Materials – Materials – Materials

yr-3-materials-jan-2015 (7)Year 3 Dolphins have been busy looking at different ‘materials’ in science. First, we identified what ‘materials’ objects around the school were made of. For example our chairs are made of plastic, metal and rubber and our books are made from paper, card and metal. We then looked at the ‘properties’ (characteristics) of particular materials, using our wonderful adjectives to describe them – rubber is flexible, soft, strong and waterproof while metal is strong, rigid, smooth, waterproof and it can be shiny.

We then decided to place our Scientist Hats on and find out which paper material was the most absorbent. So we gathered different papers and devised a ‘fair test’ looking at which variable we were going to change (paper) and which variable we were going to keep the same (amount of drops of water).

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PTA Annual Fundraiser Meetings

pta-annual-fundraiser-meeting-jan-2015Meetings are:
Thursday 29th January
10am @ Shay Cafe
6pm @ Provo Primary

Anyone that is interested in volunteering or who has fresh ideas they would like to share is welcome. The more parents that get on board the more fun and successful the event will be!







Yr.1: Would you like to live in one of our lovely homes?

yr-1-jan-2015 (10)Year 1’s new historical topic is Homes; how we live in homes, creature homes and homes of the past. We’ve delved right into it! Using That Pesky Rat by Lauren Child, we designed and created a city scape for our furry friends. Afterwards, we wrote “Wanted” posters to help get our rats adopted by kind owners. Would you like to adopt one of our rats?

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PTA Movie Night Tomorrow!

movienightPTA Movie Night

Friday 23rd January


See posters at school for details.



PTA Yard Sale 7th February

pta-yard-sale-feb-2015Mark your calendars!

The next PTA Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday February 7th – if you would like to host a table please let me know. Each table is $25 and we are requesting pre-payment in order to avoid no-shows!




Medical Play: Opportunities for Fine Motor Development

jk-medical-play (2)As part of our Community Helpers topic,  the JK’s created a hospital in the Home Corner.  Presently, one of the most interesting things for them to explore are the bandages, surgical gloves and masks. The wonderful fine motor opportunities that have come from exploring with these items are evident in their attempts to use them in their play. When a child wants to put on a glove, the process is slowed down to “eye hand” coordination in placing the thumb in first and then each finger at a time.  The focused attention I have witnessed from the children to do this is amazing and they are so happy with their success at it.  This simple task helps strengthen their writing skills such as holding a pencil and achieving a proper grip.  The same can be said for opening and peeling off a bandage wrapper or securing a mask behind ones ears.  In the name of play, children learn and practice so many skills!

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Curriculum Topic Maps – Jan 2015

Do you have some knowledge, an interest or resources that will help to bring our class topics alive this term?

Our topics will take our children on learning journeys into story lands, into our community, back in time to the age of exploration and early settlements, across the world, out to space and into the future!

Early-years -toddlers-story-and-rhyme










It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploration.  If you can support these topics in any way do let us know.

Come along to our first PTA meeting of 2015

pta-poster-webThe Parent Teacher Association would like to welcome everyone to the first PTA meeting of 2015. Held tomorrow, Tuesday 13th January @ 6:30pm at Providenciales Primary School.

We have a whole new board of members and would like to encourage as many Mum and Dads to come along and meet us, discuss plans and projects for the upcoming terms and get involved with events!

It’s a great way to help shape your children’s experience at school and be involved with their education – plus sometimes it can even be pretty fun!

Everyone Welcome – See You There!

PTA Chair

Class Newsletters and Topic Maps, Spring 2015

topic-maps-jan-2015Class newsletters and curriculum topic maps help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, discover topics your child will be exploring and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our first class newsletters for the new school year.

School Lunch – Jan 2015

school-lunch-picHere is our lunch order form for this half term (Monday 12th January – Friday 6th Feb).

Lunches are available for full-time children.

If you would like your child to have lunch, please click on the image, and download and complete the lunch form. Forms are also available in the office. Please note that payment should be made in ADVANCE.

After-School Clubs, Spring 2015

school-club-imageWe have  new and exciting after-school clubs to enjoy this term, alongside some returning popular ones.  Feeling sporty?  Then how about our ‘TAG Rugby’ or ‘Team Awesome’ clubs.  Find out more about our ‘Check Mate’ club and learn to play chess or develop your strategic moves, or take a closer look at our science based ‘Under the Microscope’ club.  French, Steel Band and Homework clubs will continue – new members welcome.  For our younger members  we also have a delicious ‘Edible Treats’ cooking club and our popular ‘Bit of Everything’ club is back.

Click on the image left to download the registration form.  Please check the registration form for the dates of when there are no clubs and when they finish. [Read more…]

Provo Performing Arts School Springs into Action!

provo-performing-arts-school– inspired, dedicated classes for girls and boys – building confident and creative individuals – 

Following on from our Provo Primary After-school Club Programme we are pleased to announce that our affiliated Provo Performing Arts School Programme will be commencing this term.  We hope that together we offer a wide range of activities that will encourage our children active, learning and having fun.  Community members are also welcome to join.

Classes will start on Monday January 12th at Provo Primary School.  In order to manage class sizes, we are not offering drop in rates. Pre-registration is essential.

Please click on our timetable with class descriptions and information. I am also attaching the registration form which can be returned to me by arrangement, or can be dropped into the box at Provo Primary School Admin Office during term time, Monday through Friday between 8am and 4pm.

Best wishes from,
Niki Fowers

Provo Performing Arts School (Affiliated with Provo Primary)

Something shady going on at Provo Primary!

yr3-new-shade-jan-2015 (13)On their first morning back to the new school term, Year 3 could not wait to get out onto the grass area. Not because they did not want to work, but because they wanted to test out the brand new shade that has just recently been added. They were super excited to both see how wonderful it looked and to experience doing their morning stretch in the cool shade. They were so delighted with it that they could not resist but show you some of their stretchy cool moves. A HUGE ‘thank you’ to the PTA for making this all possible. They raised the funds and organised the erection of the shades. Now we can use the grass area for more than just ‘break times’ Hurrah!

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Keeping cool and protected under our new shade

shade-jan-2014What a wonderful surprise for the start of our new term – the shade is up!

Having shade over this much loved, but rather hot area will be greatly appreciated by children, teachers and parents alike.

Under the cool of the shade, protected from the sun, this expansive area will now be able to be utilised much more throughout the school day by all of the classes, for a variety of activities.   How fortunate we are!

This has been an immense task and we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone involved along the way…. Allie Guest Franck, Natalie Zaidan and Haley Weldon, Peter Karagan, Roland at Tibor’s, David Doherty and Jose Ovando.

Both the grass and the shade are PTA funded and installed ventures and would not have been possible without donations of funds, expertise, time and labour from our PTA members and community supporters.  THANK YOU from all of us at Provo Primary.

Happy New Year and welcome back to our Spring Term

happy-new-year-2015Happy New Year and welcome back to all our children, parent, teachers and community friends (locally and around the world). We hope you have all enjoyed the festive season and that you are all ready for the new term ahead.

School starts on Tuesday 6th January 2015.  

New school news will be posted on our blog and Facebook pages and class newsletters will be sent home in the first week to let you know about your child’s class and curriculum information for this term.

In addition to these, please click on to see key pieces of admin information and general reminders that are important for everyone to read and take on board:

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