Students in across the school have been busy with their continuing education at home during the current school closures.
As part of our PSHE and Personal Growth curricula, Years 7 and 8 explored their feeling and thoughts about the current lockdown through artwork.
Children shared their artwork at our assembly time, conducted through video conferencing. Despite the challenges, it was clear that our students were keen to be learning together again back at school soon. The optimism and collective support among peers is something we cannot wait to share in!
Take a look at the children’s beautiful and poignant work, which says so much about the experience of young people during this strange time!
Children produced two pieces:
The first was an expression of all the thoughts running through their heads, in the form of a Wordle. This form of art collects together words on a common theme. I think you’ll agree that the children’s Wordles express a wide range of mixed feelings about their current experiences. From enjoying their free time to feeling trapped, as well as loving and hating the lack of routine simultaneously!
The second piece was a simple expression of how they were feeling in that moment. All children recognised that their artwork would have changed if they’d painted it at different times of the day or week. Understanding that their feelings and experiences will change is a crucial part of building emotional resilience during challenging times. We spoke about the importance of being mindful about their feelings and emotions.