What a lovely start to the school year we have had in Grade 1! We hope you enjoy looking at the slideshows of us trying our best with our work and having fun at play.
We have been drawing and writing using the computers, building and making with the construction tools, being creative with the play dough and using our problem solving skills to complete puzzle after puzzle!
‘Having fun at Play’ Slideshow
We have had fun naming and labelling the parts of the body in Science and have worked up a sweat during our Games lessons. We have been recapping our numbers to 20 and beyond in our Math lessons. In Literacy our sound for this week was ‘ch’. Look at all of the wonderful things we brought into school for our sound table We have also been writing some super sentences based around our text for the week, ‘Where’s My Teddy’ by Jez Alborough
Look at the pictures of us sitting so well at lunchtime and trying out the new school dinners! Look closely at the hummingbird’s nest that was brought in for Show and Tell. Look at us having fun in our Golden Time in the soft playroom.
We are sure it is going to be a fun-filled and successful year. We will be sure to keep you up to date with all of our latest achievements in Grade 1. Until then, Goodbye!
Everyone’s a star and deserves the right to twinkle!