Year 6 Investigate the Era of World War 2

yr-6-ww2-nov-2013 (2)Over the last number of weeks, Year 6 have adopted the role of the historian to investigate the era of World War 2.  Placing events in chronological order kick-started our study of this significant time in history and allowed us to select specific areas to focus on in greater detail.  The Year 6 were then able to carry out research using both digital and traditional resources to gather relevant facts and information on their chosen topic.  Getting to work quickly, they then were required to present this information in the form of an Information Poster that would illustrate their research in an easy to understand manner.  The final results were fantastic and Year 6 enjoyed learning from one another on areas such as the Blitz, The Holocaust, The Role of Women, Pearl Harbor, Gas Masks, Rationing of Food and Clothing and The Evacuation of Children.

We have produced some terrific art work over the last few weeks too that complement our World War 2 study.  Check out our amazing World War 2 leader paintings, our gas mask models and some of our Blitz posters.  We are also busy building a model sized bomb shelter under the supervision of Mr. Neale – we will alert you when it is ready!

In Literacy lessons we have been engaging with our core novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (historical fiction).  Knowing so much about the World War 2 historical period has enabled us to appreciate how certain groups in society were persecuted for their values and beliefs.  The children have been responding to this text in a mature way and have been super at articulating their viewpoints with justifications based on their knowledge of this time period.


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