‘We all have the ability. The difference is how we use it.’ Stevie Wonder.
28th of October is ‘Make a Difference Day’. In grade 2 we have been talking about how we can make a difference.
No matter how big or small we can all do something to make a difference in someones lives. Whether it is smiling at the lady in the Supermarket or donating money to charity, we can all do our bit to make someone elses life better. Read on to find out what the children said they would try and do to help others. The children also said something complementary about each other. Sometimes it is the little things that make a difference!
Great work grade two.
It’s hard to remember that smiling at someone can really make a difference and often we wait for them to smile at us and are disappointed if they don’t.
Try always to overcome your shyness and be the first to SMILE.
Floppy (the dog)
Good Job Miss Sarah…it’s important that they say something nice about other children…regards…Johanne
Fantastic work Grade 2 and Mrs Sara! I think it’s important to help someone each day. It doesn’t matter how big or small the problem might be as it is always worth the effort. Imagine how much better the world would be if everyday, everyone helped someone else! So then, don’t forget to give someone a hand, tomorrow, the day after and each day following that one. Your mum, your dad, your brother, your sister, your friends, your neighbour, the list is endless…
Good for gr. 2. We should always look for the good in others & tell them.