Young Athletes Spring into Action in their Sports Day

pps-sports-day-april-2014Today was Sports Day for all the children from 2 through to 7 years old.  Many families came along to support the children and the event was a healthy success with beating hearts, puffed cheeks and smiles all round!

Watching all of the events was amazing opportunity to see first hand the growth and development of children’s motor skills during these short years.  Gross motor skills are physical abilities or capacities such as running, jumping, hopping, turning, skipping, throwing, balancing and dancing that  involve the use of large bodily movements.

The event allowed the children to demonstrate developmentally appropriate skills that they have been learning and practising during their PE (Physical Education) activities.  Teachers and children explained to the audience the techniques involved in the various activities before the children showcased their skills in team and individual activities.

I hope you enjoy looking back at the photos – the concentration, determination and enjoyment on the children’s faces and through their body action is a delight to see!

Some of the favourite events enjoyed by parents and children alike were the parents’ races.  The baton relay races were fast and furious, whereas the balancing relay (which involved balancing a bean bag on your head and a ball on a bat in your hand while manoeuvring through obstacles) took more patience. It was wonderful to see everyone getting involved. Well done. everyone, and thank you to the Graceway Sports Centre for accommodating our needs for this event.

Junior Kindergarten


Years 1 and 2

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