Grade 2 are having a ssssuper time!

Grade 2’s have been working hard so far this year. We followed instructions to make these sssuper sock snakes! Read on to find out some of the other things we have been doing…



For the last two weeks we have been writing, reading and following instructions. We wrote instructions on ‘How to make a cheese sandwich.’ We then followed the instructions and made a real cheese sandwich! We also followed instructions on how to make a sock puppet.

Click here to view the sock puppets we made


In Science we have been studying the plants and animals in our local environment. We have learnt lots of new vocabulary as part of this unit: predator, habitat and environment are just a few. The children went out into the school grounds with magnifying glasses to investigate the plants and animals.

Click here to see a slideshow of the children investigating the plants and animals

Golden Time

Every week the children enjoy some free time as a reward for their hard work and effort over the week. This usually happens on Friday afternoon. We have enjoyed spending time in the soft playroom.

Click here to see the children enjoying themselves in the soft playroom


  1. Laura Rennie says:

    We loved looking at these pictures and hearing about what you’ve been up to. Thanks very much.

  2. Aunt Marilyn says:

    We really enjoyed your sock puppets & pictures J & friends

  3. Carrie Gray says:

    I really enjoy viewing what my daughter is doing at school,and sending it off to my family and friends. She’s really enjoying school and that makes me happy.

  4. TF Grade 4 says:

    Nice sock puppets. It looked like it took a while to make. They look magnificent!!!! Keep up all the good work!

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