Curriculum Topic Maps – Jan 2015

Do you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?

Our topics will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, into our community, back in time to the age of exploration and early settlements, across the world, out to space and into the future!

Early-years -toddlers-story-and-rhyme










It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploration.  If you can support these topics in any way do let us know.

Tickets available on Monday for our Panto – Aladdin!

aladdin-trouble-LARGE-webYears 1 to 6 are excited to present their panto this year, Aladdin Trouble!

A star-filled show you certainly won’t want to miss!

Tickets will be available in the school walkway from Monday onwards.  Community members welcome – pop down to Provo Primary, email, or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.

Set within the context of the 1001 Arabian Nights from which the story originates, this panto-style version of Aladdin contains all the traditional elements and characters, alongside a whole host of less conventional ones!

The story begins in the bustling and spice-fragranced Eastern Streets, encountering dancers, musicians and pick pockets through the lively rhythms of our opening number In The Market Place.  Here we meet the hero of our panto…

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Year 4 Learn about Electricity Safety with a visit from FortisTCI

yr-4-fortis-visit-nov-2014 (3) Last week, Flamingo class were fortunate  to have a special visit and talk about electricity safety from our local power company FortisTCI.  This experience allowed us to consolidate some of our recent learning in our Science topic on ‘Electricity’.

During our Science lessons, we have been making a variety of electrical circuits using bulbs, motors, buzzers; we even created our own switches. But first we had to learn of the dangers and safety issues that electricity can have, and this talk really helped to reinforce the importance of being careful in different real life situations.

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Year 4 begin their ‘Let’s Celebrate’ Topic

yr-4-let's-celetrate-nov-2014-1Following the success of their Ancient Rome topic, Flamingo Class has already turned its attention to a new area of learning!

At this time of year celebrations lie around every corner, which is great for their new class topic, Let’s Celebrate! They have already begun their project by participating in and thinking about the origins of Halloween, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day. Over the coming weeks they will focus on many other festivals and events as they consider how and why people around the world celebrate together.

The children will explore this topic using the ‘Thinking Actively in a Social Context’ framework.  This promotes problem-solving and thinking skills and encourages the children to be confident, creative, independent learners.

Click here to see their topic map.

School for Field Studies Marine Morning!

sfs-oct-2014 (3)

A couple of weeks ago, Years 4, 5 and 6 were fortunate to spend several hours with a group of students from the School for Field Studies (SFS) from South Caicos, carrying out a range of fantastic marine based activities.

This was part of our ‘Keeping Healthy Week, which focused on ‘Healthy Communication’.  What was so special and so perfect for our communication focused week was that the children were interacting with a large group of young adults (18-20 year olds) in small group situations. It was lovely to see how well the children responded to the group of SFS students and how interested both sides were in learning from each other.



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Key Stage 2 Sports Day: Jump, Run, Throw – Repeat!

ks2-sports-day-oct-2014 (11)The walk over to TCI’s national stadium was a colourful one, with nearly 60 Key Stage 2 students decked out in their team colours for their annual sports day. After several months of twice weekly track and field sessions, Teams Green, Blue, Turquoise, White, Yellow, Red and Orange were ready to compete…as individuals in each event and for team glory as well. Rotating through events including long jump, shot put, high jump, javelin, discus, hurdles and a 40 yard dash, each child strived to beat the personal bests they had recorded throughout training.

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Yr 4 Present their Home Projects on the Romans

yr-4-roman-home-projects-oct-2014-4What a wonderful first term Flamingo class have had studying the Ancient Romans! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Romans during class time as well as producing some fascinating and enlightening homework projects which they then presented to their classmates.



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KS2 Sports Day, 2014

ks2-sports-day2014Key Stage 2 Sports Day:
Thursday 30th October
at the National Stadium Track

All  the children have worked extremely hard since the start of the year in a range of athletic events, in order to learn new skills and set their own ‘personal best’ records. Our sports day provides an opportunity to use these skills in a friendly and competitive setting.

We hope that you will be able to join us for the morning!

Key Stage 1 and 2 Topic Maps – Autumn 2014

ks1-2-topic-maps-autumn-2014What a wonderful range of creative topics our children are learning about this term in Years 1 through to 6. They will take our children on learning journeys around the world, back in time and into the future.

It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploring different aspects.

Click on the image to see what your child’s topic involves and let’s work together to bring these topics alive with learning both at school and at home.

School Handbook and Class Information Booklets (2014-15)

class-information-booklets-sept-2014We are very proud of the educational programme we offer to our children and of the cooperative working relationship we strive to develop with our families.

Our 2014/2015 School Handbook and Class Information Booklets have been developed in an effort to enhance this relationship and to provide you with information about the school ethos and expectations, and the curriculum for each class year group.

Please click on the image on the left to download the latest copies of our Class Information Booklets.





Year 4 Loope Poetry with Mrs. Bonnie

yr-4-shell-loope-poetry-june-2014Together with Mrs. Bonnie,  our Year 4 students have enjoyed exploring oranges, shells and flowers with the loupes and wrote these amazing poems.





My Spectacular Shell

My spectacular shell reminds me of a spiral staircase going on forever,

It’s like sweet caramel ice cream on the crunchiest cone,

It’s as soft as a silk web made by a spider,

The top of my shell is a tall pyramid,

My shell is as white as new snow with a little caramel sauce on top of it,

I’d like to go inside my shell right to the bottom of it

And I would enjoy every second in there,

My shell is the light of my life!


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Year 4 Ancient Roman Architecture Treasure Hunt

Flamingo Class set out this week to see if it was possible to find evidence of the Ancient Roman’s influence on Provo. It’s amazing to think that the Romans can still have an affect our daily lives, 2000 years later and half-way across the globe! Our discoveries were quite surprising…you’d be forgiven for thinking we’d actually gone to Rome!

Afterwards, students were treated to a Roman Banquet at Pizza Pizza, consisting of pizza (possibly a Roman invention – Romans certainly ate panis focaccia, a bread with toppings added) Caesar salad (named after Rome’s most famous ruler) and red/white grape juice (even though Romans would have insisted on wine). After seeing our fantastic photo gallery, you’ll understand how we worked up such an appetite!

World Osprey Week – A Fantastic Week of Learning!

wow-march-2014-10Thank you to everyone at the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust for organising this wonderful WOW celebration and encouraging us to learn more about the ospreys that live here in our islands. The week has been a great success and the interest of the children and the support community has been amazing. A true example of learning at its best!

Click on the image left to see some photos of the week’s events and fantastic art work and continue reading all about our different osprey activities below…

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Stepping back in time with Flamingo Class!

yr4-timelines-march-2014 (7)Year 4 were busy creating an enormous timeline of the world’s greatest civilisations today. And wow – what a task it was!

Going back over 5000 years, we plotted 14 major civilisations who have left their mark on world history forever. Whether you want to date the Egyptian Pyramids, climb atop a Mayan temple or sail on a Viking longship – the Flamingo Class timeline will tell you when to set your time machine for!

The project marks the beginning of our new topic on Discovering Ancient Rome where we will be uncovering the amazing history of the period and region. Through archaeology and research, we hope to discover what the Romans did that makes them so important nearly 2000 years later!

Come by Flamingo Class over the coming months to share in our amazing discoveries!

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Showcasing our Maths learning throughout the school

‘Maths Calculations’ was the focus of our 2014 Education Week Theme Week.  Throughout the week we aimed to explore, share and celebrate the amazing range of Maths skills that students have in our school.  Many parents and visitors came along to our Open House and Showcases.  Take a look at all the Maths going on in at these events in our two movies.

Fabien Cousteau Visits The Turks and Caicos Islands!

fabien-cousteau-march-2014-3Fabien Cousteau,  world-renowned conservationist and environmentalist and the grandson of Jacques Cousteau, visited the Turks and Caicos Islands last week.  The Turks and Caicos Reef Fund organised an Educational Outreach event for the TCI Student Community and our Year 4, 5 and 6 students attended an inspiring presentation by Fabien about the importance of protecting the marine environment.


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Maths Week gets off to a fast start in Flamingo Class!

Improving our times tables has been the new craze in Year 4 this week. Students were challenged to learn their multiplication facts off by heart, so that they can apply this knowledge throughout their maths work.

To test their knowledge under pressure, teams were asked to complete a follow-on game. Each card has a question printed on it and children searched the remaining cards to find the matching answer. It sounds so easy…until you set 3 teams against each other and the correct answer is hidden in a HUGE pile of cards!

As you will see, the results were fun, excitement and some great mental maths!

Don’t panic! Year 4 Doctors are on the scene!

yr-4-hospital-trip-feb-2014 (1)Tuesday was an exciting morning in Flamingo Class as we all set out to visit the Cheshire Hall Medical Center to find out about how bones can be fixed by the orthopedic doctors and nurses at the hospital!

It was another morning packed full of information and learning related to our topic on Moving and Growing.

Our expert guides, Nurses Sharon and Gemma, passed on their knowledge of the skeletal and muscular systems. They explained how these worked together together to help us move and demonstrated how, if damaged, both can be fixed by doctors.




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Flamingo Class have a cracking time with Dr Craig!

yr-4-chiropractor-feb-2014-(2)Dr Craig Zavitz joined us in Flamingo Class today to help us understand our topic on the human skeleton in more detail. His expertise in the spine, neck and nervous system was tested to breaking point by our inquisitive Year 4 students!

Children were taught how to maintain a healthy spine by lifting safely, exercising and stretching. We also learned how chiropractors use their knowledge of the skeletal and nervous systems to help heal injuries and soreness caused by blockages to the delicate spinal cord.

We acted out the functions of the spine in order to understand how messages travel from the brain to every part of our bodies. This demonstration also helped us to understand how misalignment’s in the spine can block the sending and receiving of messages up and down the spinal cord.

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Cooperation is the name of the game:

yr4-collaborative-towers-jan-2014-9Our PSHE curriculum got off to a fun, yet challenging, start this term as Flamingo Class explored the idea of cooperation.What does it really mean to cooperate? How good are we at cooperating? What other skills do we need to cooperate effectively? All of these questions, and more, became the topic of discussion during some quite amazing challenges.




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Preparing for Bonfire Night in Flamingo Class

yr-4-guy-fawkes-nov-2013 (6) Wow! The 5th November was a busy day in Year 4!

Any passers by would have heard discussions and debates spilling from the classroom walls. As part of our new class topic, Let’s Celebrate, we were preparing to take part in the School Council’s Bonfire Night party in real style.

In our Design and Technology project children were challenged to work collaboratively to create a Guy for the bonfire. To make the challenge especially difficult, our Guy had to sewed together and had to be wearing traditional Stewart costume! Having planned how they would build their Guy, the class were given some final pieces of advice from Year 5 students who completed the challenge last year. This advice proved vital, as it allowed groups to get off to a flying start with their construction. It took all morning to build each section of our rather fine Guy Fawkes!



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Author visit inspires Flamingo Class to write!


In our literacy project this half term, pupils in Flamingo Class are becoming authors of their own! We are planning, researching, writing, editing, formatting and publishing our own stories! Phew – it’s going to be a busy few weeks!

Thanks to Mrs B, our young authors now understand how important it is to spend time planning and inventing characters, thinking about the setting and plot and to always look for ways to improve our writing. Most importantly, however, she reminded us that we should enjoy and love to write!

Keep your eyes peeled for the newest adventure stories coming out of Flamingo Class!

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Flamingo Class’ Marvellous Mural!

yr-4-america-09-09-13Four days into the start of term and the Flamingo Class have been busy starting their first topic of the new school year!

Children spent the morning thinking hard about everything they knew about “The Birth of America.” We discovered that the children already knew some pretty amazing facts about the history of the United States! Did you know that President Obama is the 44th President of the USA, but only the 43rd person to do the job?! President Grover Cleveland counts as 2 presidents but only one person!

As we were talking and thinking about America, the children were set the challenge of creating a huge class mural that will form the backdrop for our display this term. Children had to cooperate in order to create this amazing collage of the Stars and Stripes flag. Groups organised themselves into tearers, pasters and stickers in order to work effectively together in such a small space.

I’m sure you’ll agree that the result is pretty amazing!

We all look forward to sharing all of our fantastic learning with you. Call by the Flamingo Class to see how things develop!
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Yummy, Tasty Nutrition Classes

As part of this term’s ‘Keeping Healthy Week’, nutritionist Tamika Handfield came in to teach Nutrition classes to all the children from Year 2 – 6.  Some classes made egg and vegetable burritos, while others made fruit kebabs.  The children learned about how whole-grain foods and fruits and vegetables are healthy, the importance of looking at the labels on food packaging,  washing hands before cooking, safety in the kitchen and that washing up is part of the cooking process!    PTV came along to video for their news programme.  Click on to see photos and to learn more about our nutrition classes.

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Year 4 Set Out to Find the Balance between Conservation & Tourism!

yr-4-nwpoint-trip-june-2013-18How can we build resorts that attract tourists without destroying our island’s natural environments? Can we protect our stunning National Parks from damage while encouraging people to visit and enjoy them? Finally, is it even possible to enjoy watching wildlife without making them feel threatened in their natural habitats?

Flamingo Class took the trip to Northwest Point last week to learn about the difficult balance between conservation and tourism. And what a trip it was!



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