Two Weeks of Toddler/Preschool Tasters Sessions

pps-tod-pre-2016Provo Primary School invites prospective Toddler/Preschool families to come and experience for yourself the unique qualities of our school and what we can offer your family

July 18th – 29th – 8.30AM -10.30AM

For ages 12 months to 2 years


Flexible days (one to five mornings each week)

Special Themes: Baby signing and fine/gross motor skills development 

$20 per day (Additional hours $10 per hour)



Flamingos and Chicks is back for the summer

flamingo-chicks-2016Are you interested in learning why Provo Primary is a leader in Early Childhood Education in The Turks and Caicos Islands? Come along to our FREE Flamingos (parents) and Chicks (1-2 yr olds) sessions, commencing this Friday July 8th from 9am to 10am. We hope to see you there. (Spaces are limited, so please let us know if you’re coming by messaging us ahead of time or emailing Thank you!






Creativity feeds creativity!

Year 1Pirate ships, rockets, teepees, mud pies and more…

Traditionally, each year the children contribute to our annual PTA fundraiser by creating pieces of artwork to be auctioned. This year they are especially excited to be involved as proceeds from this Saturday’s event at Mango Reef will go towards enhancing our school playground.

In collaboration with the PTA, we hope to build a magical playground brimming with opportunities for more imaginative and creative play.

To help make our dreams a reality, we would like to tap into our diverse community expertise and businesses as much as possible. PTA/School funds will be utilized to pay for these local supplies and services.

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“We have great moms and we love them!”

ey-mothers-day-2016 (1)This theme was evident in all the Early Years classes last week as they prepared class festivities to celebrate the loving moms we have in our lives.

The Toddler class was everything purple from the decorations to the flowers, outfits and handmade cards. Moms were treated to songs by the children and yummy snacks. The Preschool focussed on the Dr. Seuss book, Are You My Mother? They did activities all week related to the book and shared some of them with their moms, such as, making a bird puppet, play dough nests and retelling the story with props.

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Our Toddlers Enjoy the Story of the Three Little Pigs

toddlers-3-little-pigs-mar-2016 (1)“Little pig, little pig, let me come in! Or I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!” You would have heard this phrase a lot in the Toddlers classroom last week as they explored the story The Three Little Pigs. They worked together to make textured houses, pigs and wolves to create a display board. There was lots of role play using the display board and puppets. Ms. Andrea told the story in Spanish and the children interacted with her using props. In addition, the Toddlers went on a ‘mini field trip’ to Year 2 where they listened to them retell the story in Spanish, too. They pretended to be wolves huffing and puffing, blowing items using a straw. They also learned the song, Straw, Sticks and Bricks and then finished the week with an edible rice cake piggy!


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Our EYFS ‘STEM’ Showcase was a Wonderful Success

eyfs-stem-showcase-mar-2016 (1)Thank you to everyone who came along to our Early Years ‘STEM Learning’ Showcase last week.  I think the photos below show how much fun the children, families and teachers appeared to be having as they played, talked and learned together, exploring the wide range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths activities on offer.

We hope that the next time you see or hear the phrase ‘STEM’ you will think back to this event, confident in the knowledge of what it means, and also in knowing that, here at Provo Primary, your child is supported and fully encouraged to explore this through their everyday problem-solving and exploratory play.



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‘Success for Every Learner’ Education Week Showcases

showcase-march-2016We look forward to welcoming parents and friends of Provo Primary School to join us for our fantastic Education Week Showcases on Friday.   Find out all the details in our Showcase Booklet.

Each class has a variety of activity stations set up for you to engage in and the children are all very much looking forward to sharing and explaining their learning with you!

EYFS – Toddlers – Kindergarten @ 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Learn more about how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) learning is incorporated into our Early Years Curriculum.

KS1/2 1 – 6 @ 2:15 – 2:50 PM

Explore how children learn through Topic-based learning, taking them on adventures back in time and around the world!

During our showcases, we encourage you to visit different classrooms around the school and not just the one that your child is currently in. We feel this will allow you to gain a greater sense of how our hands-on approach to STEM and Topic-based learning develops and enhances children’s skills as they progress through the school.

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Toddlers experience with Humpty Dumpty

toddlers-humpty-jan-2016 (12)The Toddlers have been learning popular nursery rhymes so far this term. A favourite has been Humpty Dumpty and they have been exploring the rhyme in a variety of ways.

Perhaps the highlight for the children (teachers) was the experiment in using a real egg when telling the rhyme and watching it fall and breaking. The children were most concerned in seeing the broken Humpty Dumpty. However, attention quickly shifted when they were given a boiled egg to crack, peel and eat! YUM!

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Newsletters and Topic Maps – Spring 2016

topics-jan-2016Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class. Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Over the next week, look out for your child’s class newsletter and topic map in your email inbox or online here.

Our topics this term will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, exploring our senses, back in time to the world of the dinosaurs, the Ancient Egyptians, the Tudor age of exploration, conflict during World War 2 and out to space and into the future.  What an adventure well all be having!

Perhaps you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?  We love to hear from you if you do.

A festive Jingle Jam tomorrow night for younger ones

Christmas Tots Party.jpgWednesday 2nd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary School.

Open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available in the school entrance – $5.

Last year it was really festive fun time, perfect for  younger children and families to enjoy together.

Join us for a festive fun evening.



Building our Toddlers language through play and routines…

toddlers-settling-in-oct-2015 (11)Language development is a very exciting time for toddlers. It accelerates rapidly and toddlers’ ways of communicating expand from simple smiles and gestures to using words and phrases to express their needs.

Our Toddler programme is designed to provide many opportunities to encourage toddlers to communicate with the adults and children around them. We talk to them continuously so that they are exposed to as many new words as possible. Through everyday activities, we help them make connections between actions/things and the words that correspond to them.

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Flamingos and Chicks Tomorrow

flamingos-chicks-sessions-sept-2015 It’s time for our FREE Flamingos and Chicks session again tomorrow (Friday) between 9am and 10am at Provo Primary School.  All Flamingo Parents/Carers along with their Newborn and Toddler Chicks are welcome. Find out for yourself why our Early Years Programme is so popular and successful!

We have lots of great toys and exploratory activity centres available for your young chicks to enjoy.  Find out more our Early Years programme.






Spotlight on our Early Years Programme!

Do you have a toddler or young child that you are keen to see happy and thriving in a high quality, play and learning environment with other children? Then please take a look at our video and find out more about our Early Years Programme here at Provo Primary.

To see our children in action, please visit our Flamingos and Chicks programme on Friday mornings and have fun participating in activities together with your child or call to make an appointment to view the school – 441 5638 / 431 6327.

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Doughnuts for Dads

toddlers-doughnuts-for-dad-june-2015 (10)Doughnuts for Dads….was all about celebrating our dads!  We invited them in to spend the morning with the Toddler class to celebrate father’s day together.

All Dads (and one special grandpa) were greeted with a tie shaped card that was tied around their necks with a promise to wear it all day. Not sure how many did?!

Dads, daughters and sons played together outside for a while with the bikes, sand and water play. Inside there were several activities which were enjoyed by all, including eating doughnuts! They enjoyed making a trail mix with Goldfish, Cheerios, raisins and pretzels, shaving a toy ball with a popsicle stick and painting each other’s foot which was placed on a paper with the caption “Following in your footprints, Dad.”

We ended our morning with the song, ‘We love our Daddy, He’s the best. My Daddy is awesome! D-A-D-D-Y, D-A-D-D-Y, D-A-D-D-Y and Daddy is his name-o!’

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Take a look at all of our amazing Talk4Writing projects

talk4writingTake look at all of our Talk4Writing projects that we engaged in this year at Provo Primary and find out more about this innovative approach to writing.

We want to say a big “Well done!” to all our teachers for experimenting with this teaching technique throughout the year. As part of our ongoing professional development, teachers did a great job in learning, implementing and evaluating the strategy in their classes.

We hope you have enjoyed the diverse range of quality Talk4Writing projects undertaken and we will look forward to seeing this technique develop in the future!

Click here if you want a quick link to an album of all of our fantastic talking text videos.

Parent guides to help you to support your child’s Maths learning.

calculation-policy-imageThese parent guides will help you to see the progression of a child’s understanding of number and calculations from the Early Years through to Year 6. They demonstrate the teaching stages of each of the 4 operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They also include key vocabulary to support each method.
Each guide is designed to assist you with supporting your child at home with their Numeracy learning.  It is often the case that many methods and strategies taught today appear different from those previously used. All children will progress towards using the methods that many adults recognise from their own school days. We do, however, encourage all parents to support their child’s progress through the stages outlined in these parent guides, so that they gain a richer understanding of how complex calculations work. When at home, it is helpful if your child can practice the methods taught in school to ensure the strategies are reinforced effectively.

There is a world to explore in the garden…

toddler-garden-exploration-may-2015 (11)The Toddler class have been doing lots of exploring over the last few weeks related to gardens! Take a look at all the photos of us in action.

All toddlers have had an opportunity to test their ‘green thumbs’ when we planted sunflower seeds, corn, avocado or beans. Most have survived the added sand and early pickings!

We also went on a ‘bug hunt’ around school and found several creatures, which we brought back to class in our specimen jars. Several children have brought in real creatures and toy ones, which are being enjoyed in our classroom garden. Our favourite seems to be the moth! It has been wonderful to see the children being risk takers and having the confidence to gentle touch many of the bugs.

Within this topic, as the children closely examine everything with all their senses, they are being introduced to, and are using, a variety of vocabulary such as petals, leaves, wings and antennae.

We encourage you to explore your garden at home – what will you find?

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Toddlers visit the Local Farm

t-farm-trip-mar-2015 (3)The toddler class embarked on their first field trip to Turner Farm. Farmer Liz greeted us and took us to see the rabbits. There we got to feed them carrots. Some of the rabbits were quite impatient and took the entire carrot from us! We opened the cage and found a surprise – bunnies! They were so cute and little.




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Talk4Writing: Toddler Storytellers are Going on a Bear Hunt!

In Toddlers, the children learned a shortened version of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. Children explored the settings of the story through sensory activities and made visual prompts to help them recognise each part of the adventure. As you can see from the video, the combination of visual prompts and actions leads to powerful results in our pupil’s speech. Even at this early age children can sense the excitement and emotions of a story and can vocalise this in their own retelling. Their facial expressions, actions and body language tells just as much of the story as the emerging language that they share!

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Toddlers Embark on a Bear Hunt!

tod-bear-hunt-feb-2015 (7)“We’re going on a bear hunt. We’re going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day. We’re not scared! Oh no, what’s that? Two big, goggly eyes, two big, furry ears, one wet, shiny nose. It’s… a… bear! Aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The toddlers experienced their own bear hunt last week, acting out different parts of the story as we went along. Using picture clues and their binoculars, the children had to look for the bears that were hiding in five areas of the school. Following our pictorial maps, our hunt took us to the stage, dome, green field, chicken coop and our playground. On the way we discovered an animal that had two big, furry ears and one wet, shiny nose, but it wasn’t a bear, it was only Mishka the dog!

Miss Sian thought she heard a bear in her office so we went to search.  We looked carefully through our binoculars, but all was okay; we did find lots of flamingos in her office though!

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“Incy Wincy Spider”

toddler-incy-wincy-feb-2015 (1)The toddlers have been very busy little spiders. This week we have been learning the nursery rhyme “Incy Wincy Spider” and ‘Incy Wincy’ has taken over our classroom!

The children arrived to school on Monday to find a humongous web taped across our carpets which they have enjoyed crawling all over. We have made spiders with our hand prints, with play dough, pipe cleaners and googly eyes.  We have also painted paper plate spiders, made webs with black paint and balls, climbed the outdoor web (dome), threw objects to our sticky tape web outside and made rain using containers with different sized holes. Senora Yorka added weather pieces to our “Incy Wincy Spider” display with us, too.

We wish we had 8 legs to keep up! What a busy week!


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Curriculum Topic Maps – Jan 2015

Do you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?

Our topics will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, into our community, back in time to the age of exploration and early settlements, across the world, out to space and into the future!

Early-years -toddlers-story-and-rhyme










It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploration.  If you can support these topics in any way do let us know.

Jingle Jam Christmas Fun for the Young Ones

Christmas-Tots-Party-dec-2014Wednesday 3rd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary.

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available Monday morning in the school entrance and open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Join us for a festive early evening.






Let’s Celebrate!

t-let's-celebrate-nov-2014 (7)There was truly much to celebrate when the toddler class concluded their topic, ‘All About Me’, with a celebration of their learning.

Parents were invited to spend the morning with their child. They were greeted with a ‘handy’ feathery hat, songs and movement. Then they participated in making a house craft, rolling scented play dough and feeling pasta at the sensory table. In addition, some toured the quails/chickens coop, hydroponic garden and had some fun on the green field.

There were lots of enthusiastic parents and children who celebrated a special morning together.  Thank you for coming everyone!


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Tickets available on Monday for our Early Years Show – Snowman at Sunset!

snowman-at-sunset-2014-posterOur Early Years classes from Toddlers to Kindergarten are excited to present their Christmas Show – Snowman at Sunset!

Everyone loves making snowmen, but what happens when there isn’t enough snow? Snowman at Sunset is a delightful Christmas musical with irresistibly catchy songs, containing a valuable message about the importance of teamwork.

Come and see our youngest children dazzle under the lights on our stage.

Tickets will be available in the school walkway from Monday onwards.  Community members welcome – pop down to Provo Primary, email, or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.