A Testing Time!

Many thanks to those Grade 6 parents who came along to our SATs Information Evening on 18th January.

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In England, all Grade 6 children sit SATs before leaving Primary School – this is how they are assessed in Maths, English and Science. As Provo Primary School follows the English National Curriculum, our Grade 6 children will sit these tests too. They are based on the work the children have done from Grades 3 to 6.

The expectation is that most children will attain a Level 4, however, there are reasons why some children may not and others may exceed that expectation. To put this into perspective, children begin working towards Level 1 in Grade 1 and should progress through a level approximately every 18 months to 2 years (Level 2 by the end of Grade 2; Level 3 by the end of Grade 4; Level 4 by the end of Grade 6).


In Maths, the children have 20 Mental Maths questions worth 20 marks;

Paper A (no calculator allowed) worth 40 marks;

Paper B (calculator allowed) worth 40 marks;

Level 4 is attained by gaining more than 50% of the marks and Level 5 requires more than 75% (approximately)

math-papers.pdf Click the link to see examples of questions from last year’s paper.


English is separated into Reading and Writing. Reading involves a booklet with 3 or 4 texts in (mixed fiction and non-fiction) which the children have 15 minutes to read independently. They are then given a booklet with questions – some literal, some inferential, some deductive and some evaluative) to answer in 45 minutes. This paper is worth 50 marks. Writing involves a Short Writing task (worth 12 marks), a Longer Writing task (worth 28 marks) and a Spelling Test (worth 7 marks). The writing tasks are marked for content, punctuation, grammatical structure and vocabulary as well as handwriting (worth 3 marks). Writing is worth a total of 50 marks and English is worth 100 marks.

writing-papers.pdf Click the link to see examples of questions from last year’s paper.

Level 4 is attained by gaining more than 50% of the marks and Level 5 requires more than 75% (approximately)

Science A and Science B each worth 40 marks have a range of questions on the skills and knowledge attained in the past 4 years. Above percentages apply.

science-papers.pdf Click the link to see examples of questions from last year’s paper.

This term, as well as continuing with The Grade 6 Scheme of Work for all subjects, we will also have revision sessions in classtime and in early morning sessions. Here we will use a wide range of techniques to make retaining the necessary information as easy and thorough as possible.

At home, I would like the children to ‘have a go’ at the revision exercises in their ‘Achieve’ Maths, English and Science workbooks and visit www.bbc.co.uk/revisewise to try the activities and tests online.


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