Year 6 took part in a festive bag-pack at IGA on Tuesday the 14th of December. On a quest to raise money for a trip to Washington D.C in the summer, the children have been racking their brains for as many different fund-raising ideas as possible. The trip is a once in a lifetime chance for the children to visit some of the most important historical sites in U.S.A. history as well as being a well-deserved treat after all their hard work in numerous exams this year.
From 16.30 – 18.30 the children worked extremely hard, packing bags for customers. It was a busy time of day for the supermarket and they were often faced with long queues, however the children did Provo Primary proud with huge smiles and polite and friendly attitudes. It was a fantastic learning experience for the children, letting them practice good communication skills as well as being their very first opportunity to work for money. The children amazed Miss Cara by fostering mature and independent behaviour well ahead of their age.
At the end of the bag-pack, all were tired but enthusiastic about their experience. IGA staff were effervescent in their praise of the children’s efforts and eager for them to come back whenever desired!