Yr 6 have arrived!

yr-6-trip-june-2015The Year 6 have arrived in the Dominican Republic for their week long eco-adventure, residential trip at Rancho Baiguate, Jarabacoa.

The trip links well with the topics the Year 6 have studied throughout the year and will be a wonderful opportunity for them to apply their Spanish learning to real-life situations.



Here is Mr. Jason’s first report of their adventures:

We are here! The Ranch is fantastic; terrific facilities! The kids are having a blast. A fun filled week awaits us with horse-back rides to the famous DR waterfalls, high and low ropes course, flower and coffee plantations! We completed our first ecological tour this evening and the kids were amazed by the natural beauty!

At Provo Primary, we feel that residential field trips integrate academic and social development by providing students with an opportunity to investigate and apply academic knowledge to the outside world, as well as develop their personal and social skills, through a broad range of activities away from their home environment.

Look out for further updates and photos throughout the week.

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