Have you heard Provo Primary has a school of fish?

Developing our breathing techniques.

Developing our breathing techniques.

This half term the children of Provo Primary have been taking part in a series of swimming lessons. The staff have been working hard to create a stream of lessons, which cater for all swimming experiences and abilities for children from Kindergarten right up to Year 6.  There is an ocean of talent in the pool each week!

Provo Primary’s swimming policy enables children to focus on water confidence and moving through the water, to the later stages of finely tuning swimming strokes such as: front crawl, back stroke and breast stroke and developing breathing techniques.

At the start, each year group was carefully assessed and grouped so that they could be taught based on their swimming ability and confidence. The progression so far has been immense and there is still two more weeks of swimming sessions to go!  Please take a look at the photos and get a sneak peak of the activities the children have been doing.

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Take a look at all of our amazing Talk4Writing projects

talk4writingTake look at all of our Talk4Writing projects that we engaged in this year at Provo Primary and find out more about this innovative approach to writing.

We want to say a big “Well done!” to all our teachers for experimenting with this teaching technique throughout the year. As part of our ongoing professional development, teachers did a great job in learning, implementing and evaluating the strategy in their classes.

We hope you have enjoyed the diverse range of quality Talk4Writing projects undertaken and we will look forward to seeing this technique develop in the future!

Click here if you want a quick link to an album of all of our fantastic talking text videos.

Yr 5 explore North and Middle Caicos.

yr-5-north-middle-caicos-trip-may-2015-(5)In Year 6, the children go on a week long field trip to really develop their sense of independence and confidence before they transition to secondary school. In the last few years, I have introduced an overnight stay to North and Middle Caicos in Year 5 as a precursor to the Year 6 trip. It has been hugely successful and this year was no exception! We would like to thank Mr. Mark Parrish from Big Blue for his outstanding local environmental knowledge and our amazing parent helper, Mr Anthony.  We would also like to thank all of the friendly residents of North and Middle Caicos for welcoming and looking after us.

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Parent guides to help you to support your child’s Maths learning.

calculation-policy-imageThese parent guides will help you to see the progression of a child’s understanding of number and calculations from the Early Years through to Year 6. They demonstrate the teaching stages of each of the 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They also include key vocabulary to support each method.
Each guide is designed to assist you with supporting your child at home with their Numeracy learning.  It is often the case that many methods and strategies taught today appear different from those previously used. All children will progress towards using the methods that many adults recognise from their own school days. We do, however, encourage all parents to support their child’s progress through the stages outlined in these parent guides, so that they gain a richer understanding of how complex calculations work. When at home, it is helpful if your child can practice the methods taught in school to ensure the strategies are reinforced effectively.

How do we solve Maths calculations? Our strategies are BIG news!

Last year, when our current Year 5s were in Year 4, the class created a series of Maths videos to demonstrate the strategies and methods we use at school to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations.

These were shared at our recent Maths Calculation Parents’ Workshop and will now be online and forever available as a reference for both parents and children.  If you ever need a reminder, just check out our entertaining newscasts!

Above is our addition video. Click on “Read more” to see videos for subtraction, multiplication and division.

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Talk4Writing: Allow Year 5 to persuade you with “I have a Dream”

Talk4Writing isn’t only about storytelling. As our Year 5 students can demonstrate, this literacy technique is applicable across the curriculum for teaching language techniques in any written genre.

Year 5 students studied the “I have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr. as part of their “Space and Segregation” topic. They were exploring persuasive writing in their literacy lessons and wanted to understand how this famous speech used powerful language and persuasive techniques to emphasize the aims of the Civil Rights protest of 1963. These techniques were then be adapted and re-invented by students in their own powerful, ‘I have a dream’ persuasive writing texts – read on to see some examples.

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Kindergarten and Year 5 Collaborate Creatively!

k-5-moonbuggies-mar-2015 (13)As Year 5 and Kindergarten have both been studying about Space as part of their topics this term, and since both have made moon buggies, this was a wonderful opportunity to work together and share the models they have made!

The K children had been learning how to make moon buggies in the form of a ‘Talking Text’ as part of our school initiative on ‘Talk for Writing’. So in groups of four, the Year 5s were given a set of instructions to follow by the K children. If they followed the instructions correctly, they would have made their moon buggy!

The Year 5s had already designed and made their very own moon buggies with Mrs Charlotte, so it was a wonderful opportunity for the children to explore different designs and materials used, and to play together.

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KS2 Gym and Basketball Showcase

KS2-pe-showcase-feb-2015-gym-(10)On Tuesday, Key Stage 2 took part in our highly successful annual PE showcase. The children modeled all the skills that the KS2 teaching team have taught them in this half term in gymnastics and basketball.

The children of Years 3 and 4 were showcasing all of the hard work and perseverance that they have put into the gymnastics lessons this half term. The focus was balance and control. All the children, regardless of gymnastics background, displayed some fantastic skills – expectations differentiated to their specific level of experience.

With regards to Years 5 and 6, they took to the basketball court and were showcasing all of the skills that they have been working on in the format of a 4 vs 4 tournament.

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It’s Interview Time in Year 5!

Year 5 have been analyzing the text ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner. As the story is formed mainly from pictures, it has left lots of room for the children’s imagination to run wild and to develop some excellent writing as they flesh out the story with words.

Click on ‘read more…’ to watch an animated version of the story.  It inspired us to do a lot of drama to explore the different characters feelings and opinions. Learn more about this and watch our amazing video interviews…

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Spectacular Space Sessions!

yr-5-space-feb-2015 (1)We have been working hard to learn all about Space, our solar system and the universe in Year 5. The children were set the challenge of creating a presentation for the rest of the class. They were allowed to choose either a planet or scientific phenomenon and they could present it in any way they saw fit. We had a range of fantastic models, posters, PowerPoints and models within posters which really explained the chosen area well.

I was particularly proud of just how much Year 5 have grown since last term in their understanding of what makes a good presentation and how best to involve your audience. Moreover, every time someone presented, we would give them both areas they could work on and parts that worked really well. The children were very perceptive but supportive to each other in this. We learnt some mind-blowing facts while having a thoroughly enjoyable and educational time!

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Curriculum Topic Maps – Jan 2015

Do you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?

Our topics will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, into our community, back in time to the age of exploration and early settlements, across the world, out to space and into the future!

Early-years -toddlers-story-and-rhyme










It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploration.  If you can support these topics in any way do let us know.

Tickets available on Monday for our Panto – Aladdin!

aladdin-trouble-LARGE-webYears 1 to 6 are excited to present their panto this year, Aladdin Trouble!

A star-filled show you certainly won’t want to miss!

Tickets will be available in the school walkway from Monday onwards.  Community members welcome – pop down to Provo Primary, email info@provolearning.com, or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.

Set within the context of the 1001 Arabian Nights from which the story originates, this panto-style version of Aladdin contains all the traditional elements and characters, alongside a whole host of less conventional ones!

The story begins in the bustling and spice-fragranced Eastern Streets, encountering dancers, musicians and pick pockets through the lively rhythms of our opening number In The Market Place.  Here we meet the hero of our panto…

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Aztecs, Xocalatl and Chocolate!

yr-5-presentations-oct-2014-4Year 5 had a fantastic start to the new mid-term with a range of powerful presentations from all of the students. The children were set the task of researching either the most important events in the Aztec timeline or the importance of  xocalatl to the Aztecs.

Everybody did a fantastic job of researching carefully, ensuring they understood what they were going to present and thinking of different ways to do just that! We had an Aztec temple, tried actual xocalatl -(the drink), tasted and discussed different chocolates and had lots of fun learning in the process!

We also had a great set of discussions afterwards on how we could improve our presentation skills for next time!  Well done, Turtles!

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School for Field Studies Marine Morning!

sfs-oct-2014 (3)

A couple of weeks ago, Years 4, 5 and 6 were fortunate to spend several hours with a group of students from the School for Field Studies (SFS) from South Caicos, carrying out a range of fantastic marine based activities.

This was part of our ‘Keeping Healthy Week, which focused on ‘Healthy Communication’.  What was so special and so perfect for our communication focused week was that the children were interacting with a large group of young adults (18-20 year olds) in small group situations. It was lovely to see how well the children responded to the group of SFS students and how interested both sides were in learning from each other.



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Key Stage 2 Sports Day: Jump, Run, Throw – Repeat!

ks2-sports-day-oct-2014 (11)The walk over to TCI’s national stadium was a colourful one, with nearly 60 Key Stage 2 students decked out in their team colours for their annual sports day. After several months of twice weekly track and field sessions, Teams Green, Blue, Turquoise, White, Yellow, Red and Orange were ready to compete…as individuals in each event and for team glory as well. Rotating through events including long jump, shot put, high jump, javelin, discus, hurdles and a 40 yard dash, each child strived to beat the personal bests they had recorded throughout training.

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KS2 Sports Day, 2014

ks2-sports-day2014Key Stage 2 Sports Day:
Thursday 30th October
at the National Stadium Track

All  the children have worked extremely hard since the start of the year in a range of athletic events, in order to learn new skills and set their own ‘personal best’ records. Our sports day provides an opportunity to use these skills in a friendly and competitive setting.

We hope that you will be able to join us for the morning!

Key Stage 1 and 2 Topic Maps – Autumn 2014

ks1-2-topic-maps-autumn-2014What a wonderful range of creative topics our children are learning about this term in Years 1 through to 6. They will take our children on learning journeys around the world, back in time and into the future.

It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploring different aspects.

Click on the image to see what your child’s topic involves and let’s work together to bring these topics alive with learning both at school and at home.

School Handbook and Class Information Booklets (2014-15)

class-information-booklets-sept-2014We are very proud of the educational programme we offer to our children and of the cooperative working relationship we strive to develop with our families.

Our 2014/2015 School Handbook and Class Information Booklets have been developed in an effort to enhance this relationship and to provide you with information about the school ethos and expectations, and the curriculum for each class year group.

Please click on the image on the left to download the latest copies of our Class Information Booklets.





Year 5’s night stay in North!

yr-5-north-middle-caicos-trip-june-2014 (9)Year 5 spent a fabulous two days in North and Middle Caicos and experienced an overnight stay as a class for the first time ever!

We had a busy and educational visit. We kayaked at Major Hill, looked at the devastation of a hurricane and the repair of the Middle Caicos Causeway. We visited Conch Bar caves and learnt about how they were used in the past and swam at Mudjin Harbour. We had a delicious dinner and breakfast at Pelican beach, thanks to Miss Susie and a good night’s rest after hide and seek.

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Year 5 Loupe Poetry with Mrs. Bonnie

yr-5-loupe-june-2014Mrs. Bonnie introduced the Year Five students to ‘private eye’ poetry.  Using  jeweler’s loupes they looked closely at a flower. They asked themselves: What else does it look like? What does it remind me of?  and created some amazing poetry.




My Bright Mysterious Flower

My bright, mysterious flower,

Your mini-petals surround your center acting like guardians to protect your secrets,

My bright, mysterious flower,

What secrets do you hide?

Your bold colours are like a brilliant, beautiful sunset capturing everyone’s attention,

The stripes in your center are like a tiger prowling in the jungle all the way across the ocean,

Your unique smell is like a Starburst melting in my mouth.

My bright, mysterious flower

You are just beautiful!

By M.Z.

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‘No Bake’ Fun with Mrs B

yr-5-no-bake-cookies-may-2014Last week, Year 5 were lucky to have been picked for the chance to make some delicious and nutritious ‘no bake’ cookies. The idea was ‘cooked’ up by the fabulous School Council and Miss Mani so that each year group have a chance for some fun in the kitchen before the end of the school year.

Mrs B designated the children all different jobs of blending and mixing, stirring and sharing and, needless to say, everyone had a lot of fun! What was so great was we didn’t need that hot oven on once and yet we ended up with fourteen really tasty, chewy, flavoursome and healthy cookies, full of good things including apple butter, apricots, dates, seeds and so much more!

Thank you so much to Mrs B for your patience and skills in the kitchen and great job School Council!  What a great snack to munch on as we peruse our new Scholastic book catalogue!

Yr 5 Baking and Smoothie Bonanza!

yr-5-baking-march-2014 (1)Last Wednesday afternoon Year 5 were cooking up a storm!  As part of our Design and Technology lessons we have been investigating how we can alter recipes to make them more healthy in a variety of ways without compromising the taste too much!

We looked at our favourite junk foods and the children have been designing and re- designing their own take on these junk foods . The children independently altered the recipes and in teams organised themselves to bring in the right ingredients and recipe to make it work!

Last Wednesday they got to try out these modified recipes and I am extremely proud of how successful they were; not only in making their designs but also in working together! We had three teams – one making whole wheat doughnuts with fruit topping, one making reduced fat and sugar cupcakes and one team making delicious dairy free and fruity milkshakes. All three recipes got the thumbs up, well done year 5!

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World Osprey Week – A Fantastic Week of Learning!

wow-march-2014-10Thank you to everyone at the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust for organising this wonderful WOW celebration and encouraging us to learn more about the ospreys that live here in our islands. The week has been a great success and the interest of the children and the support community has been amazing. A true example of learning at its best!

Click on the image left to see some photos of the week’s events and fantastic art work and continue reading all about our different osprey activities below…

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Yr 5 enjoy an outstanding osprey presentation

DSC04639Year 5 had a real treat this Thursday! We were lucky enough to enjoy the expertise of Mr Terry Richardson  who is a keen photographer of birds. He showed us an amazing collection of osprey photos which really ‘told the story’ of an Osprey’s life cycle, something we have been studying recently. The background detail Mr Terry gave to every picture was so interesting and all the children thoroughly enjoyed the talk as well as the truly awe-inspiring close-ups he has been able to photograph! Please come back again to show us more of your nature photos!

Showcasing our Maths learning throughout the school

‘Maths Calculations’ was the focus of our 2014 Education Week Theme Week.  Throughout the week we aimed to explore, share and celebrate the amazing range of Maths skills that students have in our school.  Many parents and visitors came along to our Open House and Showcases.  Take a look at all the Maths going on in at these events in our two movies.