PTA Movie Night
Friday 21st November
See posters at school for details.
A unique Primary School, offering a British based, child centred education in the Turks and Caicos Islands
PTA Movie Night
Friday 21st November
See posters at school for details.
Making a mess is lots of fun when you are a toddler! It may look like a mess but sensory exploration is an important part of a young child’s development. Every day in toddlers there is some activity that involves making a mess and getting our hands dirty. Recently, we put shaving foam in the water table and had loads of fun spreading it over objects (including our face), got sticky by gluing pasta to make Mr. Bones our skeleton, and poured and scooped pasta shapes and lentils with various objects (most of which ended on the floor!). See how much fun you can have at making a mess at home!
During our topic exploration of “Our Classroom as a Community” and “Our School as a Community” the JKs have been busy listening to stories, creating art work, and using puppets in relationship to “Friendship”. As we talk about “being a friend” and “being helpful and kind to others”, we also are working on resolving conflicts with one another.
The JKs have been creating stories about “Friends” using puppets. Their animal friends say “Hello” to their audience and create a short story while they share a variety of feelings with one another during a puppet show. They also created a “Friendship Wreath”. Together they made up the following “friendship story” to go with the wreath (The story can be seen in class next to the hanging wreath).
The week following Halloween was an exciting and busy one in the Gecko Classroom! Children learned about and prepared to participate in the school’s Bonfire Night celebrations on Wednesday 5th November.
As part of our topic Why are we all so different? we have been taking all opportunities to find out about and enjoy different festivals and celebrations from around the world. Learning about the history and the present day traditions of Guy Fawkes Night led to many questions and gave us lots to explore!
Children learned about safety around a bonfire and created firework art from glitter paints. As part of our Shapes project in maths we all tried to re-create firework displays by combining colour and shape. As the children created their work, they explained what they were imagining and thinking about.
Please click on ‘read more’ to see photos of our fireworks and Guy Fawkes masks.
Year 1 are starting their new topic ‘Celebrations and Stories from other Cultures’. Take a look at our topic map. We’ve already jumped right into learning about Africa using the picture books Handa’s Surprise and Handa’s Hen. We are starting to investigate how different the main character’s village, clothes, home and animals, in the book, are different from what we see in Providenciales. For example, while we see potcakes, horses and cats in Providenciales. In Handa’s village in Kenya, she sees elephants and giraffes on a regular basis. Very different, indeed!
Mrs. Yorka and I have planned some fun Spanish lessons to learn about some Latin American celebrations that happen during this time of the year.
Last week, Flamingo class were fortunate to have a special visit and talk about electricity safety from our local power company FortisTCI. This experience allowed us to consolidate some of our recent learning in our Science topic on ‘Electricity’.
During our Science lessons, we have been making a variety of electrical circuits using bulbs, motors, buzzers; we even created our own switches. But first we had to learn of the dangers and safety issues that electricity can have, and this talk really helped to reinforce the importance of being careful in different real life situations.
Year 3 started the year doing a geography-based topic about ‘The World and Weather’ in which they learnt about our world and where and how people live today. This half term, they will now be traveling back in time to find out about life in the past… and more specifically, life in Ancient Egypt. You can see what they will be learning about on their Ancient Egypt Topic Map.
How do we learn about people’s lives in past? Stepping into their class today and asking them this very question, the Year 3s bombarded me with different ways that I can discover about a time so long ago…
We have delved into shape and colour this term using different art mediums, classroom activities and shapes. Take a look at the amazing photographs and see us all discover and explore this vast subject. We especially enjoyed seeing the children delight in trying to find their hand print by size and naming all the colours of their friends hands and feet!
In their literacy lessons, Year 6 has explored the concept of how the big books are used in teaching younger children literacy skills. They examined the features of these books carefully in order to ascertain what theirs would need to include in order to fulfill the requirements of a big book. Such features included the use of illustrations which complement the written text; engaging characters; short stories which are easy to follow; language devices such as rhyme, alliteration and so on.
Year 5 had a fantastic start to the new mid-term with a range of powerful presentations from all of the students. The children were set the task of researching either the most important events in the Aztec timeline or the importance of xocalatl to the Aztecs.
Everybody did a fantastic job of researching carefully, ensuring they understood what they were going to present and thinking of different ways to do just that! We had an Aztec temple, tried actual xocalatl -(the drink), tasted and discussed different chocolates and had lots of fun learning in the process!
We also had a great set of discussions afterwards on how we could improve our presentation skills for next time! Well done, Turtles!
Following the success of their Ancient Rome topic, Flamingo Class has already turned its attention to a new area of learning!
At this time of year celebrations lie around every corner, which is great for their new class topic, Let’s Celebrate! They have already begun their project by participating in and thinking about the origins of Halloween, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day. Over the coming weeks they will focus on many other festivals and events as they consider how and why people around the world celebrate together.
The children will explore this topic using the ‘Thinking Actively in a Social Context’ framework. This promotes problem-solving and thinking skills and encourages the children to be confident, creative, independent learners.
Click here to see their topic map.
As part of our All About Me topic, Osprey class were lucky enough to visit Potcake Place. But why? Well, in Year 2 we have been learning how to look after ourselves. We discovered you have to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly.
So, why Potcake Place? Well, we wanted to know if puppies are the same. Do they need a balanced diet? What is a balanced diet for a puppy? Do they need 10 hours sleep like we do? Do they need to exercise every day?
Luckily thanks to the amazingly helpful, informative and patient staff at Potcake Place we found out all the answers to the above and LOTS more!
Preschool have been extremely busy bees since starting school in September.
We can climb up slides with our strong bodies! We can cut paper with our precise hand/eye co-ordination! We can do puzzles…even the tricky ones! We can move objects using tongs which strengthens our hands in preparation for writing!
We adore water play – exploring pouring and bathing babies! We have explored magnets and wonder why they stick together? We all adore transport whether its trains, planes, cars or pushing babies in prams – we love movement! We delight in playing with play doh, making snakes, pies and stamping out people!
See you again soon on the blog!
A couple of weeks ago, Years 4, 5 and 6 were fortunate to spend several hours with a group of students from the School for Field Studies (SFS) from South Caicos, carrying out a range of fantastic marine based activities.
This was part of our ‘Keeping Healthy Week, which focused on ‘Healthy Communication’. What was so special and so perfect for our communication focused week was that the children were interacting with a large group of young adults (18-20 year olds) in small group situations. It was lovely to see how well the children responded to the group of SFS students and how interested both sides were in learning from each other.
Here is the school lunch form for November. If you would like your child to continue having hot lunch, please complete and return the form to the office, together with payment.
The walk over to TCI’s national stadium was a colourful one, with nearly 60 Key Stage 2 students decked out in their team colours for their annual sports day. After several months of twice weekly track and field sessions, Teams Green, Blue, Turquoise, White, Yellow, Red and Orange were ready to compete…as individuals in each event and for team glory as well. Rotating through events including long jump, shot put, high jump, javelin, discus, hurdles and a 40 yard dash, each child strived to beat the personal bests they had recorded throughout training.
We made our first Halloween art project in Year 1—Jack O’Lanterns! After a quick demo, the children set off to work with a partner, as some of the cutting and pasting bits were a bit tricky to manage on their own. First, the children cut their orange paper into strips. Then they had to create a web-like design, pasting each strip into its spot. After that, they had to do the same to the top to create a pumpkin shape. Boy, was it ever tricky! That’s when teamwork was really needed. Lastly, the super fun bit—detailing their Jack O’Lanterns!
Read on to see how they turned out. We’re getting into the spooky Halloween spirit, are you?
What a wonderful first term Flamingo class have had studying the Ancient Romans! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Romans during class time as well as producing some fascinating and enlightening homework projects which they then presented to their classmates.
Key Stage 2 Sports Day:
Thursday 30th October
at the National Stadium Track
All the children have worked extremely hard since the start of the year in a range of athletic events, in order to learn new skills and set their own ‘personal best’ records. Our sports day provides an opportunity to use these skills in a friendly and competitive setting.
We hope that you will be able to join us for the morning!
Following on from our ‘Communication – Keeping Healthy Week’, here is a copy of the PowerPoint which was shared, that highlights the importance of making good choices when it comes to providing drink containers for young children.
Year 6 along with The PTA will once again host a very fun, family-friendly Halloween Party at the school this year!
See the poster for details.
Limited tickets at the door. Call in at Provo Primary School or telephone 441 5638 to secure yours!
This year we are proud to announce the arrival of baby quails and chicks at Provo Primary. The Pre-school class have delighted in watching them grow.
The children have been looking at their bodies and the chicks bodies. We discovered we all have two eyes and two legs. Our interest has centred around the ‘life cycle of a chicken’, a subject the children have learned about in both English and Spanish.
While looking at the baby chicks, one little girl asked, “Where is the mummy?”
The children are very happy because the chicks are now living with the baby and adult quails in the big coop.
Do you know how to read instructions? Well, Osprey class do! We have been learning, not only how to read instructions but to write them too.
Using Talk for Writing Yr 2 learnt the type of language, the layout and the features of an instructional text all through pictures and actions. Ospreys practised these and can now use them to write their own instructions.
Did you know that you need to use bossy verbs like decorate, stick, mix, slice and put? Also you need to use sentence openers like first, next, after that, then and finally.
Next week, we will be writing instructions for making a fruit salad as part of our All About Me topic and food for a tea party with The Tiger Who Came to Tea.
Keep checking our blog for pictures of our instructions and the things we make.
Which rocks are waterproof? Which rocks are hard or soft? How and when do we use rocks? What types of rocks are there? These were just some of the questions we tried to answer during our Rock Investigations in Year 3 this half term.
Read on to find out more about our investigations…
Last Saturday our Year 6 class had two tables selling baked goods and donated items at our PTA Yard sale. All together they raised $808.51 to go towards their Year 6 Summer trip. The class would like to pass on a big thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. They really appreciate your support.
Today after school the Year 6 sold ice-creams and cupcakes as a special end of half term treat! Thank you Mrs B. for making the cup cakes and parents for helping too. And thank you again everyone for your support. We hope you enjoyed the goodies!
(Written together with one of our Year 6 students)
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