Year 2 have been really busy in Science this half term looking at ‘Plants and Animals in the Local Environment’ .
They were very lucky to be invited to the Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort to explore the many plants they have in their garden nursery and throughout the resort.
Did you know that the resort recycles all their used water and uses it to water the plants on the Resort? Did you know that a banana tree only flowers and grows bananas once?
The trip provided an opportunity to compare the vegetation at the resort, which is very much landscaped and irrigated, with the predomintely native bush that we have in our playground.
What a fabulous morning it was… A BIG thank you to ‘Beaches Turks and Caicos’, the children really learned a lot!
The children saw ‘Hibiscus’, ‘Crown of Thorn’ and ‘Red Soldier’ plants and many more. They listened to the Head Gardener and asked lots of questions. They also spent some time sketching some close observational drawings of some of the plants. All the information that was learnt was later used to speculate on reasons for the differences in the plants they found at the resort, compared to the ones at our school.
Just before leaving to return to school the children were treated to a delicious surprise!
SSShhh don’t tell anybody… but they all got to have an ice-cream!