On their first morning back to the new school term, Year 3 could not wait to get out onto the grass area. Not because they did not want to work, but because they wanted to test out the brand new shade that has just recently been added. They were super excited to both see how wonderful it looked and to experience doing their morning stretch in the cool shade. They were so delighted with it that they could not resist but show you some of their stretchy cool moves. A HUGE ‘thank you’ to the PTA for making this all possible. They raised the funds and organised the erection of the shades. Now we can use the grass area for more than just ‘break times’ Hurrah!
Something shady going on at Provo Primary!
Keeping cool and protected under our new shade
What a wonderful surprise for the start of our new term – the shade is up!
Having shade over this much loved, but rather hot area will be greatly appreciated by children, teachers and parents alike.
Under the cool of the shade, protected from the sun, this expansive area will now be able to be utilised much more throughout the school day by all of the classes, for a variety of activities. How fortunate we are!
This has been an immense task and we would like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone involved along the way…. Allie Guest Franck, Natalie Zaidan and Haley Weldon, Peter Karagan, Roland at Tibor’s, David Doherty and Jose Ovando.
Both the grass and the shade are PTA funded and installed ventures and would not have been possible without donations of funds, expertise, time and labour from our PTA members and community supporters. THANK YOU from all of us at Provo Primary.
Happy New Year and welcome back to our Spring Term
Happy New Year and welcome back to all our children, parent, teachers and community friends (locally and around the world). We hope you have all enjoyed the festive season and that you are all ready for the new term ahead.
School starts on Tuesday 6th January 2015.
New school news will be posted on our blog and Facebook pages and class newsletters will be sent home in the first week to let you know about your child’s class and curriculum information for this term.
In addition to these, please click on to see key pieces of admin information and general reminders that are important for everyone to read and take on board:
Toy Drive – Bringing smiles to those in need.
Thank you everyone for your kind donations of toys.
Our School Council Reps presented them to Captain Miller, from the Salvation Army, who will help to distribute them to children in the community this Christmas.
How wonderful to pass on smiles and happiness. The spirit of giving is such a lovely feeling, especially when we imagine the smiles on the children’s faces as they open their gifts on Christmas Day.
Jingle Jam Christmas Fun for the Young Ones
Wednesday 3rd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary.
Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.
Tickets are available Monday morning in the school entrance and open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)
Join us for a festive early evening.
Tickets available on Monday for our Early Years Show – Snowman at Sunset!
Our Early Years classes from Toddlers to Kindergarten are excited to present their Christmas Show – Snowman at Sunset!
Everyone loves making snowmen, but what happens when there isn’t enough snow? Snowman at Sunset is a delightful Christmas musical with irresistibly catchy songs, containing a valuable message about the importance of teamwork.
Come and see our youngest children dazzle under the lights on our stage.
Tickets will be available in the school walkway from Monday onwards. Community members welcome – pop down to Provo Primary, email info@provolearning.com, or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.
Tickets available on Monday for our Panto – Aladdin!
Years 1 to 6 are excited to present their panto this year, Aladdin Trouble!
A star-filled show you certainly won’t want to miss!
Tickets will be available in the school walkway from Monday onwards. Community members welcome – pop down to Provo Primary, email info@provolearning.com, or call 441 5638 to reserve your tickets.
Set within the context of the 1001 Arabian Nights from which the story originates, this panto-style version of Aladdin contains all the traditional elements and characters, alongside a whole host of less conventional ones!
The story begins in the bustling and spice-fragranced Eastern Streets, encountering dancers, musicians and pick pockets through the lively rhythms of our opening number In The Market Place. Here we meet the hero of our panto…
Happy ‘Day of Thanks’
We wish everyone a wonderful ‘Day of Thanks’.
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone in our community for helping to make Provo Primary the very special, happy and successful school that we are.
Enjoy your long weekend and see you back at school on Monday.
School Lunch – Dec 2014
Wear Blue for Dress Down Day!
It’s Dress Down Day this Friday (The last Friday of the month in School) and this month’s theme is ‘wear blue‘
In honour of World Diabetes Day, which was officially on 14th November, the Turks & Caicos Islands Diabetic Association is reaching out to schools to help raise awareness with a wear BLUE day.
Last month’s Dress Down Day raised $72, in support of breast cancer. Representatives from our school council with present cheques to both the Turks and Caicos Cancer Society and Diabetic Association later this month.
Year 1 Topic Map – ‘Celebrations and Stories from other Cultures’
Year 1 are starting their new topic ‘Celebrations and Stories from other Cultures’. Take a look at our topic map. We’ve already jumped right into learning about Africa using the picture books Handa’s Surprise and Handa’s Hen. We are starting to investigate how different the main character’s village, clothes, home and animals, in the book, are different from what we see in Providenciales. For example, while we see potcakes, horses and cats in Providenciales. In Handa’s village in Kenya, she sees elephants and giraffes on a regular basis. Very different, indeed!
Mrs. Yorka and I have planned some fun Spanish lessons to learn about some Latin American celebrations that happen during this time of the year.
Year 3 plan to discover how do we find out about life in Ancient Egypt
Year 3 started the year doing a geography-based topic about ‘The World and Weather’ in which they learnt about our world and where and how people live today. This half term, they will now be traveling back in time to find out about life in the past… and more specifically, life in Ancient Egypt. You can see what they will be learning about on their Ancient Egypt Topic Map.
How do we learn about people’s lives in past? Stepping into their class today and asking them this very question, the Year 3s bombarded me with different ways that I can discover about a time so long ago…
Year 4 begin their ‘Let’s Celebrate’ Topic
Following the success of their Ancient Rome topic, Flamingo Class has already turned its attention to a new area of learning!
At this time of year celebrations lie around every corner, which is great for their new class topic, Let’s Celebrate! They have already begun their project by participating in and thinking about the origins of Halloween, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day. Over the coming weeks they will focus on many other festivals and events as they consider how and why people around the world celebrate together.
The children will explore this topic using the ‘Thinking Actively in a Social Context’ framework. This promotes problem-solving and thinking skills and encourages the children to be confident, creative, independent learners.
Click here to see their topic map.
School Lunch – November 2014
Here is the school lunch form for November. If you would like your child to continue having hot lunch, please complete and return the form to the office, together with payment.
KS2 Sports Day, 2014
Key Stage 2 Sports Day:
Thursday 30th October
at the National Stadium Track
All the children have worked extremely hard since the start of the year in a range of athletic events, in order to learn new skills and set their own ‘personal best’ records. Our sports day provides an opportunity to use these skills in a friendly and competitive setting.
We hope that you will be able to join us for the morning!
Choosing drink containers for young children?
Following on from our ‘Communication – Keeping Healthy Week’, here is a copy of the PowerPoint which was shared, that highlights the importance of making good choices when it comes to providing drink containers for young children.
Spooktacular Family Friendly Halloween Party
Year 6 along with The PTA will once again host a very fun, family-friendly Halloween Party at the school this year!
See the poster for details.
Limited tickets at the door. Call in at Provo Primary School or telephone 441 5638 to secure yours!
Year 6 Fundraiser Thank You.
Last Saturday our Year 6 class had two tables selling baked goods and donated items at our PTA Yard sale. All together they raised $808.51 to go towards their Year 6 Summer trip. The class would like to pass on a big thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. They really appreciate your support.
Today after school the Year 6 sold ice-creams and cupcakes as a special end of half term treat! Thank you Mrs B. for making the cup cakes and parents for helping too. And thank you again everyone for your support. We hope you enjoyed the goodies!
(Written together with one of our Year 6 students)
Ospreys have been spotted on our adopted nesting platform
The news that ospreys have been spotted on our adopted nesting platform in the Children’s Park has been received with great excitement. Ospreys were first seen at the site last week, gathering nesting materials and building their nest. It’s a wonderful community place to see ospreys living amongst us and we hope they will be happy with this busy location – hold on tight to your fish on ‘Fish Fry’ night!
During World Osprey Week earlier this year in March, our Year 2 children went to see the platform being erected. It was a joint venture between Fortis TCI and DEMA and was inspired by Provo Primary School alerting them to the World Osprey Week celebrations.
We look forward to watching the ospreys and hope that eggs and chicks will soon follow.
This week is Keeping Healthy Week!
Our theme for this term’s ‘Keeping Healthy Week’ is healthy communications and a variety of activities on the importance of learning about how we communicate are planned for both children and adults to participate in. Take a look at some of the events planned and remember to make talking about communication a topic of conversation with your family this week.
Communicating to other people and understanding what others are saying is very important skill in life. If people did not communicate, we wouldn’t be able to know what others wanted, what to do, or where to go. Signs of good communication include the ability to express your needs, wants, and feelings appropriately in different situations.
Wave your Flags… It’s National Heritage Day on Monday 13th October
Happy Birthday Mishka!
See you Tomorrow at the Yard Sale!
SATURDAY, 11th October
Bargains and refreshments!
Even More New Library Books!
In addition to lots of new books purchased over the summer, we have just purchased a further $700 worth for the library with our Scholastic points. It’s a win-win situation, families get to purchase books through the scholastic book club and the school gets points for each purchase. Thank you everyone for your support.
Sometimes the library points are allocated to the teachers to choose books for their rooms, and sometimes we use the points to buy books for the library or for guided reading.
As part of large selection of genre, we are pleased to have a new class set of Spanish / English visual dictionaries… Miss Cara is looking forward to using them in her Spanish classes!
Happy reading!
Week of the Young Child – 6-10 October 2014
Each year during the month of October ‘The Week of the Young Child’ is celebrated here in the Turks and Caicos. This year the week commences October 6-10, 2014 under the theme:
“Quality Matters in Early Childhood Care and Education”.
Quality in Early Childhood settings enables children to grow and learn in environments that develop their social and cognitive skills with positive long term effects.