

Year 3 and 4 were very lucky last week to have Brian and Natasha come to talk to them and answer their many questions about sea turtles that live around The Turks and Caicos Islands.

They are part of a team of people studying turtles in our local environment.  The children learned a lot about different species of turtles and how to identify them.  They were also particularly amazed to learn how easily humans and other animals can affect the turtle’s ecosystem.


During the talk each child was assigned a job. For example a turtle, a restaurant owner, the sun, biologists, fishermen and boat owners etc…  they then discussed these jobs and used pieces of string to show the links and relationships between them all.  By the end of the activity they had created a spider web and could clearly see how important turtles are for many living on the island and how easy it was to hurt turtles directly or indirectly by damaging their environment.

Luckily Brian and Natasha were at hand and they told them many ways in which they could help look after turtles.

All the children had a great morning with our visitors.  Here is photo of their thank you card.


Thank you Natasha and Brian from all of Year 3/4!

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