As part of this term’s ‘Keeping Healthy Week’, nutritionist Tamika Handfield came in to teach Nutrition classes to all the children from Year 2 – 6. Some classes made egg and vegetable burritos, while others made fruit kebabs. The children learned about how whole-grain foods and fruits and vegetables are healthy, the importance of looking at the labels on food packaging, washing hands before cooking, safety in the kitchen and that washing up is part of the cooking process! PTV came along to video for their news programme. Click on to see photos and to learn more about our nutrition classes.
Funds for the classes were awarded to us through our participation in this year’s ACCU Nutrition Move-a-thon. A portion of the funds were also allocated towards the purchase of new cooking utensils and equipment – some of which were used during the nutrition session. With this new equipment, many more hands-on cooking activities will be incorporated into topic work in the future, allowing more children throughout the school to access this important aspect of our health education curriculum.
Thank you again to the families that came along to the Move-a-thon – your participation has made all this happen.
Don’t the children look fabulous in the aprons and hats!