, thinking very carefully about the beginning, middle and end. We are now beginning to sketch our scenes as a storyboard and then we will add our speech bubbles for our different characters at the end. We are looking forward to sharing our finished comic strips with you!

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Financial Assistance for Turks and Caicos Islanders

Scholarships for Turks and Caicos Islanders

We have a highly diverse population drawn from over twenty countries.  It is central to our mission to include as many Turks and Caicos Islanders as possible in our student body, building strong foundations early in their education and preparing them as future global citizens. This is a wonderful opportunity for children from the island to take advantage of our school environment and be exposed to other children and cultures from around the world. We do not want finances to be a decision in your child not being able to attend our school.  It is therefore our practice to offer assistance to as many qualifying families as we’re able to.

Applicants must:

  • be between Junior Kindergarten and Year 9 age
  • be a Turks and Caicos Islander
  • possess a strong desire to excel both academically and socially.
  • have a proven record of good conduct and academic promise.

If you feel your child/children are eligible, then please contact the Principal or Director to request a Scholarship application form. Your application will be reviewed by the Scholarship Board and a final decision made.  All requests are to be submitted annually and you are encouraged to apply at least three months in advance of the new school year.

Community Funding For Scholarships

We aim to support as many families as possible, who cannot afford to pay our full tuition fees.  Scholarships are based on needs.

Due to our current economic climate, combined with a shortage of places within the government schools, requests for financial assistance are becoming more common. The school itself offers some financial assistance, and we have a few generous individual and corporate sponsors who have greatly assisted us in offering financial assistance to some of our families. Many of our sponsors prefer to remain anonymous and we take this opportunity to thank them collectively for their contributions.

Please click here to download our Scholarship Brochure

Scholarship Newsletter Spring 2014

Osprey Awards

In addition to our anonymous sponsors, the following individuals and businesses have made donations to our scholarship programme for the 2013/14 academic year and have been recognised with our Osprey Award:

We thank them for their support.


Coco Bistro


Nila Destinations


KH Capital

Thank you Everyone !