Newsletters and Topic Maps – Spring 2016

topics-jan-2016Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class. Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Over the next week, look out for your child’s class newsletter and topic map in your email inbox or online here.

Our topics this term will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, exploring our senses, back in time to the world of the dinosaurs, the Ancient Egyptians, the Tudor age of exploration, conflict during World War 2 and out to space and into the future.  What an adventure well all be having!

Perhaps you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?  We love to hear from you if you do.

Year 1 Explore MindUP!

yr-1-brain-posterOver the last six weeks, Year 1 has been exploring MindUP, as part of our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) programme. MindUP teaches children the link between their brain and their behaviour and learning.

We’ve had a lot of fun exploring the three different parts of our brain. One helps us make good choices (Prefrontal Cortex). One helps protect us from danger (Amygdala). One saves our memories and learning (Hippocampus). Click on the poster to learn more about these.

The children, in particular, have liked learning about the ‘police dog’ that lives in our Amygdala and protects us when we are feeling super mad, frustrated, sad or scared. The children acted out the three choices (Fight, Flee or Freeze) we can make when our brain isn’t able to make mindful choices.

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Our Brand New Swings are a Hit!

yr1-swings-nov-2015 (1)The school is buzzing over the new swings that were installed over our mid-term break.  The children in Year 1 and Kindergarten had a blast swinging high on their new swings this morning.  With 6 swings in all, lots of children were able to take turns during playtime and have lots of time to swing!

When I asked what they liked about the new swings, some children said: “It feels like I am flying!” and “I can’t believe how many swings there are!” The children are pretty impressed! It was also really sweet to see the Year 1 children decide, on their own, to push the Kindergarten children. They were also teaching the Kindergarten children how to push themselves on the swings for next time.

Thank you for the new swings. We love them! Our verdict is a BIG THUMBS UP!

“A joint-funded project by PTA and School, we would very much like to thank our friends at Projectech for helping with the installation of the swings.  Also everyone who has supported our PTA fundraising events and our school.  It’s wonderful to see the children enjoying the new swings together.” Miss Sian

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Year 1 and 2 Create National Heritage Month Posters Together

yr-1-heritage-day-oct-2015 (3)This year, Years 1 and 2 have been getting together for a weekly assembly. Our assemblies this term have focused on highlighting all the lovely National Holidays and other special days such as World Kindness Day, that occur during our school year. We have enjoyed getting together to share our learning with each other. Please read on to see their hard work creating posters for National Heritage Day!


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Have you heard Provo Primary has a school of fish?

Developing our breathing techniques.

Developing our breathing techniques.

This half term the children of Provo Primary have been taking part in a series of swimming lessons. The staff have been working hard to create a stream of lessons, which cater for all swimming experiences and abilities for children from Kindergarten right up to Year 6.  There is an ocean of talent in the pool each week!

Provo Primary’s swimming policy enables children to focus on water confidence and moving through the water, to the later stages of finely tuning swimming strokes such as: front crawl, back stroke and breast stroke and developing breathing techniques.

At the start, each year group was carefully assessed and grouped so that they could be taught based on their swimming ability and confidence. The progression so far has been immense and there is still two more weeks of swimming sessions to go!  Please take a look at the photos and get a sneak peak of the activities the children have been doing.

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Hummingbird Class complete the “All Parts of a Plant” Salad Challenge:

yr-1-salad-june-2015 (9)During their recent science topic on Growing Plants, Hummingbird Class Year 1 students were challenged to learn all the different parts of a plant. By observing, drawing, labeling and even translating into Spanish, all children became able to discuss the terms root, stem, leaf, flower, seed and fruit. We explored these in our own school garden and noticed the huge variety in plants we see every day.

Tall trees – small weeds. Almonds, wild cherries and cotton seeds. Huge palms vs small leaves. We have them all in our garden!’




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Take a look at all of our amazing Talk4Writing projects

talk4writingTake look at all of our Talk4Writing projects that we engaged in this year at Provo Primary and find out more about this innovative approach to writing.

We want to say a big “Well done!” to all our teachers for experimenting with this teaching technique throughout the year. As part of our ongoing professional development, teachers did a great job in learning, implementing and evaluating the strategy in their classes.

We hope you have enjoyed the diverse range of quality Talk4Writing projects undertaken and we will look forward to seeing this technique develop in the future!

Click here if you want a quick link to an album of all of our fantastic talking text videos.

Talk4Writing: Year 1 share their ENORMOUS storytelling talents!

In our final Talk4Writing video, we wanted to share our wonderful Year 1 storytellers! Last term, as part of their topic on Growing and Changes, the class learned a talking text for The Enormous Turnip. As you will see from the video, the children’s actions and words brought this complicated story to life!

By learning to read a pictorial story map, children developed the confidence to retell this extended story – complete with the finer details of characters, speech and, of course, an exciting ending!

Each talking text provides a wealth of opportunities for the teacher to model techniques for writing. This traditional tale has huge potential for teaching characters and story sequences. On a grammatical level, the story clearly demonstrates how to make lists and use punctuation such as commas and full stops. As they have the story memorised, children typically become more confident in their writing and are more able to make adaptations of their own.

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Turtles! Turtles! Year One Loves Turtles!

yr-1-turtles-may-2015 (4)This term in Year 1, we have been exploring and learning about the Turks and Caicos Islands. We’ve researched our coat of arms and flag, as well as the national colours and what those colours represent. Along this topic, we have also started to learn about the local wildlife and plant life found on Providenciales.

We were lucky to have Mrs. Bonnie come into our classroom for two sessions and with Mrs. Bonnie, we investigated sea turtles. We read a book called ‘One Tiny Turtle’ and used the book as a jumping off point to find out information facts about turtles. We now feel like experts! Did you know that leatherback turtles can grow to be as long as an adult human? Or that when turtles lay eggs, they don’t just lay a few eggs, they lay a lot of eggs?

In our last session together, we watched a short turtle video that showed how turtles glide in the water. We used the video to help us complete a turtle poem. We came up with a few lists of words to help describe turtles and also to describe what turtles like to do. Please have a look through and see the children in Year 1 having fun with poetry!

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Parent guides to help you to support your child’s Maths learning.

calculation-policy-imageThese parent guides will help you to see the progression of a child’s understanding of number and calculations from the Early Years through to Year 6. They demonstrate the teaching stages of each of the 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They also include key vocabulary to support each method.
Each guide is designed to assist you with supporting your child at home with their Numeracy learning.  It is often the case that many methods and strategies taught today appear different from those previously used. All children will progress towards using the methods that many adults recognise from their own school days. We do, however, encourage all parents to support their child’s progress through the stages outlined in these parent guides, so that they gain a richer understanding of how complex calculations work. When at home, it is helpful if your child can practice the methods taught in school to ensure the strategies are reinforced effectively.

Year One meet Sally and Jerry!

yr1-conch-farm-may-2015-11Year One has been delving into learning all about our latest topic, My Country: TCI. On Monday, we took a trip to the Conch Farm. Richard, our tour guide, was very patient and gave us a real hands-on experience. We were able to see the different stages of growth conch go through and we were able to hold conch of different ages.

I was very impressed by the good questions the children asked when we met Sally and Jerry. We learned how to tell boy and girl conch apart, as well as how to tell how old a conch is. We got to stroke, not poke, Sally and Jerry. As a special treat, the children were given a conch shell gift. Thank you, Richard. What a lovely educational trip we had.


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Year 1 Investigate ‘How to make a Fruit Salad’

yr-1-fruit-salad-2015-(19)In the last few weeks, we have been investigating healthy eating and our senses, as well as exploring instructional writing. We have investigate the steps needed to wash our hands, how to grow a sunflower and lastly, how to make a fruit salad.

During one of our Spanish Immersion sessions, we explored and investigated different fruits such as bananas, melons, mangos, oranges and apples with our senses. We had such a fun time looking and sorting the seeds of the different fruits! As a culminating task, we made a healthy fruit salad, which was delicious, and then together wrote the instructions for how to make it.

Please enjoy the pictures of the children enjoying their fruit salad. It was a very yummy treat, indeed!

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Español, español y más españoles en el año 1!

yr-1-spanish-feb-2015 (7)As part of our Tuesday and Thursday Spanish Immersion mornings, Mrs. Yorka has been exploring our new topic, Growing and Changes. The children have learned all about girasoles (sunflowers) and the different parts of the plant, as well as planting and exploring our school garden.

Recently, Mrs. Yorka has started to explore parts of the body. During our Open House next week, please look out for the video taken of the children labeling the parts of the body in Spanish.

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Year 1 are Artists!

yr-1-art-feb-2015-(14)In the past few weeks in Year 1, we have been learning about different famous painters and then trying our hand at painting in the same vein as that painter. So far, we’ve looked at Paul Klee and Vincent Van Gogh.

Last half term, we looked at Paul Klee while studying the topic, Homes. We learned that Paul Klee liked to work with familiar shapes, like rectangles, triangles and squares and also that he liked to use a lot of bright colours in his painting.

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Yr.1: Would you like to live in one of our lovely homes?

yr-1-jan-2015 (10)Year 1’s new historical topic is Homes; how we live in homes, creature homes and homes of the past. We’ve delved right into it! Using That Pesky Rat by Lauren Child, we designed and created a city scape for our furry friends. Afterwards, we wrote “Wanted” posters to help get our rats adopted by kind owners. Would you like to adopt one of our rats?

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Curriculum Topic Maps – Jan 2015

Do you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?

Our topics will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, into our community, back in time to the age of exploration and early settlements, across the world, out to space and into the future!

Early-years -toddlers-story-and-rhyme










It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploration.  If you can support these topics in any way do let us know.

What a Gift to be Bilingual!

yr-1-spanish-immersion-dec-2014 (6)What a gift to be bilingual!  With the incredibly diverse student body we have at Provo Primary, a fair number of students do speak other languages fluently (French, Creole, Spanish, Hebrew, Croatian, etc.) and academic studies back up what we know to be true…foreign languages are most easily learned at a young age.  Over the past several years, Provo Primary has enriched and expanded it’s foreign language curriculum, moving beyond Spanish classes in Key Stages 1 and 2, to offer true Spanish Immersion to the school’s younger students.

Miss Tracy’s Year 1 classroom is a lively place any morning of the week…

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Tickets available on Monday for our Panto – Aladdin!

aladdin-trouble-LARGE-webYears 1 to 6 are excited to present their panto this year, Aladdin Trouble!

A star-filled show you certainly won’t want to miss!

Tickets will be available in the school walkway from Monday onwards.  Community members welcome – pop down to Provo Primary, email, or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.

Set within the context of the 1001 Arabian Nights from which the story originates, this panto-style version of Aladdin contains all the traditional elements and characters, alongside a whole host of less conventional ones!

The story begins in the bustling and spice-fragranced Eastern Streets, encountering dancers, musicians and pick pockets through the lively rhythms of our opening number In The Market Place.  Here we meet the hero of our panto…

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Year 1 Goes to the Farm!

yr1-farm-nov-2014 (8)As a culmination of our learning about Journeys, Year 1 took a field trip to a local farm!

It was such a neat experience for the children to see what a working farm looked and yes, even smelt like! We got to see piglets (a mother pig had just given birth a few days prior), some humungous mud-covered pigs, goats, chickens, ducks and bunnies.

As a treat, the children got to feed some carrots to the bunnies and chickens. The children and myself were able to get some VERY close-up encounters with the animals. We got to see some growing plants at the farm too!



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Year 1 Topic Map – ‘Celebrations and Stories from other Cultures’

yr-1-celebrations-topic-map-imageYear 1 are starting their new topic ‘Celebrations and Stories from other Cultures’. Take a look at our topic map.  We’ve already jumped right into learning about Africa using the picture books Handa’s Surprise and Handa’s Hen. We are starting to investigate how different the main character’s village, clothes, home and animals, in the book, are different from what we see in Providenciales.  For example, while we see potcakes, horses and cats in Providenciales. In Handa’s village in Kenya, she sees elephants and giraffes on a regular basis. Very different, indeed!

Mrs. Yorka and I have planned some fun Spanish lessons to learn about some Latin American celebrations that happen during this time of the year.

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Year 6 Share their Big Books with Year 1

yr-6-big-books-oct-2014 (8)In their literacy lessons, Year 6 has explored the concept of how the big books are used in teaching younger children literacy skills. They examined the features of these books carefully in order to ascertain what theirs would need to include in order to fulfill the requirements of a big book. Such features included the use of illustrations which complement the written text; engaging characters; short stories which are easy to follow; language devices such as rhyme, alliteration and so on.

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Year 1 Gets into the Spooky Spirit!

yr-1-pumpkins-oct-2014-2We made our first Halloween art project in Year 1—Jack O’Lanterns! After a quick demo, the children set off to work with a partner, as some of the cutting and pasting bits were a bit tricky to manage on their own. First, the children cut their orange paper into strips. Then they had to create a web-like design, pasting each strip into its spot. After that, they had to do the same to the top to create a pumpkin shape. Boy, was it ever tricky! That’s when teamwork was really needed. Lastly, the super fun bit—detailing their Jack O’Lanterns!

Read on to see how they turned out. We’re getting into the spooky Halloween spirit, are you?



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Year 1 is off to a Soaring Start!

yr-1-journeys-oct-2014-2Our beginning topic, Journeys, has allowed us to explore the different ways that people take journeys or trips by air, sea, space and land. Our first week back at school, we looked into journeys by land and the inventions of the wheel.

Did you know that a long time ago people rode bicycles that had a humongous wheel in the front and one small wheel in the back? They were called ‘high-wheelers’ or the ‘penny farthing’.






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Key Stage 1 and 2 Topic Maps – Autumn 2014

ks1-2-topic-maps-autumn-2014What a wonderful range of creative topics our children are learning about this term in Years 1 through to 6. They will take our children on learning journeys around the world, back in time and into the future.

It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploring different aspects.

Click on the image to see what your child’s topic involves and let’s work together to bring these topics alive with learning both at school and at home.

School Handbook and Class Information Booklets (2014-15)

class-information-booklets-sept-2014We are very proud of the educational programme we offer to our children and of the cooperative working relationship we strive to develop with our families.

Our 2014/2015 School Handbook and Class Information Booklets have been developed in an effort to enhance this relationship and to provide you with information about the school ethos and expectations, and the curriculum for each class year group.

Please click on the image on the left to download the latest copies of our Class Information Booklets.