Santa delivers a virtual goodwill message

It’s tradition here for Santa to arrive on the last morning of school on fire truck laden with book gifts for all. Mindful of COVID-19 this year, Santa recorded a special message for us all that was shared virtually to all our students learning at home and at school.

It wasn’t quite the same, but the excitement of seeing our familiar Santa, hearing his voice and sharing blessings met with the same enjoyment as ever.

We certainly have lots to be grateful for this year and thank Santa for finding a creative way to share his presence!

Memories of our past Santa visits…

Santa in the Streets – Christmas 2019

A wonderful video memory of Santa in the Streets 2020!

A super HUGE thank you to all of you who donated gifts towards the ‘Santa In the Streets’ event last term. Your response was fantastic and your gifts were truly appreciated.

It was so heart-warming to see and to hear the delight from the children at the Ashleys Learning Centre when your gifts were presented to them individually by Santa on that final Thursday before the Christmas break. The School Council were present, giving out your soft toy donations to the children, as well as serving pizza and drinks to them all. They even got to bounce in a bouncy castle with some of the students. [Read more…]

Santa visits bringing gifts of books for all

A HUGE thank you to the fire service for once again bringing Santa to our school, laden with sacks of books for all the children throughout the school.  What a joy to see the smiles on all the children’s faces as each received their gift and got their own special time to sit and chat with Santa.  A lovely way to bring an end to our busy term.

Thank you, Santa!

A big thank you to our elf helpers, including many of our alumni students, to the PPPA for our Turkberry treat and to our Year 3 parents for the much appreciated morning coffee and goodies

Santa in the Streets – Spreading the Happiness!

A HUGE thank you to ALL of you who participated and bought gifts in for the ‘Santa in the Streets’ event. It was so, so wonderful to see all of your generous donations taking over the stage area; Santa was getting surrounded by your kind and generous offerings.

The School Council assisted Santa in the important task of distributing your gifts to all the children at the ‘Ashley Learning Centre’ and the ‘Oseta Jolly’ School during this final week of school.

The School Council were AMAZING! They not only assisted Santa in giving out the gifts, they also helped with packing boxes, sorting gifts, organizing the books AND gave out food and drinks all the children. The parents – Kristen and Joan, and I were truly proud of how the School Council went ‘above and beyond’ their call of duty and responded to each task with care, kindness and hard work – what a fantastic attitude to have. Councillors, you were marvelous!

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News Flash: Santa is on his way to Provo Primary!

News from Santa…he is making his way down to Provo in his water sleigh, with JoJo and his friends helping him out!

His flip-flops are polished and his beard shined.
The candy canes are all wrapped and taste tested.

His sleigh is full of books for all the children of Provo Primary.

And he is excited to see everyone!

Once at the dock, the local fire service will drive him to the school in their bright red fire truck.

See you tomorrow, Santa!


Santa brings gifts for all

Dear Santa!  Thank you for coming to visit us on our last day of term today at Provo Primary School:

Thank you to the Fire Service for helping Santa to get to our school.

The fire truck was big and red, just like your sleigh

The truck made a big noise.

I hope you weren’t too hot in your suit and boots.

Your beard was as white as snow and tickled.

I love the present that you gave me.  It was a book.  Thank you.

Thank you for the candy cane.

I hope you have a safe journey back to the North Pole.

Love from all the children at PPS.

Three cheers to our Year 2 parents too for baking goodies and offering refreshments for Santa, teachers, guests and onlookers throughout the morning.

On behalf of all the staff at Provo Primary, we would like to thank everyone for all their support this term, for their kind best wishes, cards and thoughtful gifts.

In return we wish everyone a happy holiday season with all your friends and family.  See you next year!

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More photos of our Special Santa Book Delivery to our friends on South Caicos

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Santa delivers some special books to our friends on South.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated books for our Pen Pal Schools on South Caicos, Calvery Christian School and Iris Stubbs Primary School. Altogether we donated 12 big boxes of books – the kindness of our children is quite overwhelming.

Earlier today, Santa flew over to South with his two elf helpers from Year 5, Miss Laranda and PPPA rep, Kelsey, to deliver the books. Looking at the first photo we’ve seen, it certainly looks like it has been a fun time.  We look forward to seeing more photos and hearing more news about their special delivery on their return!

We decided to collect books when we were sad to hear that many of the schools’ books had been damaged by the Hurricanes.  The children looked on their own bookshelves and choose books that they had enjoyed that they thought others would too.

Thank you everyone.  Thank you Santa for taking time out of your busy pre-Christmas preparations to help us, and thank you to Sail Rock for helping us with transporting everyone, and all the boxes, over to South.

Santa Arrives in a blaze of lights and sirens!

santa-dec-2016-1Santa arrived to the joy of all at Provo Primary, in style as usual, on the local fire truck!  Greeting Santa in this way has been a Provo Primary tradition for what we think could be as long as 13 years.  And it is still very much loved by all of today’s students, just as it has been for every year gone by.

We would like to pass on a HUGE thank you to the Turks and Caicos Fire Service for helping out over the years.

Here are some of our youngest students – meeting Santa for the first or second time here at Provo Primary, to our oldest students – for whom this tradition is still very much a special time.



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Santa Claus is Coming to School!

santa-2015 (3)Tradition continued here at Provo Primary, with Santa arriving on our last day of term on a bight shiny fire truck, welcomed by everyone singing ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’!

Wearing flip flops (island appropriate stage props!), but still otherwise dressed in his winter suit, he spent the morning sitting and speaking joyfully to each and every one of our children! Christmas wishes were whispered to Santa and in return a special book gift received.

Thank you, once again Santa for stopping by, creating lots of smiles and memories.  And also to everyone who helped make this tradition a highlight to our end of term activities.



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Santa Visit 2013

santa-visit-2013As is tradition here at Provo Primary, Santa arrived on our last day of term on a bight shiny fire truck!

Wearing flip flops, but still otherwise dressed in his winter suit, he spent over two jolly hours sitting and speaking joyfully to each and every one of our children – and one or two of our teachers as well!

Christmas wishes were whispered to Santa and in return a special book gift received.

Thank you Santa for stopping by, creating lots of smiles and memories.  And also to everyone who helped make this tradition a highlight to our end of term activities.

Alongside Santa’s visit, we were also fortunate to have an ice cream treat, courtesy of  ‘Giggles’.  Thank you for this sweet delight!

At the end of Santa’s time with us, we sent him on his merry way with waves and hugs, a thank you card and a mince pie to enjoy later.  See you next year, Santa!

Smiles all around as Santa arrives at Provo Primary

Hip Hip Hooray!  We are feeling blessed that Santa once again journeyed far from the cold North Pole to the warmth of TCI to come and visit us all here at Provo Primary today.  In true Provo Primary tradition he arrived at the school on a fire truck with horns blazing and lights flashing, greeted by cheers and smiles from all the children.

Santa certainly seemed as if he was in the holiday spirit donning his bright red flip flops!  Perhaps he is planning to put on his red board shorts and head to the beach!  He definitely deserves a cooling off after two and half hours of gift giving in his winter suit in this heat!

Thank you Santa.  Your gifts of a book for each and every child, and a chance to share a special one-to one moment with you was much appreciated and enjoyed.

See you next year, Santa!

Santa Visits us for Christmas 2011

Tradition continued this year with Santa arriving at Provo Primary School on a fire truck.  “Sleighs don’t work without ice!” explained a little boy, “and a fire truck is red like his sleigh.”  Santa always knows that we love reading at Provo Primary School, so he brings all the children a book as a special gift. Many thanks to Santa and his helpers at the Fire Department for taking time from their busy schedules to pay us a visit.  You made many boys and girls very happy today. Read on to see photos of Santa’s visit…

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Dancing Santa’s, 2011

Dancing Santa 2011 Turks and Caicos from Brilliant by Tropical Imaging on Vimeo.

Each year, Brilliant by Tropical Imaging create a much enjoyed ‘Santa Dancing -TCI Happy Holidays’ video featuring lots of local businesses.  This year they invited the children and staff of Provo Primary to join in the fun. There’s nothing quite like an early morning boogie, dressed in Santa hats and sunglasses, as a start to your school day! Many thanks and lots of holiday cheer to everyone at Brilliant by Tropical Imaging.

"Santa, I Have A Hat Just Like Yours!"

Santa came to visit us today bringing every child in the school a gift.  All the children went out to greet him as he arrived, not by sleigh, but on a shiny red fire engine, with flashing lights and loud sirens blaring.  Santa knows that all the children at Provo Primary school LOVE reading, so each year he brings a library of wrapped books in his sack.  THANK YOU SANTA and happy reading everyone!

Santa’s Here!

Santa arrives on the Fire Truck from Provo Primary School on Vimeo.

Santa came to visit the school today, arriving on a shiny fire truck.  This is a special Christmas tradition at the school that the children always look forward to on the last day of term.  Everyone gathers in the car park and awaits the sound, not of sleigh bells, but of the fire engine siren, announcing Santa’s arrival.

Excitement builds as the truck draws nearer and the welcoming smiles, claps and cheers reach fever pitch as he parks and climbs out of the truck with his bulging present sack on his back.  He is then eagerly followed into the school by the ecstatic crowd. He sits himself down on our outside stage and the classes comes out in turn to visit him, each child receiving a gift from his sack.  He always brings everyone a book, for he is a clever Santa who knows that learning to read and enjoying reading is very important.

All the children also got the chance to go on the fire truck – a big thank you to the members of the Turks and Caicos Fire Department for letting everyone take a closer look at the truck and for helping transport Santa to us. “Why does he come on the fire truck?” asked one of our five year olds.  I wonder what Santa said…perhaps you’ll leave us a comment and say what you think he replied!

See you next year, Santa and thank you for stopping by!


Santa Vacationing on Middle Caicos

Santa has been spotted vacationing on Middle Caicos over the holiday season!


Happy Holidays, from everyone at Provo Primary.

Jingle Jam is rescheduled for Thursday 12th December

Postponed from last week, due to inclement weather, the Jingle Jam is rescheduled for Thursday 12th December.

We’re sure you’re looking forward to a very merry start to the Christmas season!

Starting at 4pm  – until 7pm, come along to get a photo of your little one with Santa 🎅 and yourself a little mulled wine 🍷 other activities include… a festive crafts table ~ plenty of tasty reindeer treats ~ a toddler dance party with all the best cheesy Christmas tunes! It doesn’t get any better!

Under 5 years (older siblings may attend) $5 for every attendee (those under 1yr go free!)




Jingle Jam 2019

As you may already have heard Jingle Jam is fast approaching – our annual Early Years Christmas party is always a lovely way to kick off the festive season and a great way for parents to mingle, enjoy a mince pie and get that coveted Santa photo in a relaxed toddler friendly environment!

This year it falls on Thursday, December 5th so mark it in your calendars! Just $5 entry (under 1yr goes free) tickets on the door. 

Spread the word to friends with children under 5 years as everyone is welcome!

We can’t wait to see you there 🙂




What a lovely belated Christmas treat!

This week, the Year 1s had a lovely surprise when the Year 6s invited them to listen to their Christmas stories.  Year 6 had worked hard researching, planning, writing, editing, publishing and illustrating their very own Christmas stories and the Year 1 class were a willing audience.

In pairs, the Year 6s patiently read their stories to the Year 1s who enjoyed hearing all about the adventures of elves, reindeer, Santa and his sleigh.  Despite it being a little after Christmas, the stories sparked lots of conversations about the lovely holiday season the children had all had.

We look forward to lots more joint year group activities as the year goes on!

Thank you Mr Jason and the Year 6s!

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It’s Christmas time in the Caribbean…

Our Early years classes from Toddlers to Kindergarten will be entertaining us with festive songs, dances and a show.   Our Toddlers, Preschool and JK will set the festive scene decorating the Christmas tree and hanging up stockings for Santa.  Then our Kindergartners will perform a short play called Clever Cat’s Caribbean Christmas.  It’s a show not to be missed!

Wednesday 12th @ 6pm.

Tickets:  Adult $5 / Children $3 (children 5 and under and cast free)  

Food and drink on sale.

Buy your tickets in the school office, email or call 333 5638 after 3pm Tuesday 4th Dec.


Our Early Years Jingle Jam is this week coming…

Our Provo Primary Early Years families are hosting their annual Christmas Jingle Jam Disco Party for children 5 years and under and their families and friends.

Wednesday 5th December between 5 and 7 pm @ Provo Primary School. 

A wonderful evening for little ones with festive music and dancing, Christmas themed games and crafts, family photo opportunities with Santa.  Mulled wine, mince pies and other festive treats on sale!

All community families are welcome come and join the fun!
Tickets $5 per person (under 1 year olds free!).  All funds raised go towards our Early Years Programme.

Distillery House Kids Christmas Party

Distillery House presents… An Unforgettable Kids Christmas Party. 

Sunday 2nd December

4-7pm        $5 entry fee

Food and drinks available for purchase. 

Pictures with Santa, X-mas dancing and games, with special performances by Provo Performing Arts and Rocik it Hot Dance Studio students.

100% school fund-raising event.


Save the Date: Jingle Jam 2018!

Our Provo Primary Early Years families are hosting their annual Christmas Jingle Jam Disco Party for children 5 years and under and their families and friends.

Wednesday 5th December between 5 and 7 pm @ Provo Primary School. 

A wonderful evening for little ones with festive music and dancing, Christmas themed games and crafts, family photo opportunities with Santa.  Mulled wine, mince pies and other festive treats on sale!

All community families are welcome come and join the fun!
Tickets $5 per person (under 1 year olds free!).  All funds raised go towards our Early Years Programme.


What a LOVEly ‘Secret Angel Week’ we had

‘Secret Angel Week’ is a special time when all of our staff gets to experience a little love and appreciation from each other. This is the fourth year of having this event at the school and it is a very much loved and enjoyed time in our calendar.

A bit like a ‘Secret Santa’, we each were assigned someone to be an ‘Angel’ to, with our task being to shower them with secret surprises over the week. From hand-picked flowers to caring poems, delicious food treats to special gifts, we were all amazed by each others’ creative ideas and appreciative of their kind thoughtfulness. As intrigue over who’s angel was who’s gathered each day, we all looked forward to the ‘grand ‘revealing of our angels on the final day and took the opportunity to thank them kindly for all they had done for us to make us feel special.  What a super week!

We encourage you to introduce a ‘Secret Angel’ event to your workplace— we introduced it the first year with just a single day and it was so fun that we extended it to a week.  We know you’ll love it and enjoy seeing how its happy effect spreads to each and every one of your team.  Check out some info about it on the and let us know if you are planning to join in the fun.