The walk over to TCI’s national stadium was a colourful one, with nearly 60 Key Stage 2 students decked out in their team colours for their annual sports day. After several months of twice weekly track and field sessions, Teams Green, Blue, Turquoise, White, Yellow, Red and Orange were ready to compete…as individuals in each event and for team glory as well. Rotating through events including long jump, shot put, high jump, javelin, discus, hurdles and a 40 yard dash, each child strived to beat the personal bests they had recorded throughout training.
Key Stage 2 Sports Day: Jump, Run, Throw – Repeat!
Year 1 Gets into the Spooky Spirit!
We made our first Halloween art project in Year 1—Jack O’Lanterns! After a quick demo, the children set off to work with a partner, as some of the cutting and pasting bits were a bit tricky to manage on their own. First, the children cut their orange paper into strips. Then they had to create a web-like design, pasting each strip into its spot. After that, they had to do the same to the top to create a pumpkin shape. Boy, was it ever tricky! That’s when teamwork was really needed. Lastly, the super fun bit—detailing their Jack O’Lanterns!
Read on to see how they turned out. We’re getting into the spooky Halloween spirit, are you?
Yr 4 Present their Home Projects on the Romans
KS2 Sports Day, 2014
Key Stage 2 Sports Day:
Thursday 30th October
at the National Stadium Track
All the children have worked extremely hard since the start of the year in a range of athletic events, in order to learn new skills and set their own ‘personal best’ records. Our sports day provides an opportunity to use these skills in a friendly and competitive setting.
We hope that you will be able to join us for the morning!
Choosing drink containers for young children?
Following on from our ‘Communication – Keeping Healthy Week’, here is a copy of the PowerPoint which was shared, that highlights the importance of making good choices when it comes to providing drink containers for young children.
Spooktacular Family Friendly Halloween Party
Year 6 along with The PTA will once again host a very fun, family-friendly Halloween Party at the school this year!
See the poster for details.
Limited tickets at the door. Call in at Provo Primary School or telephone 441 5638 to secure yours!
Preschool love the Quails and Chicks!
This year we are proud to announce the arrival of baby quails and chicks at Provo Primary. The Pre-school class have delighted in watching them grow.
The children have been looking at their bodies and the chicks bodies. We discovered we all have two eyes and two legs. Our interest has centred around the ‘life cycle of a chicken’, a subject the children have learned about in both English and Spanish.
While looking at the baby chicks, one little girl asked, “Where is the mummy?”
The children are very happy because the chicks are now living with the baby and adult quails in the big coop.
Do you know how to read instructions?
Do you know how to read instructions? Well, Osprey class do! We have been learning, not only how to read instructions but to write them too.
Using Talk for Writing Yr 2 learnt the type of language, the layout and the features of an instructional text all through pictures and actions. Ospreys practised these and can now use them to write their own instructions.
Did you know that you need to use bossy verbs like decorate, stick, mix, slice and put? Also you need to use sentence openers like first, next, after that, then and finally.
Next week, we will be writing instructions for making a fruit salad as part of our All About Me topic and food for a tea party with The Tiger Who Came to Tea.
Keep checking our blog for pictures of our instructions and the things we make.
Year 3 Rocks!
Year 6 Fundraiser Thank You.
Last Saturday our Year 6 class had two tables selling baked goods and donated items at our PTA Yard sale. All together they raised $808.51 to go towards their Year 6 Summer trip. The class would like to pass on a big thank you to everyone who helped make this happen. They really appreciate your support.
Today after school the Year 6 sold ice-creams and cupcakes as a special end of half term treat! Thank you Mrs B. for making the cup cakes and parents for helping too. And thank you again everyone for your support. We hope you enjoyed the goodies!
(Written together with one of our Year 6 students)
Yr 6 use the ‘Story Creator’ App to Write Non-Fiction Books
Year 6 have been exploring variation in their science lessons. The pupils have been looking closely at the animal kingdom and in particular the different subcategories of the vertebrate group. They put their research skills to the test and used both traditional and digital resources to find as much information as possible on a fish, reptiles, birds, mammals and amphibians.
Read on and see one of the books that was created…
Talk, Talk, Talk go the Kindergarten Storytellers
We’re all storytellers in Gecko Class now!
As part of our topic Why are we all so different? we have been thinking about the houses we live in and all the people who live there with us. As part of the project, we learned to re-tell the story of the Three Little Pigs and their very different houses.
Having spent the week learning to tell an extended version of The Three Little Pigs, we decided to capture our story on film to share with the world. I think you’ll agree, the class are doing a great job!
Year 1 is off to a Soaring Start!
Our beginning topic, Journeys, has allowed us to explore the different ways that people take journeys or trips by air, sea, space and land. Our first week back at school, we looked into journeys by land and the inventions of the wheel.
Did you know that a long time ago people rode bicycles that had a humongous wheel in the front and one small wheel in the back? They were called ‘high-wheelers’ or the ‘penny farthing’.
School Council 2014/2015 set their Action Plan
Provo Primary Students have successfully elected their school council members for the academic year ahead.
Competition for School Council was fierce and Years 2 to 6 got busy campaigning, in a number of ways, to persuade their classmates why they would make an invaluable member to the council this year. From multimedia presentations, posters and worthy speeches, the school was buzzing with tremendous enthusiasm and dedication from all students who participated. Unfortunately there could only be 2 members from each year group and those who didn’t make it should be extremely proud of their efforts and commitment to ensuring that all voices in our school are heard.
This term we have set ourselves some SMART targets to work towards achieving. Please see our Action Plan below for this first term.
When life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade!
The toddler children have been ‘busy bodies’ over the last few weeks. In our topic, All About Me, we have been exploring ‘Me and My Body’ and this week we have been using our senses in a variety of activities – including tasting lemons and making lemonade. Hmm… tasting lemons. Do you think the toddlers liked the taste or not?
Ospreys have been spotted on our adopted nesting platform
The news that ospreys have been spotted on our adopted nesting platform in the Children’s Park has been received with great excitement. Ospreys were first seen at the site last week, gathering nesting materials and building their nest. It’s a wonderful community place to see ospreys living amongst us and we hope they will be happy with this busy location – hold on tight to your fish on ‘Fish Fry’ night!
During World Osprey Week earlier this year in March, our Year 2 children went to see the platform being erected. It was a joint venture between Fortis TCI and DEMA and was inspired by Provo Primary School alerting them to the World Osprey Week celebrations.
We look forward to watching the ospreys and hope that eggs and chicks will soon follow.
This week is Keeping Healthy Week!
Our theme for this term’s ‘Keeping Healthy Week’ is healthy communications and a variety of activities on the importance of learning about how we communicate are planned for both children and adults to participate in. Take a look at some of the events planned and remember to make talking about communication a topic of conversation with your family this week.
Communicating to other people and understanding what others are saying is very important skill in life. If people did not communicate, we wouldn’t be able to know what others wanted, what to do, or where to go. Signs of good communication include the ability to express your needs, wants, and feelings appropriately in different situations.
Wave your Flags… It’s National Heritage Day on Monday 13th October
Happy Birthday Mishka!
Quail Mania!
When the quails first arrived Year 3 went ‘all out’ to research into finding the answers to the many questions they had about these teeny little birds. They found out lots of interesting facts. Here are some of the answers to the questions we asked:
* Quails only fly when they are frightened.
* They eat seeds and grass. They like to eat green things, and many are vegetarian. However some quails do like to eat insects and worms.
* Some Californian quails are blue and red.
* Male quails sing to attract their girlfriends.
* Quails hover like helicopters.
See you Tomorrow at the Yard Sale!
SATURDAY, 11th October
Bargains and refreshments!
Our very first Flamingos and Chicks sessions have been a HUGE success
Our very first Flamingo and Chicks sessions have been a HUGE success.
The toddler chicks have been enjoying an outdoor play time, sand and water play and have made a paper plate flamingo craft using paints and tissue paper.
They have tumbled around in soft play and joined for a circle times of songs and instruments and a stories. Parent Flamingos have seemed to be very happy with the morning activities and our Toddler Chicks certainly have been having fun!
To find out more about our sessions, please see this poster and contact Alison at 431 6327.
Even More New Library Books!
In addition to lots of new books purchased over the summer, we have just purchased a further $700 worth for the library with our Scholastic points. It’s a win-win situation, families get to purchase books through the scholastic book club and the school gets points for each purchase. Thank you everyone for your support.
Sometimes the library points are allocated to the teachers to choose books for their rooms, and sometimes we use the points to buy books for the library or for guided reading.
As part of large selection of genre, we are pleased to have a new class set of Spanish / English visual dictionaries… Miss Cara is looking forward to using them in her Spanish classes!
Happy reading!
Where’s the Air? Year 5 Investigate.
We have been investigating states of matter in Science and we are currently looking at gases. We knew a lot more than we thought but then we decided to investigate air and what it does and how it acts in different situations. We did a round-robin of short scientific investigations exploring air.
From squeezing a sponge in water, running with a large piece of card to pushing a beaker into a bowl of water we had lots of fun! Before we did anything, we discussed our predictions on what we thought would happen in each one and most importantly WHY, using as much scientific vocabulary as we could. As we carried these out, we recorded our observations on what was happening, focusing specifically on the particles of air and what they were doing. You might like to try your own experiments at home or try these online ones.
Week of the Young Child – 6-10 October 2014
Each year during the month of October ‘The Week of the Young Child’ is celebrated here in the Turks and Caicos. This year the week commences October 6-10, 2014 under the theme:
“Quality Matters in Early Childhood Care and Education”.
Quality in Early Childhood settings enables children to grow and learn in environments that develop their social and cognitive skills with positive long term effects.