Can We Change Places? Exploring Sculptures


Grade 3 looked at how they could enhance the outdoor environment by creating sculptures. After researching into different types of sculptures they worked collaboratively in groups working on their own designs. There was lots of discussion as to how they could incorporate everyone’s ideas and lots of problem solving going on. Each sculpture was very different and the ability to listen, work and co-operate with each other made each one a huge success. They were so proud of their achievements that some of the children even organised ‘sculpture tours’ so that other children in the school could experience and appreciate them to their potential. Well done Grade 3 for designing and making such wonderful interactive creations!  Click on to see more photos of the sculptures being made and the final pieces.

‘Flaming Flamingo’ Sculpture


‘Tipi’ Sculpture



‘Walk the Plank – Pirates Paradise’ Sculpture



‘The Egg Explosion’ Sculpture


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