Years 5 and 6 were very fortunate to work alongside Lempen Puppet Theatre Company last week when they visited Provo Primary. To support our environmental focus on ‘Turtles’, Lempen Theatre Puppet experts Daniel and Liz ensured that our students Design and Technology skills would be put to the test. Listening to the story of ‘Fisherman Joe and the Three Brothers’ set the scene for our very own moving turtle puppets!
Getting busy to work, the students listened carefully and followed the directions laid down by Liz and Daniel. Using templates, manipulating card, cutting, stapling and attaching string ensured that our puppets would be on par with those of the professionals!
After a busy design morning the students added the finishing touches using a mixture of paint, coloured card, tissue paper and other materials that would make their turtle unique to them.
We thank Liz and Daniel for sharing their expertise and for bringing some advanced puppet making to Provo Primary School. Thank you also to Barbara from the TCFAF and Amy from DEMA for accompanying them and joining in too.