Monkey Graduates Grade 3!


Monkey came to us from the Amazon rainforest.  He has been with the Grade 3 children for two years and is a much loved and cherished member of the class.  Last year in Grade 2, he learnt to read and to do multiplication and this year  in Grade 3, he has learnt lots about writing stories and fractions.  He completed all his end of year SATs – scoring well above average for monkeys his age!  He had a glowing report, although he sometimes ‘monkeys around‘ in class and will need to work on this!  He has successfully graduated Grade 3 and will be moving on up with the class into Grade 4 in September.  Congratulations Monkey!  He is especially looking forward to learning the steel drums with his new teacher, Miss Helen.  Monkey works very hard during the school day, but after school and at the weekends when we are not about, he swings in the trees, eats bananas and plays with all the toys!  See a slideshow of photos, taken mainly by some of the Grade 3s, of all the things that he gets up to when we’re not at school.   Maybe next year he will have a new friend to play with.  Miss Mani has thoroughly enjoyed having Monkey in her class and there is a rumor going around that there may be a new animal joining the Grade 3 class next year!  I wonder what it will be?

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