Grade 1 are Super Spellers!


On Monday June 22nd, the children in the Grade 1 class participated in a Spelling Bee.  It definitely was a nail biter!  The children were tested on a total of eighty words that had been taught in school and practiced at home.

All the children tried their best and did an amazing job!  We definitely have a class of fantastic spellers. I was so proud, as their teacher, to see their pride in knowledge, confidence and enthusiasm.  It’s not easy to stand up and spell words in front of a crowd but they all seemed like pros.  The spelling bee finally came down to two children and the word “satisfy”.

Thank you to all the children and their parents for their hard work in practicing.  The children were so proud and happy to show their spelling skills in front of their parents.  Congrats to Grade 1; you are all spelling champions!

Miss Tracy

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