Grade 3 have been busy studying rocks in Science, and Weather in Art and Social Studies.
Rocks are fascinating to study. We started off by looking at the four rock layers of the earth. We made 3d earth models and also recreated the layers of the earth with piecrust, yoghurt and raisins! We also used food to explore how the three main kinds of rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) are formed. Rocks each have their own characteristics and properties that make them useful for different purposes. We did an online virtual experiment to test the properties of different rocks.
rocks.swf – Click here to view a ‘PowerPoint Presentation’ on rocks
Do a virtual experiment with rocks
Creating scenes showing wind, rain or sunlight is a challenge for artists. Wind is invisible, rain is colourless and light can change from moment to moment. We have explored how artists have depicted different kinds of weather. How some try to capture exactly what they see, while others paint imaginary scenes. We have learned about their ideas and techniques and created our own weather pictures.
View our ‘Weather Art’ Slideshow
Go to the BBC ‘Painting the Weather’ Website
Work and Play
We have been working hard to fill our ‘Golden Pebble’ cup and this week we earned our final pebble and an extra ‘Golden Time’.