Grade 3 Similes

The Grade 3’s have been as buzy as bees and are as proud as peacocks to share with you their latest work on similes!


What are Similes?

Similes, pronounced ‘si-mi-lees’, are comparisons that show how two things that are not alike in most ways are similar in one important way. Similes are a way to describe something. Authors use them to make their writing more interesting or entertaining. Similes use the words “as” or “like” to make the connection between the two things that are being compared.

For example:

“My father has a mind like a computer.”

The father’s mind is being compared to a computer. The father can think in a powerful manner that resembles the way a computer operates, not that he is like a computer in any other way.

Get the idea? O.K., we have some similes for you to read that the Grade 3’s wrote about themselves, their parents and friends.









We also improved some low impact (rather boring) similes and created our own ‘Powerful Simile Poem.’
Simile Activities
Grades 3-6 Click here to play some games and activities that will help you to practice using similes. (Scroll down when you load this page and click on each of the blue links)
Click here to view a collection of common similes.

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