Grade Four have been reading all about the exciting adventures of Beowulf, the Dragon Slayer by Rosemary Sutcliff. They really enjoyed reading together and learning lots of new vocabulary. They were so addicted to the book, that they experimented with lots of different writing styles.
Wanted posters.
Letter writing.
Newspaper reports.
The Grade Four children also decided to make masks of some of the characters from the book.
They got very messy…
but they all had lots of fun.
The children worked really well together to cover their balloon with paper.
What do you think of our Grendel and Sea-Hag masks?
Hello Grade 4,
You look like you’ve been having a great time studying Beowolf and I really love your masks. You’re really lucky to have Miss Helen as your teacher as she’s so lovely!
From Sarah Thomas in Cheshire, England
I think you guys are great! the best thing about doing mask was working together. Me and M’s didn’t start out so well but in the end it turned out good. The other masks could sometimes scare me…it’s true…it is true for real! Those creepy eyes staring at me!!! hee, hee. Well never mind because this class is awesome!
Dear Grade 4,
I was so impressed by the work you have produced on Beowulf.I can tell you have worked very hard for Miss Helen.
I will be visiting the island at the beginning of April and can’t wait to visit you at school.
Keep working hard!
Seems Grade 4 really enjoyed that project and produced lots of interesting and colourful work – well done!!
Hello Grade 4,
I think your masks are wonderful. Whilst scrolling down to look at them i was shocked at just how scary they were; you look as if you had lots of fun making them. I hope you are having lots of fun working with Miss. Helen as she is great fun to have around. Keep on producing your beautiful work, i can’t wait to see more of it. 🙂
Dear Grade Four,
We really enjoyed looking at your blog. We especially loved your masks and enjoyed working out who was behind each mask!
From Kindergarten
Hello Grade 4. What fantastic fun you are having. I am really, really, really jealous.
The masks are really scary. Did you frighten Miss Helen? Did you frighten your parents? I bet they would be great to wear to
I liked reading your stories about Beowulf. I wonder what you will study next? I am reading this in a wet and windy England. So I am looking forward to meeting you all in sunny Provo in April.
Dear Grade 4,
I think you girls and boys worked really hard I think you should try and boo Miss Helen and Mrs Kristina.
Did you have a fun time doing your Beowulf masks, poems,wanted posters and newspaper reports.
Well done Grade 4
Your masks looked really scary. We couldn’t tell who was who wearing them. Making them looked like fun. We liked how you made the letters look old by staining the paper and burning the edges – cool!
From Grade 2
Dear Grade 4
Your work on Beowolf looks absolutely amazing. I think that you must have had a great deal of fun doing your work and making your masks. Keep up the good work.