Everyday at school, children face new challenges. Some of us are better at one subject than another, some of us are good at singing and dancing and some of us are good at P.E. Everyone shines in their own way. You might find it interesting to complete this questionnaire online; it can show you what kind of learner you are. It will also tell you whether you are more dominant using your left brain (verbal, mathematical, analytical) or right brain (visual, artistic) or use both equally.
I am always trying to adapt my teaching to suit the children’s needs to make sure that they are getting the most out of their learning.
In class we talked about our learning style, some people are strong in one area and some people fall into 1 or more learning styles. The 3 main styles are auditory (listening), visual (seeing) and kinesthetic (doing).
Listening, watching and writing
Some interesting facts about our brains:
- Our brain is a 3 pound organ.
- Put two fists together, side by side, that is the approximate size of the brain.
- The brain’s texture is that of a large, ripe avocado.
- The brain uses 20% of our body’s energy, yet it makes up only 2% of our body’s weight.
Food good for the brain
- Apples, pears, almonds and tomatoes give additional power for attention and memory.
- Leafy greens found in salads provide high levels of potassium, which is a major factor in concentration.
- Grape juice, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables are major antioxidants.
- Fish improves your mental performance.
- Water, the brain is 70% water; we need to keep it hydrated to help it function to the best of its ability.
Food to improve your mood
- Brazil nuts
- Fish
- Whole grain breads
- Bananas
- Honey
- Dark chocolate.
What interesting work Grade 2. It was realy good to read about the foods that are good for our brains. I took the test and found out that I was using both sides of my brain but sometimes it seems like I don’t use either!!! Keep up the good work and drink plenty of water.