Year 5’s night stay in North!

yr-5-north-middle-caicos-trip-june-2014 (9)Year 5 spent a fabulous two days in North and Middle Caicos and experienced an overnight stay as a class for the first time ever!

We had a busy and educational visit. We kayaked at Major Hill, looked at the devastation of a hurricane and the repair of the Middle Caicos Causeway. We visited Conch Bar caves and learnt about how they were used in the past and swam at Mudjin Harbour. We had a delicious dinner and breakfast at Pelican beach, thanks to Miss Susie and a good night’s rest after hide and seek.

The next day we visited Wade’s Green and learnt all about how the plantation worked and about a slave’s daily life.  We also discovered lots about the indigenous plant life in these islands  and how important it was to survival at the time.  One the way back we were lucky enough to stop at the North Caicos farm.  We saw the wonderful produce they grow here and some big pigs.

One final stop was to have a super treat of some ice cream bought for us by the lovely Miss Lisa, our parent volunteer who came along with us.  Lisa took lots of photos that we will enjoy looking back at in years to come.  Thank you Lisa – it was great to have you with us.  Thank you also to Ms Alison and Josh for coming along too.


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