Flamingo Class’ Tudor Science Experiment…

Mr Toby set us a rather odd challenge this week!  He told us that, on his daring voyages around the world, the famous Tudor Explorer Sir Walter Raleigh insisted on drinking piping hot tea!  The only problem was, he would never drink his tea right away…apparently he was too busy searching for new land, fighting with Spanish ships or just showing off his fine Tudor clothes! By the time he came to drink his tea, it would be cold!

We worked together to plan a fair test, so that we could compare how well different materials kept the tea hot over time.  Read on to learn more about our experiment and to see more photos.

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National Primary School Debate

Congratulations to our Year 5 Debate Team who competed in the National Primary School Debate this week.

‘Money Is More Important Than Education’ was the moot of the day.

Our team certainly delivered some powerful points, each presenting superb speeches lasting 7, 5 and 3 minutes respectively.  Special congratulations also go to one team member for winning a best speaker trophy. We are very proud of all the children’s efforts and how they rose to this challenge of public speaking.

Watch highlights of the debate, and see the children being interviewed, on our local WIV 4 news channel:  Primary School Debate Interview

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Playdough Recipe

In JK this week we donned our chef hats to cook up some playdough!

We followed a simple pictorial recipe, carefully measuring out the flour, salt and cream of tartar in cups.  It was fun to each have a turn.  Ms Myrna added the hot water and stirred it up, and once it had cooled it was ready for us to use.

It was fun to make and equally as fun to play with.  Click on to see photos of us making and playing with playdough.

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Fun and Fabulous Class Reps needed!

Yes, you can help make this school year the best yet for your child by signing up to be a Class Rep.

Your role would be to liaise between the PTA and the parents in your child’s class. Responsibilities would include rallying parents in your children’s class to:

* Set up and run a game at the Halloween Party
* Collect donations for a silent auction basket for the school fundraiser
* Help with Santa’s visit and the Easter Egg Hunt

These are just a few of the wonderful things that we organise for the kids over the school year.

Two energetic and proactive parents per year are needed….Sign up sheet can be found at the front entrance. If you require any further information of have any questions you can contact Vicky via the school office or email pta@provolearning.com

Watch out for the Mud!

Last week, Kindergarten got their drama shoes on when they acted out our story of the week– Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw.  The story is about a bunch of silly sheep that cram together in a jeep and take an ill-fated road trip.  Take a look at our acting chops!

Flamingo Class Whip up a Storm!

As part of our art project, we set ourselves the challenge of building a huge ocean mural directly onto our Tudor topic display board. In order to decide how to lay out our mural, we looked at a range of artworks from all around the world. Then, we used all of our cooperation and communication skills to organise ourselves into teams, so that we could work effectively together. Once prepared, the fun began! We pasted torn strips of paper onto the board using glue, layering each colour to create the impression of crashing waves. In just over an hour, with our hands and fingers thoroughly stuck together, we could step back and enjoy our creation! Read on to see more photos of us working together on this project and the finished mural.  We hope you like it as much as we do – please call by the Flamingo classroom to take a look for yourselves at the real thing.

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September Newsletters

Class newsletters help you to keep in the loop and find out what is happening in your child’s class.

Access important information, note future upcoming dates and events and see how you can support your child’s learning at home.

Click on the image on the left to download our latest newsletters.

Storm Soundscape

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the Flamingo Classroom! To introduce our topic on Tudor Explorers, we have been thinking about life on the ocean in many aspects of our learning. In our Literacy work, we have used ‘The breaking wave of Kanagawa’ by Katsushika Hokusai to inspire poetry writing.   Throughout the opening weeks, we have been exploring how to use word and phrases to create moods, sounds and images in our reader’s imagination. To get our own imagination working hard, we re-created the sounds of a tempest using only a few musical instruments and our own voices. This ‘soundscape’ helped us to experience the storm. It actually sounded quite frightening! Fortunately, it also gave us some excellent ideas for our writing!  Come and read our poems, displayed on our Storm Mural in our class.

Sign-up Time for our New After-School Clubs

Our After-school Clubs are filling fast so download your registration forms and join in the fun!

Choose from steel drums, guitar, needlework, French, drama and outdoor arts and crafts. We also offer homework clubs for children in Years 3-6.  Find out more about all our clubs by clicking the image on the left.

Children from the community are also most welcome to participate in our club programme so do send a link to any friends that you think might be interested.

Also, let us know if you have a talent or hobby and would like to be a part of our after-school club at the school.  We have had a few volunteers in the past and this year we are particularly interested in anyone wishing to lead a sports related club.

Barking Mad in Year 1!

This year we welcome a new student to the Pelican Class – Barney Barker. All the way from England, Barney the dog has come to Provo Primary to be looked after by the children of the Pelican Class. He has only been here for a week and they love him already! Every night, Barney  goes home with a different child and has lots of fun  – maybe he’ll get to go to the beach, soccer practice, ballet class or even a restaurant one day! Who knows what this dog is going to get up to! Read on to see a photo of Barney with his new friends.

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School Handbook and Class Information Booklets

We are proud of the educational programme we offer to your children and of the cooperative working relationship we strive to develop with our families. Our new School Handbook and Class Information Booklets have been developed in an effort to enhance this relationship and to establish a learning environment where all students can learn and achieve their maximum potential.

Please click on the image on the left to download your copies from our website. They are work in progress and feedback on how we can make these even better is greatly appreciated.

Welcome to a New School Year

Welcome everyone to a new school year at Provo Primary!  It is certainly good to hear the sound of little voices and footsteps in the walkways again!

We look forward to the fun and hard work, the effort and enjoyment and the tremendous sense of achievement that the upcoming year holds in store for us all.

We offer a very warm welcome to all our new children and their families and trust that you will make many new friends and enjoy your time at our school.

We hope you enjoy our new school website and trust that as we continue to develop it, it will keep you informed of all that is going on at the school. 

As always,  we welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can further improve the site, both for new and present families.

Summer Camp Art

Summer camp was fun filled with a variety of activities. Here is some of the wonderful art work the children created over the week.  Read more to see more pieces together with their artists.

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Academic Successes at Provo Primary School

As the 2010-2011 academic year draws to an end, we reflect on our academic successes.  In high school entrance exams, all of the children successfully passed and gained places at the school of their choice.

Lyle achieved first place in the TCI Middle school and Charlotte second place in the Grade 7 BWI Collegiate exam. Rahim achieved first place in Maranatha High School.  Two of these students are actually Year 5 age.

The school assesses all the children from Year 2-6 using the UK National Curriculum SATs.  All our children tried really hard and have made great progress this year. Many children attained levels a year above, or in some cases two or three years above their age group. Well done!

Congratulations to our Graduating Year 6’s students of 2011.

As another school year comes to an end, we must say a sad but excited farewell to our nine Year 6 students.

Sad, because they have progressed through some or all of their primary years at Provo Primary and have given the school so, so many fond memories; excited because they leave for their next adventure-secondary/high school- the next step towards adulthood!

Their end was celebrated in style with a Graduation ceremony full of laughs and memories; tears and joy. It began beautifully with…

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Summer Camp 2011

Click on the links below to find out more:

Summer Camp




Preschool Taster Session:


Successful Super Splash Swimming

Living in an island environment, we feel that confidence in water – and ultimately the ability to swim – is an essential life skill.  This term we have offered a seven week swimming programme to all our Years 1 and 2 children and to four Year 3-6 children who were non-swimmers.

The teachers have been so impressed with the amazing advancements that have been made.   Every single child has moved forward and made great progress in this short time. Water confidence skills have developed, strokes have been improved, dives have been learned and breathing techniques have been mastered. Mermaids, mermen and future Olympic events BEWARE!  See more photos…

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Year 2 Colour Poems

In poetry with Miss Bonnie, our Year 2 children discussed colours and thought about how a colour looked, sounded, felt, smelled and tasted.   Here are a few of the original poems they went on to create…

Pink by Mae

Pink is the colour of my brain that makes me think,

It reminds me of glowing love and peace,

Pink sounds like oinking pigs rolling in mud,

It feels like crawling starfish on my feet,

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Kindergarten Graduation 2011

Kindergarten rules! As an end of the year celebration, the Kindergarten children took part in a special graduation ceremony in front of their family and friends. The children were all dressed up in their best uniform with a special graduation cap, which had their dream job on it. The kids sang You’ve Got a Friend in Me, What a Wonderful World and Somewhere Over the Rainbow, which brought tears and cheers from their families. To end a wonderful and successful year together, the children were presented with a Kindergarten diploma, which they were super excited to get.

Miss Tracy and Mrs. Myrna have had an absolutely fantastic year with all the children and feel previledged to have been their teachers!

What’s all the Racket about at Provo Primary?

The children in KS1 and KS2 have been playing tennis this term at the Graceway Sports Centre Tennis Courts. They have been practising their strokes and developing a range of footwork skills. The children have practised feeding and receiving balls in pairs, rallying with the teacher and other children over our mini nets thus developing their ball control. They have really enjoyed keeping score of how many balls they could hit in one rally! Thank you to the Sports Centre for letting us use their tennis court facilities.  Tennis, along with basketball and volleyball, have been a part of our KS1 ‘Games Activities’ and KS2 ‘Net and Wall Games’ units this term.

“What else does it look like?” and “What else does it remind me of?”

The Year 3 children used jeweler’s loupes to look closely at rocks, shells and flowers.  Miss Bonnie asked two questions “What else does it look like?” and “What else does it remind you of?” Here are the descriptive poems that Alex, Emilio, Ali and Jamie went on to create…

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“I am” Poetry

Miss Bonnie introduced an ‘I am’ writing frame to our year 4 – 6 children.  Here are some reflective poems written by Rahim, Millie, Amanda and Grace.

I Am Rahim

I am an imaginative boy who likes to dream,

I wonder if the world is ours, free for us to take,
I hear the sounds of achievement ringing in my ears,
I see characters popping out of fantasies and books,
I want to be able to dream away for hours and hours on end,
I am an imaginative boy who likes to dream…

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Year 3’s Mystery Tour of Provo

Ship Ahoy! All aboard for Year 3’s Magical Mystery Pirate Tour of Provo.  Setting sail in search of local treasures, it certainly was an adventure as they discovered hidden caves, historic ruins, delicious local food and modern-day treats.  Captain Mani was pleased to report that none of our Year 3 Pirates were made to ‘Walk the Plank!’  However, there was talk of mutiny amongst some of the motley crew, threatening that if she made them wear their pirate hats and pose for yet another photograph one more time, Captain Mani herself would most definitely have to ‘walk the plank!’  Click on to read Captain Mani’s recount of the mystery tour and to see lots of photos of the pirate’s adventure – and those pirate hats of course!

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Our First Gold Award in ‘Mathletics’

This year at Provo Primary, all children in K-6 have been actively using the online mathematics program, Mathletics.

As the children complete tasks each week at home and at school they earn points, which add up to bronze, silver and gold awards.

Today we had our first Gold Award achiever in the school.  He has certainly been dedicated to improving his Year 4 maths skills, using Mathletics regularly and completing tasks with speed and accuracy.  Congratulations!  Keep up the great work until you gain all the Gold awards and complete the Year 4 curriculum.

With a long summer holiday coming up, we encourage all our children to keep accessing Mathletics at home,  practising your skills and achieving awards.

Teacher Appreciation Week 2011

The teachers would like to pass on a big thank to all the children and parents for supporting Teacher Appreciation Week.

With homemade cards, tasty treats, gifts, flowers, morning coffees, parent meeting snacks, kind messages and supportive emails, we have all felt thoroughly appreciated.

We feel honored to teach such lovely children and we do our very best to provide opportunities which enrich their lives and enhance their learning potential.