After only two music lessons this term, the children in Provo Primary School Senior Steel Band are already playing three songs: Calypso Warm Up, Jamaica Farewell and Matilda. These young musicians are taking it very seriously this year and I have no doubt that they will be out in the community playing in no time. If you happen to enter the school during recess times, you may hear them practising in their spare time and WOW do they sound good!!!
The children in Grades 3-5 are also learning a little steel pan during music class whilst exploring rhythmic patterns. They too are having great fun. In addition to our regular music classes we also offer Steel Band as an after school club activity. Senior Steel band club (Grade 6) commences Monday October 2nd Junior band (Grades 3-6) commences Wednesday October 4th. Hope to see you there! We are currently seeking a steel pan tuner who will come to the island to tune our drums and make us some new ones. Our original tuner is no longer available, so if you know of a tuner, please let us know.