A unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
As part of our Community Helpers Topic the J.K’s have been investigating and identifying local community people and their careers. We have extended our school culture exploration of the Animal Hospital in our Home Corner to visiting The Turks and Caicos Veterinary Clinic. The children have been able to explore their own ideas about how to care for animals while making links between their current understanding and their increasing knowledge. These meaningful experiences offer such enrichment to learning.
The J.K.’s had a wonderful time making pumpkin chocolate chip muffins together. One of our mums is a chef, and she came into class and worked with all of the children as they poured, mixed and stirred a variety of ingredients to create this delicious snack.
After making the muffins, the J.K.’s created a story (recount) about the event using a Talk 4 Writing method that creates pictures to represent the events. The class has been practicing telling this story and will be performing it for parents in the near future. This is such a great example of early literacy and the fun and enjoyment that comes from it when it connects with a real-life experience.
Do you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?
Our topics will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, into our community, back in time to the age of exploration and early settlements, across the world, out to space and into the future!
Early-years -toddlers-story-and-rhyme
It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploration. If you can support these topics in any way do let us know.
Wednesday 3rd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary.
Tickets are available Monday morning in the school entrance and open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)
Join us for a festive early evening.
Our Early Years classes from Toddlers to Kindergarten are excited to present their Christmas Show – Snowman at Sunset!
Everyone loves making snowmen, but what happens when there isn’t enough snow? Snowman at Sunset is a delightful Christmas musical with irresistibly catchy songs, containing a valuable message about the importance of teamwork.
Come and see our youngest children dazzle under the lights on our stage.
Tickets will be available in the school walkway from Monday onwards. Community members welcome – pop down to Provo Primary, email info@provolearning.com, or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.
During our topic exploration of “Our Classroom as a Community” and “Our School as a Community” the JKs have been busy listening to stories, creating art work, and using puppets in relationship to “Friendship”. As we talk about “being a friend” and “being helpful and kind to others”, we also are working on resolving conflicts with one another.
The JKs have been creating stories about “Friends” using puppets. Their animal friends say “Hello” to their audience and create a short story while they share a variety of feelings with one another during a puppet show. They also created a “Friendship Wreath”. Together they made up the following “friendship story” to go with the wreath (The story can be seen in class next to the hanging wreath).
Our EYFS welcome newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.
Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.
Years 1 – 6 will be sending home creative topic maps for this term in the next couple of weeks.
Click on the image on the left to download our EYFS class newsletters.
The Junior Kindergarten have had a really great time learning about animals this term. During the first part of the term we focused on farm animals. We explored their habitat and young ones. The children enjoyed role playing, listening to stories and making paper and food craft to support the topic. They particularly liked matching the babies to their moms and dads.
The class visited a small farm to see how each animal and their young ones live, eat, rest, sound and responds. They were very excited during the visit. Talking about the trip on their return, the majority of the children expressed how much they had enjoyed themselves. The piglets and hens were the animals that they talked about the most. Please look at the photos of the children and look at their facial expressions while they are exploring.
The Junior K’s are learning about traditional nursery rhymes and fairy tales. They have enjoyed listening to the story of the three little pigs and have made each of the houses out of waffle blocks in their role play centre. To help recall simple parts of the story the children they have used puppets and acted out the tale using different voices and facial expressions. They thoroughly enjoyed taking the story outside during outdoor play, wearing their pig masks and pretending to be pigs playing in the mud.
Please enjoy the photos of the children developing their learning through play and feel free to come into the JK classroom to join in the fun!
A spectacularly colourful display of spring bonnets paraded through the school today, donned by our younger students. The bonnets were thoroughly enjoyed by onlooking students, teachers and parents, who clapped and cheered to show their praise for the wonderfully creative designs. Well done to all the families for working on these together and do enjoy looking at the photos. It was so lovely to see such individuality and such a range of ideas on how to depict the theme of spring and Easter egg time.
The parade was followed by our annual PTA Easter Egg Hunt – an egg-citing event that by no egg-aaggeration is a much look forward to by all the students throughout the school. Thank you to Haley and all of the PTA volunteers for making this happen.
Happy Easter break holiday everyone and we look forward to seeing you all back at Provo Primary on Monday 28th April.
Today was Sports Day for all the children from 2 through to 7 years old. Many families came along to support the children and the event was a healthy success with beating hearts, puffed cheeks and smiles all round!
Watching all of the events was amazing opportunity to see first hand the growth and development of children’s motor skills during these short years. Gross motor skills are physical abilities or capacities such as running, jumping, hopping, turning, skipping, throwing, balancing and dancing that involve the use of large bodily movements.
The event allowed the children to demonstrate developmentally appropriate skills that they have been learning and practising during their PE (Physical Education) activities. Teachers and children explained to the audience the techniques involved in the various activities before the children showcased their skills in team and individual activities.
I hope you enjoy looking back at the photos – the concentration, determination and enjoyment on the children’s faces and through their body action is a delight to see!
The Junior Kindergartens have been introduced to the many different people who help in the community. In particular, they have enjoyed learning about pilots. They have made a big aeroplane in our role-play area and love the idea of pretend traveling everyday with their peers.
In order to bring more real life knowledge to this topic, and to extend their experiences, the children visited Provo Air Center to explore aeroplanes and the job of pilots in more detail. The children were all interested in the pilot’s job and they each got the opportunity to sit in their seat and look at the cockpit. Take a look at our photos below.
The trip has certainly enriched the language and scenarios played out by the children in our role-play area. Since the visit, they are incorporating their new knowledge and talking more about their travel experiences.
[Read more…]
‘Maths Calculations’ was the focus of our 2014 Education Week Theme Week. Throughout the week we aimed to explore, share and celebrate the amazing range of Maths skills that students have in our school. Many parents and visitors came along to our Open House and Showcases. Take a look at all the Maths going on in at these events in our two movies.
Every day, the JKs love to play in water during outdoor play. Linking with our ‘winter’ topic, the children were each given a cup of water to freeze overnight. Wow… our water changed into ice! Taking them out of the freezer, the children wanted to see what would happen to their ice if they left them out in different places: they chose to put them in sand, salt, cold water, hot water, or just an empty container. They talked about what they thought would happen. Then they waited patiently and observed the changes throughout the day. They were excited to see how the ice changed into something else… especially the ice and salt, which formed ‘crystal balls’! What an incredible learning time they had with this experiment. [Read more…]
As a special Dress Down Day treat last week, the JK class welcomed everyone first thing in the morning with a hot chocolate and banana muffin stand. These delicious offerings were very popular, with an eager and hungry queue forming right up the walkway! The class raised over $200 which they will use towards a class trip or events later in the year. Thank you to all the JK bakers and servers and to everyone who helped support this yummy event!
The Junior Kindergartens are a group of happy jolly souls who enjoy exploring in a make-believe world. This term they were delighted to explore a cold winter on our beautiful, hot Caribbean island.
The children have listened to many wonderful winter-related stories, songs and activities and have explored many hands-on science experiments. The story of ‘The Mitten’ has been our main focus and has led to many wonderful activities such as making snow and learning about winter animals and how they migrate and hibernate during the winter months. Many of the children have been able to share their winter experiences with each other and everyone has learned about more how the seasons change. Even with temperatures in the 80s, the children have really enjoyed dressing up in winter clothes as they play in their home-made snow!
Back in the week of Halloween, the JK children were all excited about what they were going to be wearing to our PTA Halloween party. During circle time, they described their costumes and shared what they know about Halloween.
One of the children explained how his grandmother was going to make a Jack–o-Lantern with him. He was asked if he would like to share his experience with his peers here at school…he quickly liked the idea and said, “Yes”.
With the children dressed up as neurosurgeons, with their gloves and mask ready to operate on the pumpkins, this was truly a day’s lesson covering every area of learning.
We have some wonderful photos of the children operating on the pumpkins, so do click on…
On their first Day of school, the JK listened to the story “How Dinosaurs go to School “. Just like the dinosaurs in the story, the children were encouraged to learn about their manners, simple rules and routines and how to be a friend. During the first couple of weeks, the children then looked after their own dinosaurs and this helped to remind them of the things they have to do at school.
Now, a few weeks into the term, the children (and their dinosaurs) are now confident in their learning environment. They have all made new friends and are enjoying exploring all the centres and using them each day to support their learning.
ROAR ! Click on to see lots of photos of JK in their first couple of weeks of school.
Mother’s Day was celebrated with a sunflower theme this year in JK. Mums, aunts and grandmas were invited in for a special tea party. The party began with some Mother’s Day songs that the children had created themselves to express their thanks to their mums. Then everyone shared a delicious picnic on the carpet together. The children made banana muffins, which the guests got to decorate with icing and a flower. There were also home-grown tomato and cucumber sandwiches and, of course, teapots galore with refreshing hot tea.
Happy Mother’s Day – we hope everyone enjoyed being pampered and appreciated.
While the Year 3 Dolphins are busy learning about how a balanced meal should contain certain food groups to make a meal a ‘healthy meal’ – proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (such as calcium) and a small amount of fats and sugars, the JK class have been busy growing their own vegetables, and selling lots of healthy, vitamin full fruits and vegetables at their class (make-believe) shop.
JK kindly invited the Year 3 to come and visit them to do some shopping and to check out their fabulous growing skills. Lots of fun and knowledge was exchanged between the 2 classes.
Spring was certainly in the air this morning with our spectacular EYFS Spring Bonnet Parade. What a wonderful variety of bonnets, with flowers, chicks, eggs and bunnies galore! All the older children and parents enjoyed seeing all the hat designs, each one showing such amazing creativity. What a lovely way to celebrate the end of our spring term!
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