Grade 4 Pop-up Books


Grade Four’s Design and Technology project for this term has been all about ‘Pop-up’ books. They researched lots of different pop up books and then designed their own. The children wrote their own stories and then tried out different types of pop ups; flaps, steps, spirals, spinners and sliders. They enjoyed sharing them with each other and other classes and teachers.  Some of the children read their books together with Miss Sian, our principal.  She was very impressed with the quality of both the pop-up designs and the stories.  She had lots of fun the opening flaps and pulling the sliders!  Well done, Miss Helen and all the Grade 4s for all your hard work on this project.  It is a great example of how Literacy skills can be taught through a creative purposeful approach.  We are sure you’ll treasure these books for years to come.

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