Last Thursday, as part of the Year 5/6/7’s History lesson, Mrs Karine organised a mini Olympics, based on the 5 events of the pentathlon. The children were split into 5 teams, Argos, Corinth, Athens, Sparta and Megara and all took part in a sprint, arm wrestle, discus, javelin or standing jump. As we have learned, the 5 city states were very competitive, and our children were wonderful in role. We definitely had lots of cheating Spartans! It was a great morning with the Athenians coming out as the overall winners. Well done, everyone!
Year 5, 6 and 7’s Mini Greek Olympics
24 March, 2010 2 Comments
I am delighted to find again (I lost it!) your blog: and especially an archive entry about work inspired by Rosemary Sutcliff’s Beowulf. I have written about it (to appear tomorrow Tuesday April 6th, our time here in the United Kingdom (It is about lunchtime as I write this)
I mention it here because it seemed a good place to put something – Rosemary Sutcliff also wrote a coulppe of books about the Olympics. See at the site…
Best wishes to you all
I loved the Mini Greek Olympics! It was so much fun!