Rome wasn’t built in a day (as the saying goes) but here at Provo Primary, students in Year 4 have proved differently! They were given the task at the start of an exciting new topic to ‘build Rome’ in their classroom and they were given 24 hours to do it…
First, they had to research the type of buildings and structures still in existence in Rome and then they had to decide who to work with. As you can see from the photos, the children transformed a bare wall into a 3D city complete with written explanations. It was wonderful to see so much team work and so many skills being used across a range of subjects – Research (non-fiction texts using index pages and glossary), the Internet and personal experiences of Rome, Maths (shape, measurement, weight, estimation), DT (design, imagination, creation, joining techniques, evaluation), PSHE (collaboration, compromise, negotiation , respect for others).
This was a great project to kick-start our new topic and parents and friends are warmly invited to come and see this learning at our Open House on Friday afternoon.