The Years 5 and 6 are studying World War Two this term and were lucky enough to have a very special visitor this week, Sven Kirkegaad, a granddad of one of the children, who was just a little boy in Denmark when World War Two was going on. He told both classes about his experiences of living under German occupation: the rationing of food; the blacking out of lights as British bombers flew overhead and the nice and not so nice soldiers. Some of the children’s comments were… “He told us some very interesting stories. ” … “ My favourite story was when he was telling us about the German soldier who came to his door, asking for his father and his mother had to race away on a bicycle to find him.” Listening to a firsthand perspective of war really helped the children understand how different and difficult life could be, as well as informing them about a different country’s experience of war. Next week, Year 6 are looking forward to making models of ships which were involved in the battle at Dunkirk and possibly even a few famous Spitfires!
Year 5 and 6 World War 2 Wonder
28 January, 2012 Leave a Comment