As part of our TCI studies this term, Year 6 has been investigating coral reefs. Our classroom based learning was bought to life with a field trip to snorkel on TCI’s very own amazing reef system.
We were very fortunate to have Lynne (Big Blue representative) visit our school earlier in the term, to provide us with an array of information linked to our very own coral reef here in the TCI. Lynne presented an excellent lecture explaining the formation of our reef; their importance to the overall ecology of our planet and the fascinating living creatures that can be found residing within them.
Using this lecture as a starting point; the students got busy researching information about coral reefs near and far. They were then asked to review their facts and make them accessible to a younger audience. Thus, as part of our participation in National Heritage Month we presented these to Year 1. The younger children listened with increased concentration and it was obvious that they were clearly interested in the material being relayed to them as they asked lots of questions regarding the presented evidence. Year 6 were impressive teachers and were commended on how well they could think on their feet when responding to lots of questions in a child-friendly manner!
To consolidate our learning, we ventured out to the ocean on an exciting field trip headed by Big Blue. An early boat trip ensured we would have access to a number of stops along the reef in order to optimize observation of a greater variety of sea life. The students were very positive about this field trip commenting upon the different species of fish they witnessed, becoming more confident in deeper water, using snorkeling equipment safely and correctly etc. The field trip was an effective means in allowing the children to experience the theory that they had been exposed to. We thank Lynne and her team from Big Blue for a wonderful trip that proved successful in reiterating the importance and beauty of one of our most natural resources!