Creative Dance

Ms Shara has been back working with Grade 5/6 this term and together, they have been exploring choreography.

On the next page is a video clip of their whole dance.


Firstly, the children selected the music they were going to dance to from a number of pieces that they brought in. After listening to the chosen track, each child was asked to create 8 counts of movement or a ‘phrase’. They also learned a longer, more challenging piece taught by Ms Shara. The next step was to create small groups and teach the others their phrase – at this point, it was really beginning to look like a dance.

The children really rose to the challenge by not only thinking ‘outside the box’ and pushing themselves to try new styles and more challenging steps, but also working co-operatively so as to see their efforts as part of a whole dance.

They certainly seem to have enjoyed creating their own dance and are rightly proud of their accomplishment – and Ms Shara is also extremely proud of them and the amazing outcome of their choreography project.

Click here to view movie Click here to view slideshow

If you would like to see the dance more clearly, please come to school on Wednesday 12th March at 2.15pm, when all the classes will be performing the dances they have been learning this term.

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