In Year 5 we have been looking at poetry and, in particular, performance poetry; how we create poems and what makes a poem particularly good to perform. We read and analysed a wide variety of performance poetry together.
Using inspiration from these, as well as events that happened that week such as Remembrance Day, the children were given free choice to create their own poem. The range of topics and the powerful way the children manipulated their language, whether it be humour, sadness or beauty, was truly impressive. What has astounded me is just how poetic Year 5 are and how fantastic their imagery and wordplay is. Take a look yourself!
The topic of performance poetry has also linked really well with our work on our upcoming Christmas play. This includes lots of rhyming lines and, in reading these aloud, we worked on developing our enunciation, volume of voice, expression and pace. We also all performed our favourite poem to the rest of the class and were given feedback on our performances. In addition, we studied the different features of a good poem like alliteration, onomatopoeia, wordplay, use of rhyme and rhythm.
- Fire, Fire Burning Bright
- Sadness is Pain
- Clouds
- Moonlight
- Guilt
- If I were a Shape
- Deep, Down in the Drain
- The Buffalo that came to Dinner
- Sadness
Inspired by Remembrance Day:
- The Day of Disaster
- Remember Them
- Poppy
- Never go to War