Yr 4 Present their Home Projects on the Romans

yr-4-roman-home-projects-oct-2014-4What a wonderful first term Flamingo class have had studying the Ancient Romans! The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Romans during class time as well as producing some fascinating and enlightening homework projects which they then presented to their classmates.



Did you know that the Roman gods were based on the Ancient Greek gods and that Jupiter is actually a version of Zeus? Are you as surprised as we were to find out that the Greeks enjoyed chariot racing too? We also found out that the Roman gods were one big family!

The boys in the class were very interested to research and find out more about the Roman army and gladiators. Did you know that it wasn’t just Roman soldiers that had to fight battles; auxiliaries from all over the empire were brought in to help?

We were also interested to learn that Romans used to use lots of spices in their cooking. Popular choices were cinnamon and peppercorns. We were even able to experience what these spices smelt like on a fantastic interactive poster! We understand that these went particularly well with peacock, dormice and snails but we will have to take the Romans word for that!

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