Grade 4/5…Take A Seat!

In Art lessons this term, Grade 4/5 have been exploring the design of chairs.


First we looked at examples of designs in the past and in other cultures as inspiration for developing our own imaginative designs for a chair for a particular character or an occasion.

Then we started to make sketches of our chair design and constructed models made from card, experimenting with different materials and techniques. We made a list of the equipment we needed and wrote a set of instructions for making our chairs.

Once we were finally ready to make the chair, we realised it was a lot harder than we thought! We had to keep modifying and improving our work. But we persevered and if you click on the link below you will be able to see a fantastic slideshow of us hard at work and our final chair designs.

Thank you to all the families who kindly collected mountains of boxes, wood and other resources to help us with this unit of work. Your support is very much appreciated!

View slideshow…


  1. J and C says:

    We really liked making the chairs, we look forward to another amazing topic in art and hope that the other things we make will be good enough to go on the blog too!

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