Jingle Jam was a jingle of fun

Santa 🎅🏻 Selfie at The Jingle Jam! What a fabulous turn out! So much festive cheer, and lovely to see all the little ones having such a jolly good time. Thank you so much to everyone that helps me to make this possible every year! 🎁

Kate Burchill

Hooray… it’s the Jingle Jam Tomorrow!

It’s the Jingle Jam tomorrow, Wednesday 6th December from 5-7pm.  Join us at Provo Primary for a parent and toddler – Kindergarten aged friendly Christmas Party – older siblings are of course welcome!

Tickets: $5 per person (under 1 yr goes free!)

Community friends are more than welcome to come along!

The evening kicks off the festive season with a toddler friendly dance party, Christmas crafts station, mulled wine, mince pies and a visit with Santa himself!  It’s the perfect opportunity for a relaxed family photo with the jolly old guy and we will have a professional photographer there to snap away – your holiday photos will be sent to you free of charge – just remember to write your email on the back of your ticket!

Please contact Katherine Burchill if you would like to help with any last minute organisation. [Read more…]

Jingle Jam 2017!

The most highly anticipated Christmas event of the season is almost here – Jingle Jam 2017!

Wednesday 6th December from 5-7pm join us at Provo Primary for a toddler friendly Christmas Party!

Tickets: $5 per person (under 1 yr goes free!)

Open to Kindergarten and Early Years kids and parents (and kids of a similar age outside of Provo Primary – so tell your friends!)

The evening kicks off the festive season with a toddler friendly dance party, Christmas crafts station, mulled wine, mince pies and a visit with Santa himself!  It’s the perfect opportunity for a relaxed family photo with the jolly old guy and we will have a professional photographer there to snap away – your holiday photos will be sent to you free of charge – just remember to write your email on the back of your ticket!

Want to help us organise it…read on to see how you can help?
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Sharing a little love and appreciation at Provo Primary School

secret-angel-week-2016It’s ‘Secret Angel Week’ here at Provo Primary – a week where everybody gets to experience a little love and appreciation at the workplace and show just how much human beings can truly connect to one another and share happiness together — when we make ‘love and care’ a workplace “game”.

A bit like a ‘Secret Santa’, all of our staff have become a ‘Secret Angel’ to another staff member (Human).  Over the week we will anonymously shower our ‘Human’ with gifts, love, kindness and treats.  It’s wonderful to see how creative everyone gets, how they cleverly we all disguise our identity from our chosen ‘Human’ and how much we enjoy the challenge of trying to guess our own ‘Secret Angel’.

All will be revealed on Friday after school when the ‘Secret Angels’ will reveal who their ‘Human’ has been.

This year many of our classes are also enjoying a ‘Secret Angel Day’ in a similar way, spreading the joy across the school.  It sure is a happy week here at Provo Primary!

If you would like to enjoy a ‘Secret Angel Week’ at your school or workplace please see the rules of the game below. [Read more…]

A festive Jingle Jam tomorrow night for younger ones

Christmas Tots Party.jpgWednesday 2nd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary School.

Open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available in the school entrance – $5.

Last year it was really festive fun time, perfect for  younger children and families to enjoy together.

Join us for a festive fun evening.



School Council Toy Drive – Christmas 2015

Standing-Logo-santa-nov2013The Provo Primary School Council invites you to donate gently used toys, books or games to be re-distributed to other children on the island who are less fortunate.

If you would like to donate a gift, then please… wrap it up in Christmas paper and attached a tag with the appropriate age and gender.

Bring your gifts to school on…

Wednesday 2nd December.

The gifts will be distributed to other children on the island through The Salvation Army.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Jingle Jam Christmas Fun for the Young Ones

Christmas-Tots-Party-dec-2014Wednesday 3rd December 4:30-6:30PM on the stage at Provo Primary.

Toddler disco, mulled wine, mince pies, games and Santa appearance.

Tickets are available Monday morning in the school entrance and open to everyone with children 5 years and under (older brothers and sisters can come along too!)

Join us for a festive early evening.






Preschool memories of the end of 2013

ps-christmas-dec-2013-1Thank you parents and carers for an amazing end to 2013 – enclosed are just a couple of photographs to remind you and your children of the fun we had! Our party was a yummy success! The little ‘elves’ were our superstars and Santa was super exciting! We have started 2014 with smiles and love. Happy New Year from Miss Claire Marie and Mrs Jeannette.



[Read more…]

School Council Toy Drive

Standing-Logo-santa-nov2013The School Council invite you to donate gently-used toys, books or games to be re-distributed to other children on the island who are less fortunate.  

If you would like to donate a gift, then please… wrap it up in Christmas paper and attached a tag with the appropriate age and gender.

Bring your gifts to school on…  Wednesday 4th December.

The gifts will be distributed by the Rotary Club to other children on the island.


Mmmm… Christmas Lunch was Delicious

If we weren’t already excited about Christmas approaching and Santa’s visit tomorrow, our delicious Christmas lunch certainly got us all in the festive spirit.  Thank you Robin and all your staff at Pizza Pizza.  Your roast turkey, roast potatoes, stuffing, broccoli, peas, carrots, cranberry sauce and cookie dessert were all truly scrumptious!

Fun and Fabulous Class Reps needed!

Yes, you can help make this school year the best yet for your child by signing up to be a Class Rep.

Your role would be to liaise between the PTA and the parents in your child’s class. Responsibilities would include rallying parents in your children’s class to:

* Set up and run a game at the Halloween Party
* Collect donations for a silent auction basket for the school fundraiser
* Help with Santa’s visit and the Easter Egg Hunt

These are just a few of the wonderful things that we organise for the kids over the school year.

Two energetic and proactive parents per year are needed….Sign up sheet can be found at the front entrance. If you require any further information of have any questions you can contact Vicky via the school office or email pta@provolearning.com

Early Years: 1 to 5 yr olds

Our Early Years Programme (1-5 years)

General Information / Curriculum / Routines / Enrollment
Welcome to the early years programme at Provo Primary School.   We are excited to be partnering with you during the most intense period of development your child will ever experience. In these wonderful early childhood years, your family will develop patterns and habits, and your child will develop brain architecture and learning styles, all of which will shape lives. Research tells us time and time again the importance that a supportive learning environment makes in determining your child’s future. We hope that at Provo Primary you will find just such an environment.

First days at school…

First days can be daunting! For some children, early days at Provo Primary may be their first experience of separating from the most important people in their short lives. We seek to make this transition as smooth as possible, both for child and adult. We offer a flexible approach that enables us to cater for each child and family individually, as we work together to ensure that children feel secure and happy.

Settling in…

As the children start to settle, we help each one to feel that he/she belongs and is important by listening to the children and respecting their thoughts, ideas and views. Children thrive on structure and routines, and, as each child becomes more confident and independent, they start to explore different activities and mix with others around them and within the school.

Taking time…

All children have a natural desire to learn and do so at their own individual pace. We provide a stimulating environment wherein the children can develop their own relationships and learn new skills – but in their own time and their own way. We recognise that all children are different and, as we get to know each child closely, we monitor and plan for each child’s individual development and progress whilst nurturing their special character, strengths and skills.

Experimenting and trying new things…

Our aim is that all children will fulfill their potential. We encourage children to become active learners who, by asking questions, gain confidence as they explore the world around them. Children are naturally curious; we aim to foster that curiosity through well-planned and well-resourced activities in a stimulating environment.


We value and promote play as a meaningful method of learning. Every day is different! Throughout the morning, the children will be engrossed in a variety of activities, both adult-led and child-initiated, inside our colourful and child friendly classrooms and out in our playground/garden area. During free play, both inside and outdoors, the children may choose from activities, including creative / messy play, construction, small world, role play, soft play, sand, water, bikes or the book corner.


We aim to help children develop responsibility for themselves and their actions, and to become competent, independent and co-operative individuals. Many opportunities arise to encourage the children to think how their behaviour affects others. We believe discipline to be important and we approach this with love, fairness and firmness, encouraging children to make right choices and to live within the boundaries set for them. We want all children to have respect both for themselves and other people.


At Provo Primary we offer a huge variety of trips and events for the children to enjoy. We offer field trips to local environments and we encourage special visitors to come to share their expertise. In December, we join with the whole school in performances on the stage in front of an audience of family and friends and there is a special visit from Santa. In the Spring Term, we have a Sports Day and a special Spring bonnet parade and Egg Hunt. In the Summer term, we celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day inviting family members in to join in the fun!

Stepping out…

By the time children move into Year 1, we hope that they will be secure, confident and well rounded little people.


General Information

The school runs from September to June. Our classes include:

Toddlers: A part-time programme for 12 months to 2 year olds. See our Toddlers Class Information Booklet

Preschool: A part-time or full-time programme for 2 and 3 year olds.   See our Preschool Class Information Booklet

Junior Kindergarten: A part-time or full-time programme for 3 and 4 year olds. See our JK Class Information Booklet

Senior Kindergarten: A full-time programme for 4 and 5 year olds (North American Junior Kindergarten or K1 class).  See our Senior Kindergarten Class Information Booklet


Our Toddler, Preschool, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten programmes follow the English Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) and adopt a ‘play-based’/topic themed approach to learning.

See all of our latest topic plans

Our curriculum helps children learn to: design and implement projects based on their own interest areas, develop social and emotional skills such as initiative, problem solving, conflict resolution, relationship building, the ability to gather information from a number of sources which will later translate into academic disciplines, and synthesize the information into theory.

In the curriculum there are three prime and four specific areas of learning, and the three learning characteristics:
The prime areas of learning:
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
 The specific areas of learning:
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The learning characteristics:

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and Thinking Critically

Each area of learning and development has ‘Early Learning Goals’. These set out the skills, understanding, knowledge and attitudes we hope children will reach or exceed by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, in Kindergarten (by 5 years old). Children will be at different stages of progress towards these ‘Goals’ depending on their age and stage of development. Our teachers understand this and take it into account when planning activities.


Children will experience the following elements in the course of their day with us:

• Arrival/welcoming time
• Singing, music and or movement
• Centre choice time
• Small group time
• Large group time
• Outdoor play
• Clean up
• Meals – snack and lunch times
• Rest

It is our aim that our programmes will encourage creativity, curiosity, discovery, understanding and build the foundations of a love of learning.



If you choose to enroll your child in Provo Primary Early Years Programme, we look forward to experiencing and sharing this time with you. We know that these early childhood years are critical foundation years and we will be honored to share these most precious years with us. We will do our utmost to provide you and your child with the support and resources that will help your child develop to his/her unique potential.
For an appointment to visit our early years programme in action, please call the school at (649) 441 5638 or email director@provolearning.com. Please also visit our Enrollment section of the website.

Christmas Problem Solving

Our Year 6 and Year 4 level Math groups got together this week to work on some Christmas problem solving.  The Year 6 took on the role of teachers, supporting the Year 4s.  They prepared their lessons carefully, thinking through how they would help and encourage their partners to work through each problem, logically and methodically, using a range of strategies.  Everyone enjoyed the experience and the room was a buzz of activity.

[Read more…]

Provo Primary's 2010 Yearbook is Here

Provo Primary’s 2010 yearbook was released yesterday, much to the joy of the children, parents and staff of Provo Primary School. Krys Mann is the amazing person responsible for producing this truly incredible 6th edition yearbook. We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work, her wonderful creativity and for the endless hours she has spent choosing from thousands of photos and producing the pages. She has certainly captured wonderful memories for us to enjoy today and to reminisce over in the future.

Our yearbooks provide a great insight into the many and varied educational opportunities that our children at Provo Primary School have experienced over the years.

Read on and see a sneak preview of some of the amazing pages…
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Bob the Elf – Christmas around the World


Years 2 to 7 put on a fantastic end of term show this week.  Audiences were amazed and thoroughly entertained by the extremely talented dancers, singers, musicians and actors.  Some say it was the best Provo Primary Christmas Show to date!  See a slideshow of the main highlights.

Bob (the littlest elf) was rather disgruntled as she didn’t understand the true meaning of Christmas. So clever Santa decided to take her with him on his sleigh and show her all the wonderful things that happen around the world at this special time of year.

We’d like to thank all the children, staff and parents whose combined hard work and efforts have produced this wonderful show and a big thank you to Krys for these wonderful photos.

TCI 'Massin' Provo Primary Style

yr5-junkanoo-dec-2009David Bowen, our Director of Culture, came to help out with rehearing one of our Year 5 performances in our upcoming End of Year Show: Bob the Elf – Christmas around the World.

The story is about an Elf who travels the globe with Santa on Christmas Eve learning about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.  On his journey he visits our country, the Turks and Caicos where he sees some ‘Massin’, our traditional native Junkanoo music parade.  In the photo above you can see a sneak preview of the children practising.

yr5-junkanoo-1-dec-2009The children will be busy this week making creative masks and costumes out of just about anything.  Here is a photo of a man dress up in his ‘Massin’ costume to give you a glimpse.

They can’t wait for you to see it on the night!