Year 3 Appreciate Learning Together with Community Visitors

Well, what a super term Year 3 have had so far. Lots of kind, wonderful and talented people from our community have been willing to come and share their skills, interests and experiences with them.  The visits by each of these special people have helped highlight to the children how lucky they ‘really’ are.  Year 3 would like to say a ‘big thank you to all of the volunteers; they have helped to make their learning so much more memorable, meaningful and real!  And of course not to forget how super Year 3 have been at listening, questioning, discussing and learning, and making their special visitors feel welcome and appreciated. So who has come in and what talents did they bring…

Some helpful parents came in to assist the children in making their culinary rain forest healthy food designs which emphasized their healthy eating topic in Science.

Yet another parent came in to assist both Year 3 and 4 to create a sensational rain forest display.

Next, our local dentist to came in to talk to the children about how to keep their teeth strong and healthy. He showed lots of photos of the kind of teeth they really do and ‘do not’ want to have!  They were also able to study, hold and see real teeth; they certainly did not realise how long their teeth actually were!

Finally, last week they were fortunate enough to have the energetic and inspiring local artist Amiel Cartwright come and visit them.  Together with his bountiful energy, he also shared some of his life stories and beautiful paintings.  The children enjoyed the opportunity to draw him and show him how good they were at art.  As one student said ‘We were so lucky to meet a ‘real artist’.

Alongside these visitors, there are also other volunteers who regularly support the class with their learning.

So, a “big thank you” to all of the volunteers and visitor.

If you would like to come in and share a special skill, interest or experience with our children we’d love to hear from you!

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