Year 3 plan to discover how do we find out about life in Ancient Egypt

yr-3-ancient-egypt-topicYear 3 started the year doing a geography-based  topic about ‘The World and Weather’ in which they learnt about our world and where and how people live today.  This half term, they will now be  traveling back in time to find out about life in the past… and more specifically, life in Ancient Egypt. You can see what they will be learning about on their Ancient Egypt Topic Map.

How do we learn about people’s lives in past?   Stepping into their class today and asking them this very question, the Year 3s bombarded me with different ways that I can discover about a time so long ago…

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Key Stage 2 Sports Day: Jump, Run, Throw – Repeat!

ks2-sports-day-oct-2014 (11)The walk over to TCI’s national stadium was a colourful one, with nearly 60 Key Stage 2 students decked out in their team colours for their annual sports day. After several months of twice weekly track and field sessions, Teams Green, Blue, Turquoise, White, Yellow, Red and Orange were ready to compete…as individuals in each event and for team glory as well. Rotating through events including long jump, shot put, high jump, javelin, discus, hurdles and a 40 yard dash, each child strived to beat the personal bests they had recorded throughout training.

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KS2 Sports Day, 2014

ks2-sports-day2014Key Stage 2 Sports Day:
Thursday 30th October
at the National Stadium Track

All  the children have worked extremely hard since the start of the year in a range of athletic events, in order to learn new skills and set their own ‘personal best’ records. Our sports day provides an opportunity to use these skills in a friendly and competitive setting.

We hope that you will be able to join us for the morning!

Year 3 Rocks!

yr-3-rocks-oct-2014Which rocks are waterproof? Which rocks are hard or soft? How and when do we use rocks?  What types of rocks are there? These were just some of the questions we tried to answer during our Rock Investigations in Year 3 this half term.


Read on to find out more about our investigations…






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Quail Mania!


When the quails first arrived Year 3 went ‘all out’ to research into finding the answers to the many questions they had about these teeny little birds. They found out lots of interesting facts.  Here are some of the answers to the questions we asked:

* Quails only fly when they are frightened.

* They eat seeds and grass. They like to eat green things, and many are vegetarian. However some quails do like to eat insects and worms.

* Some Californian quails are blue and red.

* Male quails sing to attract their girlfriends.

* Quails hover like helicopters.

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Key Stage 1 and 2 Topic Maps – Autumn 2014

ks1-2-topic-maps-autumn-2014What a wonderful range of creative topics our children are learning about this term in Years 1 through to 6. They will take our children on learning journeys around the world, back in time and into the future.

It’s always exciting to see how these topics develop as children’s interests, growing knowledge and questions lead them further into exploring different aspects.

Click on the image to see what your child’s topic involves and let’s work together to bring these topics alive with learning both at school and at home.

School Handbook and Class Information Booklets (2014-15)

class-information-booklets-sept-2014We are very proud of the educational programme we offer to our children and of the cooperative working relationship we strive to develop with our families.

Our 2014/2015 School Handbook and Class Information Booklets have been developed in an effort to enhance this relationship and to provide you with information about the school ethos and expectations, and the curriculum for each class year group.

Please click on the image on the left to download the latest copies of our Class Information Booklets.





Year 3’s Tipi Reconstruction

yr-3-tipi-may-2014 (3)This year we found that the tipi needed a bit of facelift.  So we kindly asked Mr Neal if he could return and work on rebuilding it with us. Parents came in the day before, however, to help in dismantling it, which gave us a good idea of how to assist Mr Neal in reconstructing the structure.

Once it was finished, we collected and painted lots of rocks and arranged them around the tipi.  It looks wonderful – do venture into the playground to have a look.  Sitting in it really does offer great shade from the summer sunshine.

Thank you to our parent helpers and to Mr Neal for you invaluable help.


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Year 3 Explore Control Technology and Simple Machines with Lego and iPads

yr-3-control-tech-may-2014 (3)Year 3 enjoyed an afternoon of what appeared to look like playing with Lego and iPads… but what were they learning?



Using the iPad apps ‘Daisy the Dinosaur’ and ‘ Kodables’, the children were introduced to the basics of computer programming and algorithms.

yr-3-control-tech-may-2014 (4)


Building with the Lego sets the children carefully followed step by step instructions and explored how simple machines work.


Read on to find out more…


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Tyres and messy, messy paints!

yr-3-tyres-tipi-may-2013 (5)It’s that time of year again when Year 3 get their creative hats on and explore ways of improving the look of our outdoor environment.

We  found out that the tyres in the garden were super fun to jump in and out of. Therefore we decided to paint some of the extra tyres and, together with some of the older tyres, relocated them to a new spot in the sand area where all of us could have fun jumping around in them!

Some of the tyres were also re-potted with new soil and again relocated into another area of the playground. We then planted some new seeds in the hope of seeing some beautiful flowers emerge in the future…. Lets see if our magic green fingers work this year!

Huge thanks to all the parents who have helped us have so much fun in the garden and playground. We really could not have accomplished all the messy paint scenarios and laughter without you all…THANK YOU!

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World Osprey Week – A Fantastic Week of Learning!

wow-march-2014-10Thank you to everyone at the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust for organising this wonderful WOW celebration and encouraging us to learn more about the ospreys that live here in our islands. The week has been a great success and the interest of the children and the support community has been amazing. A true example of learning at its best!

Click on the image left to see some photos of the week’s events and fantastic art work and continue reading all about our different osprey activities below…

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Migrating ospreys fly close to TCI

yr-3-ospreys-march-2014-11What a fabulous week we all had learning so much about the amazing life of an Osprey bird. We discovered lots of fascinating facts! For instance did you know that the wing span of an osprey can be as long as 1.82meters (around 6 feet)? The females are bigger than the males. They lay between 2 to 4 eggs each year and they migrate to the same place.  We wonder if the new osprey nesting platform, that was put up this week at The Bight Park, will become a new nesting place for a new pair of ospreys, we hope so!

We were also introduced to Belle. An American Osprey that migrated to Brazil for the winter months and is at this very moment making its way back to the US. Belle actually flew very near to us in the TCI on her journey back. We found out that she flew over 700 miles in 36 hours – how impressive is that! We decided to make some friends for Belle so we made some of our own ospreys. Check out our photos and meet Olive, Rainbow, Oscar, Otis, Freddy, Ricky, Sherman, Dotty, Oreo, Penny, Bed Head and Bucky the Year 3 Dolphin Ospreys – have fun! Click ‘read more…’ to see lots of photos  of the children creating their ospreys.

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Showcasing our Maths learning throughout the school

‘Maths Calculations’ was the focus of our 2014 Education Week Theme Week.  Throughout the week we aimed to explore, share and celebrate the amazing range of Maths skills that students have in our school.  Many parents and visitors came along to our Open House and Showcases.  Take a look at all the Maths going on in at these events in our two movies.

Year 3 Roller Coaster Rap

Last week, one of our guided reading groups decided to create a ‘rap’ to retell part of a story they had been reading. The rest of the class were so impressed that they wanted to join in too…so they did. The story was called ‘Up and Down’ and was based on two characters. One character loved fairground rides, while the other did not. Enjoy!

Secret Valentines – Guess who is behind the pot!

Y3-valentines-feb-2014 (3)On Valentines Day Year 3 Dolphins had a wonderful time creating Valentine Haiku poems for the people they cared for. Having chosen one special person in their life, they then thought of feelings, events and occasions associated to that person. Using the five, seven, five syllable rule they created their special haiku for their special person. They neatly wrote out their poems, disguised as a secret package and placed it in a Valentine pot that they had decorated. You can read their poems below, but can you recognise who is behind each pot! 






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Year 3’s Fabulous Funky Fractions

yr-3-fractions-jan-2014The Year 3 Dolphins have had lots of fun discovering how to find the fraction of shapes. They began by splitting the circular shape of their air balloon designs into equal parts. They then shaded the equal parts into different colours. Their objective was then to calculate the fraction of each colour used within their air balloon. This idea then escalated into designing kites and hats that could also be split into equal parts and fractionalized!

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The Year 3 Dolphin Mall Class Shop has been officially opened!

yr-3-shop-nov-2013 (9)“We have the best prices starting at $1!

“We make your bills smaller with our prices…”

“Remember our prices cannot be beaten!”

 “We have it all! Groceries, toys, DVD’s, clothes, sports equipment and more!”

“You want it…We have it!”

Have we persuaded you to come in and buy from the Year 3 class shop? We had a lot of fun designing persuasive posters and adverts to entice customers to come and shop with us. We have bargains galore!

Year 3 Dolphins have not only been co-operatively building a class shop, they have also been busy:  Estimating the cost of their shopping; finding the totals and, just as importantly, checking their change!

It’s been great fun to work together, learning from each other and of course, having the chance to shop during ‘school time’! Super work Year 3!  Take a look at the photos of our amazing shop and super-duper Maths calculations.

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Year 3 get Hot… HOT… HOTTER… then cold… COLD… COLDER

yr-3-hot-cold-nov-2013 (10)What wonderful colour mixing and brush control from the Year 3 Dolphins! They have brought a ‘blast’ of beautiful colour into our classroom.  The bright and bold colour creations was inspired by our Numeracy work on  shape and our Social Studies work – looking at different climates around the world.  Can you feel which colours may make you feel ‘cold’ and which colours may make you feel ‘hot’?

The art work of Kandinsky was the original source of inspiration for these designs, yet the line and form were taken from the US artist, Alma Lee.  The end products, lively colour and happy designs are the creations of the one and only talented Year 3  –  well done Dolphins!

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Year 3 Explore Nature at the Amanyara Resort

yr-3-amanyara-oct-2013-3A fun educational morning, compliments of Miss Jackie at the Amanyara.

How fortunate we Year 3 Dolphins were. We were invited to go and visit the Nature Centre and walk the Nature Trail in the area of the hotel. A fabulous morning of ‘discovery’ was experienced. We were able to observe and handle the live residential conch, soldier crabs and sand dollars that live at the Centre. It was really interesting to see the soldier crabs walking together! We also learnt about plants in the TCI, used a microscope to see natures patterns of plants and insects, painted our own pot to plant seeds in, plus experienced the plants we talked about first hand, during our Nature Walk. Wow! We were so busy!



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Year 3’s Place Value Snakes

yr-3-snake-place-value-sept-2013-1Year 3 Dolphins have been having a hiss-terical time with their ‘Place Value Snakes’.  They have been used to asss-ist them in identifying the value of digits in 3, 4 and sometimes even 5 digit numbers.  Each counter you drop into a snake’s hole stands for one value in that place. For example, two counters in the ‘tens’ hole stands for two tens, or 20. Three counters in the ‘thousand’ hole stands for 3 thousands or 3000. Such clever snakessss , such clever Dolphins too!

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Yummy, Tasty Nutrition Classes

As part of this term’s ‘Keeping Healthy Week’, nutritionist Tamika Handfield came in to teach Nutrition classes to all the children from Year 2 – 6.  Some classes made egg and vegetable burritos, while others made fruit kebabs.  The children learned about how whole-grain foods and fruits and vegetables are healthy, the importance of looking at the labels on food packaging,  washing hands before cooking, safety in the kitchen and that washing up is part of the cooking process!    PTV came along to video for their news programme.  Click on to see photos and to learn more about our nutrition classes.

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Year 3’s Cheshire Hall Surprise!

yr-3-cheshire-hall-2013 (6)What fun was had on Friday morning when the Year Three Dolphins made a visit to the Cheshire Hall National Trust historical site. We were greeted by the curator Jonathan, who shared his knowledge and stories with us.  Cheshire Hall was set up over 200 years ago by Thomas Stubbs , who had been encouraged by his brother, Wade, to leave his home in England and develop a cotton plantation.



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Teeth Galore in Year 3!

yr-3-teeth-may-2013 (10)Did you know that the majority of the Year Three Dolphins are still waiting for all of their milk teeth to come out? The tooth fairy is rubbing her fairy wings together in anticipation for all those ‘milk teeth’ to be collected.

During this lesson the Dolphins were asked to look at their teeth closely.  How many incisors, canine or even molar shaped teeth did they have? What shape were they and why? How do we look after our teeth? What are cavities and how do we avoid getting them? Lots of facts were acquired during this activity. Plus lots of laughter… just look at all those funny faces that were pulled during our observational drawing! Miss Mani has such a ‘beautiful’ and ‘handsome’ Year Three!


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And it all began with bread tasting…

yr-3-sandwiches-may-2013 (14)The Year Three Dolphins have been enjoying a Design and Technology project about designing sandwich snacks.

After lots of tasting, researching, designing and re-designing they came up with some of their own fabulous nutritionally balanced sandwich designs; plus their own set of written instructions to follow while making their creations.

They created lots of different varieties:

‘Flutter Fly Summer Time’, Blooming Blossom, Ginger Bread Man, Mr Sheep’s Head, Tuna Delight, Boat Couch, Clown, Mickey Mouse, Pack Man, Angry Bird Sandwich, Happy Star Tree and the Butter Fly Sandwich’. See if you can identify them from the photos below.


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Year 3 Dolphins go Shopping at the JK Vegetable Shop

yr3-healthy-eating-apr-2013 (1)While the Year 3 Dolphins are busy learning about how a balanced meal should contain certain food groups to make a meal a ‘healthy meal’  –  proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (such as calcium) and a small amount of fats and sugars, the JK class have been busy growing their own vegetables, and selling lots of healthy, vitamin full fruits and vegetables at their class (make-believe) shop.

JK kindly invited the Year 3 to come and visit them to do some shopping and to check out their fabulous growing skills. Lots of fun and knowledge was exchanged between the 2 classes.




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