Shark Conservation Poster Winners

shark-poster-winners-mar-2015What an amazing level of participation – a total of 63 students, from Year 1 right through to year 6, entered the Amanyara Nature and Discovery Centre’s Shark Conservation Awareness Poster competition last week.  The message was clear on every child’s poster – sharks are important to the marine ecosystem and we need to protect them, both here in the TCI and globally!

We were extremely impressed by the high standard of research, aesthetic presentation skills and the phenomenal level of creativity that went into each poster’s design.  Recognition of the time and effort that each child had put into their poster was celebrated in a special assembly on Wednesday and each child received a special certificate – well done, everyone!  All of the posters were displayed around the school and, at the end of the assembly, we all got the opportunity to view them together.

All the posters will be displayed at the Rob Stewart Sharkwater Talk and Screening event at Brayton Hall this Saturday and also at the Turk and Caicos Reef Fund Cocktail Party fundraiser on Wednesday at Provo Golf Club – we hope to see you there at either or both events.  Our Year 5 and 6 students have been invited to a special Sharkwater school presentation this Thursday.

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Keeping Healthy Week – Walk to School

walk-to-school-imageJoin us on Monday morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for our traditional and popular ‘Walk to School’ event.

Meet at the top of the IGA hill for a prompt 8am set off.

Please accompany your child(ren) on the walk. Teachers will be posted at the road crossings along the route.





Keeping Healthy Week – Do you have a Healthy Tech / Life Balance?

screen-time-imageTech to life ratio—What does your family consider a ‘Healthy’ Balance? We often hear the phrase – ’Screen Time or Media Time’, which helps to promote a happy medium that encourages children’s use of technology for learning, development and positive social interaction, while protecting them from developing addictive or compulsive behaviours with technology. During the week we will be exploring this theme through a variety of in-house activities.


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Next Week is World Osprey Week

wow-2015-logoNext week is World Osprey Week and we are reminded of our dedicated week of learning connected with this last year.   Please take the opportunity to go out with your family to observe our local ospreys over this week and continue to promote the conservation of these majestic birds who live amongst us here in the TCI.  There are a number of osprey nests to visit – at The Bight Children’s Park, in Grace Bay, Leeward and at South Bluff.

If you would like to reminisce on the activities we did last year at school then  please take a look through our blog posts.  You can also find out about WOW 2015 at  and follow interactive maps that track ospreys as they migrate around the world.

This year, our local week study will focus on Sharks.  This will take place next term during 20th-24th April.


Sharing our Literacy Teaching and Learning with Parents and Friends

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Thank you to everyone who came along to our recent Literacy Open House Showcases. It was lovely to see our students taking on the lead role and sharing their Literacy learning with other students, parents and visitors through a variety of activities and challenges.
Please enjoy this slideshow, which highlights the variety of activities that took place across the school.

Happy readers enjoy our School Council Book Swap

book-swap-mar-2015 (9)As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the School Council organised a ‘Book Swap’ event. It was lovely to see everyone from Toddlers to Year 6 browsing through the vast collection of donations and happily going home with new books to entertain themselves. My favourite time had to be seeing the face of one of our youngest children beam with an enormous smile when she chose ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, a book they had been reading in class as part of our Talk4Writing initiative. She was so happy!

Thank you to everyone who took part and helped to make this event a success. Our older year School Councilors helped to sort and organise the books into different age-group levels and our younger year School Councilors helped run the event by guiding and helping children with their choices and stamping book tokens. A real team effort!

The School Council will meet this week to decide where to donate the books that were left over at the end of the event. Many of them are picture books for younger readers. If you know of a local school that would benefit from them, do let us know.

We hope to set up an area in the library for future book swaps – so once you have finished reading your books, bring them in and swaps them again!

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Celebrating World Book Day with a Book Character Dress-up

world-book-day-2015-(10)From Paddington Bear, to the Cat in the Hat and Horrid Henry, colourful characters were everywhere to be seen at Provo Primary on World Book Day.  All the children were invited to come dressed up as their favourite story book character and take part a day of fun reading activities. The children enjoyed the opportunity to parade in front of each other, and in their classes talked about their book characters and why they chose to dress up as them. Guest storytellers also came to read stories to the children in our garden area and we even had a teddy bear’s picnic!

We believe that encouraging children to role play through dress up and becoming, for example, The Gruffalo or Elsa from Frozen is beneficial in developing imagination from an early age and a love of reading. Dress-up day certainly has made the children more excited about reading, which is already a real strength of our school.

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Look out for our Talking4Writing Talking Texts!

talking-text-videos-mar-2015This year across the school, we have begun to explore ‘Talk4Writing‘, which is an innovative approach to developing speech and teaching creative and non-fiction writing that is fun, engaging and motivating for children. Following on from our Literacy Week showcase last Friday, we are very excited to share with you, our series of amazing Talking Text videos, which we have recorded across the school. These will be posted weekly on our blog. We hope you enjoy watching them as much as we do!

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Welcome to our Literacy Talk4Writing Showcase

literacy-showcase-mar-2015We invite all parents and friends of Provo Primary School to join us today for our fantastic Open House Literacy Talk4Writing Showcases!

Toddlers – Year 1 @ 8:45 – 9:30 AM
Years 2 – 6 @ 2:15 – 2:50 PM

We encourage you to come to both events to learn more about our Literacy curriculum here at Provo Primary School, and to see how children’s learning progresses through the school.

Each class will have a variety of activity stations set up for you to engage in. Discover how speaking and listening,reading and writing skills develop and progress as your child moves through the school. Learn about Talk4Writing – an innovative approach to teaching creative and non-fiction writing that is fun, engaging and motivating for children.

Download a copy of our Literacy Showcase Brochure and see what exciting activities and learning the children will be demonstrating.

The children are all looking forward to sharing and explaining their learning with you!  We hope to see everyone there.


PTA Beach Day Fun!

pta-beach-fun-day-mar-2015Come and join in the fun at our family beach day with the Sailing Club at The Bight Beach Park on Sunday 8th March from 3-6PM.  The Sailing Club activities will start from 1PM.

Meet new friends as you relax and mingle, dig in the sand and splash in the waves. Feeling energetic? Then why not join in with the Sailing Club family activities and work up  an appetite and thirst for their BBQ and refreshments playing volleyball, sailing and displaying your strength in the Tug’O’War!

An afternoon of opportunities to relax, enjoy team building activities and to have lots of family fun; a winning combination.

We hope to see you there!


Inviting friends to help bring History alive!

int-school-ed-week-mar-2015 (3)Our Year 5 and 6 School Councils Reps were lucky enough to attend a special Education Week ‘Living History’ activity afternoon at another local school yesterday.

Our visit was both  informative and entertaining; a fun afternoon of learning – that truly brought our TCI history and culture to life!

Through this blog post we hope that teachers, classes and families will share in our experiences.  The children also hope to report back to all of our students about their visit in an assembly time, too.

Our thanks to the staff and students of the International School of the Turks and Caicos who gave us such a warm welcome.

So read on to see all the activities we got to do…

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The Exciting Biggest Book Show on Earth Videos!

wbd-earth-online-mar-2015Created especially for the upcoming World Book Day on Thursday 5th March, the EXCITING BIGGEST BOOK SHOW ON EARTH is a series of SHORT VIDEOS starring popular children’s authors, like Chris Riddell, Rachel Renee Russell and Michael Morpurgo.

Virtually’ welcome each author into your home and classroom to hear them talk about different aspects of writing, illustrating and creating.

Each video is no more than 10 MINUTES long. Which video will you watch first?

Check out our Creative Chess Club, Mate!

chess-club-mar-2015 (8)Chess club has been a growing success.  With quite a few beginner players, it’s great to see how they are now starting their games with clear opening moves, more carefully thought-out game play and a clearer idea on how to position their pieces to check mate their opponent.

Alongside learning and developing their knowledge and strategies, they have also been working in partners to create their very own chess sets – using only paper, glue and tape!

A big thank you goes out to our volunteer chess coach, Mr Mark Pankhurst, and Miss Mani for their teaching skills and guidance.

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TCI National Education Week, 2015

tci-crestThe Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports & Library Services cordially invites the general public to celebrate this year’s Education Week: March 1st -6th, under the theme “Unite for Quality Education: Better Education for a Better World”.

This year’s theme song for Education Week 2015 is written by Clement Howell High School Music Department and performed by the staff and students of the schools.


Education Week was established more than 26 years ago to call attention to the importance of education and to showcase the talents of TCI teachers and students.

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World Book Day Book Character Dress-up Day

wbd-2015-1Each year, during our TCI National Education Week, we have a themed week in school – this year our theme will focus on Literacy.  During this week, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 5th March and we invite all children to participate in our Book Character Dress-up Day by wearing a costume that represents a favourite character from the world of books!

Children should bring along a copy of their character’s book, if possible, which they will share with their class and friends. Older children should come prepared to join in with ‘hot seating’ activities, wherein they are asked to answer questions, in the role of their character.

So let’s get creative with our costumes and bring the world of books alive on World Book Day.

Need help with costume ideas…? Then click on ‘read more’ below for some helpful links.

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PTA/School Council Book Swap

pta-book-swap-mar-2015Are you hungry for stories? Looking for a new adventure? Keen for a new Non-fiction theme to explore?  Then swap your old books for new favourites at our PTA/School Council Book Swap on World Book Day (Thursday 5th March).

The book swap works as follows:

1. Each child wanting to participate donates at least one book (in good condition or new) and brings this/these to the donation box in the office by Wednesday 4th March.
2. In return for the donated book/s, the child will receive a book token on which their name and the number of donated books is recorded.
3. On World Book Day, the tokens will be handed out by our School Council reps.
4. The children can then choose a new book(s) from the tables in the gazebo (for each book donated they can choose one to take home) and their token stamped to record their swaps.

It’s simple and fun – what a great way to celebrate World Book Day!

Next Week is Education Week

i_love_literacy_-feb-2015Next week is National Education Week. We are having a Literacy Theme Week with all the classes doing lots of fun learning activities throughout the week.

Thursday is World Book Day and we will be having a ‘Book Character Dress-up’ with children invited to come dressed as one of their favourite book characters.  We will also have a PTA/School Council Book Swap too!

On Friday we invite you to come in and experience our literacy learning at our OPEN HOUSES:
8:45 – 9:30 am: Toddlers, Preschool, JK, K and Year 1 and
2:15 – 2:50 pm: Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

KS1 and 2 will also be sharing the work they have done this term on E-safety.

We hope to see you there.

Design a Poster – Why should we care about sharks?

tci-sharks-mar-2015Did you know that sharks are an important top predator in the ocean and keep the ecosystem in balance? During the week of March 26-29th, 2015 Rob Stewart: director, photographer, and conservationist will be making a special trip to TCI and our older students will have the opportunity to hear him talk about why we should care about sharks? Rob is an active shark advocate. He participates in many global shark conservation campaigns and will be here in TCI to increase education and awareness about the importance of sharks in our environment.

Today in our KS2 assembly, the students were introduced a special poster competition linked to Rob’s visit.  It aims to be a way for students to express their knowledge and love for sharks.  Entries need to be in by next Friday (13th March). 5 posters from our school collection will be chosen by teachers to be entered. Students of winning posters in the overal competition will receive some shark goodies.  They will also be given tickets to Rob’s Community Presentation, at which their poster will be displayed.

Continue reading to see more information about the poster competition and Rob’s Community Shark Presentation that we hope you will be able to attend.

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School Events Newsletter

school-newsletter-image-feb-2015As we return tomorrow relaxed after our mid term break, this newsletter serves to let you know more about the many events and activities coming up in the second half of this Spring term.

There is a lot of information to digest as you read through this newsletter, much of which will be displayed in shorter chunks on our blog if you prefer accessing it in this way.

Either way, be sure to keep on eye on your child’s class noticeboard, along with posters displayed in the walkways, to ensure you are up-to-date with the latest news and know what is coming up, week by week.



Today is Safer Internet Day—“Let’s create a better Internet together”

safer-internet-day-2015Safer Internet Day is organised in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people across the world. Today is the official day this year, but as this is during our mid-term, we will recognise it on our return tomorrow, and through the rest of the week, with a variety of class and mixed-class activities.  Read on to find out more about how you as a parents can support your child to use the Internet safely and positively.

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‘Love Week’ 2015 – Spreading some happiness across Provo Primary

pps-love-week-feb-2015Next week, we will  joining in with Mindvalley’s ‘Love Week’, celebrating the Valentine’s season with a love fest where all of our staff gets a bulls-eye hit by one of cupid’s arrows, and everybody gets to experience a little love and appreciation at the workplace. Making ‘love and care’ a workplace ‘game’, it is an opportunity to show just how much human beings can truly love, connect to one another, appreciate and share happiness together.

How does it work? Every person on the staff is designated with a “human” to play “secret angel” for throughout Love Week. The rules of the game? As a secret angel, you should pamper, treat and surprise your human, and you do this anonymously. Your identity as a secret angel should only be revealed at the end of Love Week.

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Curriculum Topic Maps – Jan 2015

Do you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?

Our topics will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, into our community, back in time to the age of exploration and early settlements, across the world, out to space and into the future!

Early-years -toddlers-story-and-rhyme










It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploration.  If you can support these topics in any way do let us know.

Class Newsletters and Topic Maps, Spring 2015

topic-maps-jan-2015Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our first class newsletters for the new school year.

After-School Clubs, Spring 2015

school-club-imageWe have  new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term, alongside some returning popular ones.  Feeling sporty?  Then how about our ‘TAG Rugby’ or ‘Team Awesome’ clubs.  Find out more about our ‘Check Mate’ club and learn to play chess or develop your strategic moves, or take a closer look at our science based ‘Under the Microscope’ club.  French, Steel Band and Homework clubs will continue – new members welcome.  For our younger members  we also have a delicious ‘Edible Treats’ cooking club and our popular ‘Bit of Everything’ club is back.

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration form for the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish. [Read more…]

Provo Performing Arts School Springs into Action!

provo-performing-arts-school– inspired, dedicated classes for girls and boys – building confident and creative individuals – 

Following on from our Provo Primary After-school Club Programme we are pleased to announce that our affiliated Provo Performing Arts School Programme will be commencing this term.  We hope that together we offer a wide range of activities that will encourage our children active, learning and having fun.  Community members are also welcome to join.

Classes will start on Monday January 12th at Provo Primary School.  In order to manage class sizes, we are not offering drop in rates. Pre-registration is essential.

Please click on our timetable with class descriptions and information. I am also attaching the registration form which can be returned to me by arrangement, or can be dropped into the box at Provo Primary School Admin Office during term time, Monday through Friday between 8am and 4pm.

Best wishes from,
Niki Fowers

Provo Performing Arts School (Affiliated with Provo Primary)