Music in Grade Four

Grade Four love playing the steel drums during their music lessons. They have learnt the names and roles of the different drums, as well as memorizing some of the chords which they have to play.

Some of their favourite pieces to play and listen to are ‘Calypso Warm-Up’ and ‘Sloop John B’.

There are four different types of drums. This one is called the Tenor. This drum plays the tune or melody of the piece of music.

This drum is called the Guitar. If you are good at keeping a steady beat then this is the drum for you.

The Double Second also keeps a steady beat, but can also play complex rhythms and patterns.

The Double Tenor is similar to the Double Second. The Grade Four children remember sayings to help them play rhythms. One of them is ‘this is my island’.


  1. Louise Dance says:

    You all look as if you are really enjoying yourselves playing the steel drums. I wish I could hear them. Have you made a recording?

  2. CS says:

    Dear Grade 4

    I think from these photos you guys and girls were very great and I laughed at some of them. Also, it looks like you had lots of fun and enjoy it in your next music class. On the other hand, from the picture too, it sounds like you were awesome. I think you should be in Senior Band!

    From CS

  3. kp3000 says:

    It looks like you had a lot of fun Ms Helen, from KP.

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