Grade 6 really 'Make the Grade'

Grade 6 may be the smallest class in the school but we are already making a big impression.

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The example we set every day demonstrates what we at Provo Primary School expects of our pupils. We are superb ‘role models‘.

Although we are only a few weeks into the Autumn Term, already we have been very busy.

As learning is our purpose, we began by thinking about the factors that impact on our learning. We came up with a set of criteria that we called our ‘Learner’s Checklist’. These included:

having a positive attitude; drinking plenty of water; eating breakfast; exercising; keeping calm; thinking; having healthy snacks; getting enough sleep; being in a suitable temperature and plenty of oxygen.


We then brainstormed each factor and created acrostics (poems using each letter of a word as the starting point of each line). Would you like to read some?










We have also spent some time identifying our preferred Learning Styles – no surprises here – we are all kinaesthetic (learn through action) and either auditory (learn through hearing) or visual (learn through seeing). We are now trying to use this knowledge to help us learn more quickly and easily, whilst also trying to improve our use of the other styles.

Now for what we’re learning!

MATH – We investigated times tables. First, write out a table, then reduce the answers to their digital root. (8 x 8 = 64 – digital root is 6+4 =10 – 1+0 =1) Therefore, using this process, the 8 times table becomes: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9. What do you notice? Compare this to other tables. Why does this happen? Now use squared paper to draw a line 8 squares long, then rotate 90 degrees, draw a line 7 squares long, rotate 90 degrees and so on until the shape is closed. What do you notice? Are there links between certain tables? Why?

See our Math slideshow math1.JPG

(Please be patient the first time you load our slideshows, they take a couple of minutes)

ENGLISH: At the moment, we are studying biographies and autobiographies – do you know the difference? (Try asking a Grade 6) We are creating autobiographies in our ICT sessions using Powerpoint. We are including backgrounds, titles, text, photos and sounds. They should be ready to view by mid term. Part of our homework is to create a biography about someone in our family. Both of these tasks require the use of ICT – something we are very adept at using!

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In Science, we have been observing what happens when different substances are mixed with water. We have investigated dissolving and what factors effect the amount of material that will dissolve. Finally, we tested how to separate solids from liquids. Our main focuses were organising and carrying out fair tests, making accurate observations and using correct scientific vocabulary.

See our Science photos.


In addition to all of this, we have been trying to sketch and paint movement – so we had to model a sequence for a partner to draw.

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With Mr Mark, Ms Alison and Miss Shara, we have learned and practised new skills in Soccer, Music and Dance. We have played sport with Grade 6 from Palencia Academy, started learning dance routines for our Christmas Performance – and had an introduction to Tango – and learned rhythms and music on the steel drums!

Look at our PE and Music slideshow

All of this fabulous work has led to Grade 6 filling their pot of Golden Pebbles. As you can see in the slideshow, they play as well as they work. Enjoy watching our Golden Time!

Golden Time slideshow

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